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ماركة: Davines
السلسلة: nt energizing
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تقوية, لعلاج تساقط الشعر
المكونات: الإيوكاليبتوس, الكافيين, نعناع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
يمكن أن تُحفز مشاكل تساقط الشعر بواسطة عوامل خارجية وداخلية. للتخفيف من القلق بشأن التأثيرات البيئية، أو نقص الفيتامينات في فصل الربيع، أو بعض السمات الفسيولوجية، يمكنكم استخدام شامبو إنيرجايزنج من دافينيس. هذا المنتج العملي مصمم خصيصًا لتقوية، واستعادة، وحماية الخصلات الرقيقة، بالإضافة إلى تسريع نموها. يعمل شامبو NT Energizing على تحفيز العمليات الأيضية، والدورة الدموية، وتجديد فروة الرأس، مما يعزز كثافة الشعر ويعيد له القوة والمظهر المعتنى به.
مميزات شامبو NT Energizing من دافينيس:
- قوامه الخفيف للغاية يتحول إلى رغوة غنية عند ملامسته للماء؛
- يزيل الشوائب المختلفة بفعالية؛
- يتصدى للعرق والغبار والروائح الكريهة؛
- يوفر إحساسًا دائمًا بالانتعاش والبرودة؛
- يعتني بالجذور وبصيلات الشعر، ويمنع تساقط الشعر؛
- الكافيين النباتي المركز يدعم الدورة الدموية وتجديد فروة الرأس؛
- يرطب ويغذي بعناصر ضئيلة مفيدة؛
- السيرتوينات تسرع نمو الشعر الجديد؛
- البيتا جلوكان يجعل الشعر أقوى وأكثر نعومة وسهولة في التصفيف؛
- يقضي على المسامية والتجعد وتراكم الكهرباء الساكنة؛
- يسهل التمشيط بشكل كبير ويقلل من وقت التصفيف.-
يُوضَع على الشعر المبلل ويُدلّك جيداً. للحصول على تأثير أفضل، يُترك الشامبو لبضع دقائق. يُشطف جيداً ويُكرر الاستخدام إذا لزم الأمر.
Davines NT Energizing shampoo - شامبو الطاقة
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This shampoo is excellent. It effectively cleanses the scalp and leaves the hair feeling pleasant to the touch and shiny after use. Additionally, it has reduced hair fall.
I didn't buy it here, but I'll leave a review. In my opinion, the price is too high for a regular shampoo with a hint of menthol. It gives a feeling of freshness after washing, but it doesn't help with hair loss, even when used in combination with a lotion and peeling from the same series, recommended by a trichologist. For this price, you can find better care products. However, it might be suitable for oily scalp as it effectively refreshes, but that's about it.
Good shampoo, I couldn't find any negatives. It seems like my hair started falling out less.
I am very satisfied with this shampoo. It is suitable for oily hair. Thanks to this shampoo, my scalp stays cleaner for longer and my hair doesn't get greasy. I don't know why everyone writes about dryness, as my hair is soft and loose (I use the conditioner from the same brand, NouNou) + I also exfoliate my scalp and occasionally use the Lador hair mask, and everything is great. It has a pleasant herbal and minty scent, which I liked, so I will definitely buy it again.
Very drying. Hair becomes rougher and more frizzy. Definitely not suitable for curly and porous hair.
This is the first time I've encountered something like this. It feels as if my hair isn't getting rinsed. After the first wash, I thought that I didn't rinse off the shampoo properly. But that's not the case. It's like the hair mask wasn't properly rinsed off, like unwashed hair. I can't use it. Maybe it just doesn't suit me. My hair is normal, dyed.
I washed my hair in the evening. The next day it felt as if I hadn't washed it for three days, for sure. I'm not sure what caused this, but it didn't work well for my hair. I bought it in a miniature size, and I'm glad I didn't buy the full volume.
This product worked for me, however, I have oily scalp and thin hair.
The shampoo is not suitable for everyone, and it didn't work for me at all. It leaves a greasy film on the roots no matter how many times I wash it out. I have to wash my hair daily, but it still doesn't have any effect. It makes the roots greasy while drying out the ends.
I don't expect miracles like "reducing hair loss" from shampoos. I believe that the condition of the hair is primarily influenced by hormonal balance, overall health, a balanced diet rich in vitamins, and similar factors. As for this shampoo, I am satisfied with it as my hair feels nourished and silky after washing. The pleasant coolness during washing is also a plus. My hair is thin and tends to get dirty quickly, but I haven't noticed any impact of the shampoo on hair greasiness. I also like the composition of the shampoo. I will definitely buy it again, not just once.
I use this shampoo as a shower gel for the price. In its place, I bought a regular children's shampoo and my hair looks much better after shampooing for 40 UAH.
The advantages: it smells fresh and pleasant. The refreshing effect during bathing.
However, after shampooing, the hair does not look clean or voluminous (even though I have very good voluminous hair). I can wash my head three times in a row, but it won't look any cleaner from this shampoo.
The price is unreasonably high for such an effect.
I am very satisfied with this shampoo. After the first wash, the results were immediately visible. My hair feels nourished and shines beautifully. With extended use, it stopped falling out and has grown significantly.
I agree with the review below - my scalp started to get oily faster, but I didn't notice any other changes. Naturally, it didn't have any effect on hair loss.
I didn't like it. My hair became rougher.
I used this shampoo for two months. It didn't have any effect on hair loss and growth, but it did make my scalp oilier faster.
I have been using it for several weeks now. The scent is pleasant, and my hair feels smooth and easy to comb. However, it still continues to fall out.
This shampoo is excellent. I found it on sale and I am very happy with my purchase. I will buy a larger bottle. My hair is falling out less, but this may also be due to switching conditioners. Overall, my hair has become more manageable and smoother.
Great shampoo! The scent is pleasant. After washing, my hair feels soft and silky. I liked it. I recommend it!
Great) prevents hair loss, hair looks well-groomed and shiny after washing. Highly recommended!
This shampoo is great! It doesn't weigh down or dry out the hair. My hair has been falling out less, and I'm not sure if it's because of this shampoo or just a coincidence, but I've already ordered a second bottle.