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ماركة: Alpecin
السلسلة: hair care
نوع المنتج: تونيك للشعر
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية
المكونات: الكافيين, النياسيناميد, بانثينول, زنك, فيتامين a, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للرجال
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: المانيا
تخيل شعرك مثاليًا. إنه صحي تمامًا، قوي، وسهل التصفيف، بدون أي تقصف أو تساقط، وينمو بسرعة. هذه الخصلات هي حلم يتحقق! هذه التغييرات المبهجة تحققت بفضل استخدام التونيك الذي يحتوي على الكافيين من Alpecin. هذا المنتج هو اكتشاف لا يقدر بثمن للرجال والنساء الذين يرغبون دائمًا في الحصول على شعر مثالي.
يعمل هذا التونيك على كل خصلة شعر. فهو يقوي الجذور، مما يمنع تساقط الشعر، ويغني الخصلات بالكافيين والزنك وزيت الخروع والعديد من المكونات المفيدة الأخرى. يُضفي على الشعر القوة، ويجعله أكثر مرونة، ويحرره من الهشاشة. كما يغذي التونيك الشعر ويبرّد فروة الرأس بشكل لطيف، مما يوفر إحساسًا رائعًا بالانتعاش.
سيصبح شعرك مثاليًا: صحيًا، قويًا، ومعتنى به جيدًا. ستنسى مشكلة التقصف وتساقط الشعر، وستصبح خصلات شعرك أكثر كثافة وامتلاءً. من أجل هذا التحول، يستحق استخدام تونيك الشعر من Alpecin!
يُستخدم في الصباح وبعد كل غسيل للشعر. قم بتدليك فروة الرأس المبللة بالمنشفة بحركات دائرية. لا تشطف المنتج! اتركه حتى يتم امتصاصه، ثم قم بتمشيط شعرك مرة أخرى. صفف شعرك كالمعتاد.
Alpecin Liquid - منشط الشعر بالكافيين
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I have already ordered my second bottle of this amazing tonic. It provides a pleasant cooling sensation and leaves my hair feeling fresh and pleasantly scented. I have noticed that my hair seems to be falling out less since using it. I have been using it alongside the shampoo from the same series. It lasts for a long time, although at first, it takes a little getting used to. I highly recommend it.
In my opinion, the result is zero. I have been using it for a year, almost every day. On the positive side, it has a pleasant, masculine scent and it slightly fixes thin hair. However, it is definitely not worth the money. Its retail price is 200 UAH for 200 ml.
I have been using it daily for a week now. At first, it was quite inconvenient but I got used to it and now it seems like there is nothing complicated about the application process. I plan on using it for several months to fully evaluate the effectiveness of the fluid. Currently, I can say that my hair is indeed falling out less. It is too early to talk about stimulating new hair growth, but I hope for positive results. Additionally, in my opinion, the fluid immediately gives a refreshing sensation similar to menthol, which I find quite pleasant. Therefore, from my side, I recommend this tonic.
I have been using this tonic for several years now. It has significantly reduced hair loss and promoted the growth of new hair. The lotion effectively stimulates hair growth. The scent of men's perfume is only noticeable upon application, but once the hair is fully dry, it becomes undetectable, making it suitable for women as well.
The product works well for strengthening and promoting hair growth, but it needs to be used daily for three months. I applied it to my scalp using a syringe (1 ml). I highly recommend it, especially for women prone to hair loss.
I didn't find this product impressive at all (compared to others I have tried), except for the cool cooling effect. I tried it because I needed to solve a problem and I used it in combination with the shampoo from the same series. In reality, I would give it a four-star rating, but it is very inconvenient to apply, seriously.
The tonic may be good, but unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I started experiencing a strong allergic reaction - my head itches and burns, rashes appeared. In general, it is definitely not suitable for those with sensitive skin as it is aggressive.
My husband is delighted with this tonic.
Now I can't do without it. It lasts me for about 1.5 months. I use it every other day.
I really liked this tonic. I've tried a bunch of shampoos (different ones, expensive ones, etc.) for oily hair, but nothing helped at all. By the second day, my hair looked awful. Now I use a cheap shampoo and this tonic afterwards. My hair looks pretty good for about 2 days. I've found the optimal solution for myself.
Great product, when used correctly, hair density increases in just 10-14 days.
This tonic is excellent. Together with the shampoo, it really stopped hair loss.
I was surprised by one thing: the toner and shampoo were open, without any film or protective seal! I have doubts about the authenticity and quality of this makeup product.
I liked the tonic. I transferred it into a bottle with a sprayer, which made it very convenient and economical to use. After applying it, I give myself a gentle massage, and a slight tingling sensation appears (not like the feeling after applying chili pepper infusion, but softer and pleasant). The scent is more masculine, but not overpowering, and it lasts for a long time. I also bought the shampoo from this series and have been using it for two weeks. It's too early to talk about the results, but visually and in terms of sensations, I really like it.
The tonic met my expectations, new hairs have appeared, especially noticeable in the area where the hair was severely thinning due to stress, chemical processes, hot styling with a hairdryer, and other negative factors. I use it after washing, without taking any hair growth vitamins. I also use a caffeine shampoo from the same brand. Lately, I've been using a Tangle Teezer brush, which not only massages but also gives a clear picture of the amount of hair that has fallen out. There is practically no hair loss.
The tonic is finished, but there is no hair loss. Applying it is not convenient, as it pours out more than necessary from the bottle. It cools well, especially after washing. The smell is definitely masculine, but it dissipates over time. There is some new hair growth, although I'm not sure if it's because of this product, as I've been taking biotin, selenium, and iron for the past two months.
The only subjective downside of this product is its scent. After using it for two weeks, every 2-3 days, noticeable results are evident. However, I use the tonic without shampoo, so the oiliness of my scalp did not decrease. Nevertheless, there has been a significant reduction in hair loss.
This tonic is really good, and I've bought it multiple times. The shampoos didn't work for me at all, but this tonic is simply amazing.
Notable improvements can be seen after using it for 7 days. This is our second time purchasing products from this series, and we really like them. It is preferable, of course, to use it together with the shampoo of the same series; the results will not disappoint.
My husband really likes it! At the age of forty, men, as we know, have a tendency to bald... This shampoo and tonic from this series effectively combat this problem! Hair stops falling out - that's for sure! There's noticeably more volume now. Moreover, it gives a great boost in the mornings! It's like having a cup of coffee with caffeine.