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ماركة: Lacalut
السلسلة: white & repair
نوع المنتج: فرشاة الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف
صلابة الشعيرات: متوسطة (medium)
نوع فرشاة الأسنان: عادية
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: المانيا
يبدأ الابتسامة الجميلة والصحية مع العناية الفموية الصحيحة. فرشاة الأسنان White من Lacalut هي خيار ممتاز لمن يرغبون في الحفاظ على أسنان ناصعة البياض دون إلحاق الضرر بالمينا. تم تجهيز هذه الأداة بشعيرات Tynex ذات الأطراف المستديرة والملساء، التي تزيل بلطف حتى البلاك العنيد. تضمن تنظيفًا شاملاً ولكن بلطف، مما يجعلها مثالية للأسنان واللثة الحساسة.
مميزات فرشاة الأسنان White من Lacalut:
- الشعيرات الملتوية الدقيقة على الجوانب توفر تبييضًا فعالًا ولطيفًا للمينا؛
- تعيد البياض الطبيعي للأسنان؛
- تزيل بقايا الطعام والشوائب بفعالية؛
- توفر تأثير تلميع؛
- تسهل الوصول إلى المناطق الصعبة الوصول؛
- تعزز تأثير معاجين الأسنان المبيضة؛
- يوصى باستخدامها مع معجون الأسنان Lacalut White أو Lacalut White & Repair، وكذلك غسول الفم Lacalut White.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من معجون الأسنان على فرشاة أسنانك. قم بتفريش أسنانك بحركات دائرية، مع تدليك اللثة بلطف. اشطف فمك بكمية قليلة من الماء واحتفظ بها لمدة 20-30 ثانية.
Lacalut - "White" فرشاة الأسنان
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I am satisfied.
"My favorite toothbrush ever! I've tried so many others, but I always come back to this one because it's the most convenient and high-quality. It's the epitome of quality and a classic. Highly recommended!"
This brush is very stiff. It didn't suit me, but it works well for my husband.
I agree with the positive reviews, the brush is really great and I like it a lot:))
The brush is amazing! I finally found something that suits me. It is soft enough, very high-quality, and pleasant to use.
The brush is good. I have bought it for the second time already. The delivery was fast and everything came well packaged without any damages. 5+ rating.
The brush is good, in my opinion, it has a medium stiffness. It won't be suitable for those who prefer soft brushes. However, it fulfills its function.
I decided to get this brush for my husband to try out. He mentioned that it's a good regular toothbrush. It's pleasant to use and the price is satisfying. Even the dentist gave it their approval.
The brush is just average, it doesn't clean very well. Their Active brushes, on the other hand, are much better.
This toothbrush is excellent! It doesn't hurt the gums and cleans the teeth well. It is perfect for those who prefer regular classic brushes.
The brush is pleasant to use, although it won't whiten much, of course. It doesn't harm the gums, and it feels nice to hold in the hand. However, it lacks a tongue cleaning feature.
This brush is really good. After using it, you feel completely clean.
The toothbrush is amazing. If you have sensitive gums or "holey" teeth, this is what you need. It is of medium firmness, but still flexible. I am delighted.
This brush is great. It has a medium stiffness and dense, resilient bristles, which effectively clean. I don't expect any whitening effects because no brush can whiten on its own, only the quality of cleaning can vary.
I change the brush every six months. For the first time in six years, I felt how a brush should work with this specific one. The bristles are flexible and pleasant. I highly recommend it.
The bristles on the brush are very soft, but they became frayed within a week (which has never happened with any other brush, including cheaper ones).
I give it a one-star rating for deceiving the buyer (the whitening effect of the brush), as there is absolutely no effect whatsoever. Due to the softness of the bristles, it is actually difficult to effectively remove plaque.
The "White" toothbrush - The name "White" probably refers to the color of the brush handle, but it doesn't have any whitening properties. It has a medium level of firmness, which doesn't harm the gums. Overall, it is just a regular toothbrush.
The best brush ever! I highly recommend it. It has a medium firmness and cleans excellently. It's also very convenient to use.
Medium hardness brush, for those who need this information, cleans well, but for those with gum problems, it is necessary to be more careful, as it may be too hard.
Great brush - dense bristles that don't scratch the gums. Cleans plaque effectively. In terms of firmness, it is in between medium and soft, in my opinion. It's a shame that it doesn't come with a tongue-cleaning pad.