غسول مضاد لتساقط الشعر ING Professional Treat-ING Vitalizing Lotion
- تفاصيل المنتج
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- كيفية الاستخدام
- المكونات
ماركة: ING Professional
السلسلة: استعادة وعلاج
نوع المنتج: لوشن للشعر
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية
الحجم: 12 x 7 ml
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: تالف
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
تم تصميم لوشن مكافحة تساقط الشعر من ING Professional خصيصًا لتعزيز التجدد وتحسين الدورة الدموية وتحفيز العمليات الأيضية في فروة الرأس، مما يشجع على نمو شعر جديد. من خلال منع موت بصيلات الشعر، فإن قوامه المخملي ينشط البصيلات الخاملة ويسرع من نمو خصلات جديدة، مما يحميها من التأثيرات السلبية للعوامل الخارجية. هذا المنتج المتعدد الاستخدامات مصنوع من مكونات طبيعية لا تسبب الجفاف أو التهيج أو عدم الراحة.
المميزات الرئيسية للوشن مكافحة تساقط الشعر من ING Professional:
- تتضمن المجموعة 10 أمبولات صحية؛
- القوام الخفيف ينتشر بالتساوي ويمتص بسرعة؛
- لا يلتصق بالشعر ولا يثقله — لا حاجة للشطف؛
- يركز بشكل خاص على تقوية الجذور؛
- يحفز العمليات الأيضية ويعزز الدورة الدموية في فروة الرأس؛
- يهتم بتجديد فروة الرأس؛
- ينشط البصيلات الخاملة، محفزًا نمو شعر جديد؛
- يقلل من مخاطر المشكلات المتعلقة بتساقط الشعر؛
- مصنوع من مكونات طبيعية؛
- يحتوي على زيت الخروع وزيت الأوكالبتوس ومستخلص المنثول؛
- ينظم الإفراز ويزيل الزهم الزائد؛
- يحافظ على انتعاش الشعر لفترة طويلة؛
- يوفر فوائد مضادة للبكتيريا ومضادة للأكسدة؛
- يتميز بخصائص مهدئة ومضادة للالتهابات.-
ضعيه على الشعر الرطب بعد استخدام الشامبو. قومي بتدليكه جيداً. لا تقومي بشطفه.
Aqua [Water], Alcohol denat., Propylene glycol, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Camphor, Cupressus sempervirens cone extract, Sophora japonica flower extract, Sodium ascorbate, Niacinamide, Citric acid, Panthenol, Polysorbate 20, Limonene, Calcium pantothenate, Pyridoxine HCI, Thiamine HCI, Tocopheryl acetate, Biotin.
ING Professional Treat-ING Vitalizing Lotion - غسول مضاد لتساقط الشعر
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I like it.
I really liked the lotion. This is already my second time buying it. After giving birth and having COVID in 2021, my hair was falling out in strands. But after using this lotion, new hair started to grow. The effect is noticeable.
The lotion is pleasant. After using it, there is a pleasant feeling on the scalp. However, it doesn't make the hair very smooth without using a conditioner.
Easy to use.
Great product. I am satisfied with my purchase. I noticed the results within a week.
I am incredibly happy! A week ago, I thought nothing would help me stop hair loss (it only happens to me in the summer), especially noticeable after washing. But in such a short time, it stopped.
I used one jar every day for five days (I wash my hair every other day), and now I will divide the remaining five jars in half. They are very economical.
My hair does not get greasy with them.
They are amazing, the best makeup.
I have been using it for about a month. There are visible results. My hair hardly falls out and there is a slight growth of new hair. I am very grateful to the manufacturer and Makeup for the delivery.
These ampoules are the best!
This product is really cool. As soon as the seasonal hair loss starts, I buy these ampoules and take biotin, and everything falls into place.
I found the ampoules to be effective as they significantly promote hair growth (even my hairdresser was amazed by the speed of growth). However, when it comes to preventing hair loss, it varies individually. There are certain reasons that the ampoules cannot influence, hence the conflicting reviews.
In principle, the ampoules are not bad as they quickly stimulated new hair growth within 1-1.5 months (although this may vary individually). However, they did cause the appearance of dandruff, so caution is needed here. Once again, all at your own risk and fear.
I tried this product based on a recommendation from a friend. The usage rate is about half a bottle per application. However, during use, my hair started falling out. I don't think this is related to the lotion, so I continued using it. Unfortunately, my hair is still falling out in clumps. This lotion definitely doesn't help with hair loss. I haven't noticed any improvement in the condition of my hair either. There has been no change in growth, and it hasn't had any positive or negative effect on the appearance of my hair.
Great product. My hair has stopped falling out as much as before. I am satisfied with the result.
I absolutely love this serum! I use it twice a year, in the fall and spring. I am satisfied with the results!
Horrible smell.
This product is simply amazing and delightful. After using 3 jars (6 hair washes), I noticed that my bangs became fluffy! I am so happy because I thought I would never be able to restore my hair after giving birth. By the way, my hair is medium length and I wash my head every three days. The scent is pleasant, herbal, and I absolutely love these cute mini jars.
This lotion is great, it does everything it claims to do. After just one use, I could feel that my hair had more volume. Hair loss also stopped after the first ampoule.
I noticed results starting from the third ampoule. The amount of hair falling out has significantly reduced. I definitely recommend it.
The hair was brittle and dry. This product is really good, it nourishes the hair, so I managed to grow 3cm. The ampoules are enough for 2 applications.
Thank you. The product completely matches the description. The delivery was extremely fast and of high quality.
I used all 10 ampoules and there was absolutely no effect; I regret buying them. The smell was also unpleasant. Previously, I used another product, Shock-Action from Previa, and it helped reduce hair loss. However, this product completely nullified those results, as my hair started falling out even more.
This lotion is good.
Unfortunately, this product did not help me. I will try something else.
This is a great product with a watery consistency that doesn't make the scalp greasy. It has reduced hair loss. The set includes an attachment for easy application.
I really liked the lotion, and it lasted me for about a month and a half. I used it directly on my dirty hair and on my scalp, and it gave me a refreshing feeling after application. And the most important thing is that my hair started to fall out much less. I am satisfied!