جل للجفون Stop Demodex تقنيات فيتوبيولوجية
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ماركة: فيتوبيوتيكنولوجي
السلسلة: stop demodex
نوع المنتج: الجل للجفون
خصائص المنتج: علاج
المكونات: البابونج, حمض الهيالورونيك, فيتامين a, نعناع, يوريا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع البشرة: مشكلة
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
الديموديكس هو أحد أكثر الأمراض الجلدية إزعاجًا. الحكة مستمرة، والطفح الجلدي الأحمر يجعلك تتجنب النظر في المرآة. إذا استقر عث الديموديكس في بصيلات الرموش، فقد يؤدي ذلك إلى التهاب العينين وجفافها وفقدان الرموش. يصبح التعامل مع هذه المشكلة أسهل بكثير باستخدام الجل المتخصص للجفون، ستوب ديموديكس.
المكون الرئيسي، مترونيدازول، مع مستخلص البابونج، يوفر تأثيرات مضادة للبكتيريا ومعقمة، بينما يعمل مستخلص النعناع على تخفيف الألم وتهدئة البشرة وتحسين الدورة الدموية في الشعيرات الدموية. ولمنع جفاف الجلد أثناء العلاج، يوفر الجلسرين الرطوبة الأساسية. يساعد حمض الهيالورونيك في استعادة تماسك ومرونة البشرة التالفة.
بفضل قوامه الخفيف، يسهل تطبيق الجل على المناطق المصابة دون ترك أي بقايا لزجة. مع الاستخدام المنتظم، ستصبح بشرتك أكثر صحة، وستكتسب لونًا طبيعيًا بينما تقلل من التورم والحكة.
The effectiveness of the gel is enhanced by pre-treating the skin and eyelid edges with Stop Demodex lotion. The treatment is conducted as follows: Moisten a small cotton pad with the lotion, squeeze out the excess, and wipe the edges of the closed eyelids. Repeat after 15 minutes. Apply the gel to the eyelids close to the lash roots, avoiding contact with the eyes. Leave for 30 minutes, then remove any remaining gel with the lotion. In the evening, after washing with warm water and soap, repeat the procedure. Use the gel twice daily for 45 days. Treatment of the ear canal is required. If there is itching of the skin around the eyebrows, forehead, chin, or sides of the nose, treat these areas twice with Stop Demodex lotion and apply cream for 45 days.
Stop Demodex تقنيات فيتوبيولوجية - جل للجفون
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This gel is truly fantastic as it effectively combats demodex without causing any harm to the eyes, unlike the Russian cream Demazol.
This is an excellent product. I bought it based on the recommendation of a dermatologist when I had demodex. It was exactly what I needed for my condition.
This is a medicinal product. If you have problems with demodicosis, it really helps. But you need to complete the entire course of treatment, rather than applying it occasionally.
I absolutely love this gel, even though it is intended for the eyelids, it acts as a lifesaver for me when it comes to facial breakouts. I apply it precisely on each pimple, and the results are incredibly fast. Overnight, even a small pimple almost disappears! I genuinely recommend it.
I have been using this calendula ointment and tincture for almost two months now, following the doctor's instructions precisely, but there has been no effect. This gel does not cure demodicosis of the eyelids, so I do not recommend wasting your time and money on this useless product. I have come to the conclusion that it is just an overhyped sham! It's a pity for all the wasted time.
I ordered this gel, but I received drops instead, which I don't need. It was a waste of money. Thank you.
This is a great product for demodex on the eyelids. If used regularly, it does have an effect.
This gel is very good. My eyelids were red, swollen, and itchy. After using the gel, the results were immediately noticeable.
I struggled with unclear facial problems for a long time - my face was terribly dry and covered in red pimples. My eyes also got very tired. I went to a dermatologist who diagnosed it as seborrheic dermatitis. The symptoms were vague and didn't resemble anything specific. Following a recommendation, I went to a skin clinic and got some tests done. It turned out to be a severe case of demodex. I've been using the entire series of products (except for the balm) and my eyes feel much better, my face is almost completely clear, and there is no more flaking, despite my very dry skin. I will continue with the treatment.
During demodex treatment, diet is very important. I have a sweet tooth, but in this case, it's crucial to almost completely give up sweets. It's difficult, but necessary.
I had a case of demodicosis and used this product during my treatment. I applied calendula on my eyelids and eyebrows, and then switched to using the gel. I bought it again for preventive purposes and to moisturize the skin around my eyes. It was very helpful! Sometimes I even used it on my entire face because you can't use creams during demodicosis treatment. As for the price, I used to buy it at the pharmacy for a higher price (I think it was around 120 UAH), but here it's only 89 UAH (maybe it's just a current promotion, not sure).
Not bad for its price.
3 out of 5.
Excellent! It works wonders on both eyelashes and eyebrows. Thanks to the castor oil in its formula, it also helps to lengthen lashes.
My mom bought this gel to fight off ticks on her eyelids! It worked quickly and efficiently. This gel is absolutely amazing!