إكسير بالزيوت الدقيقة للشعر التالف والجاف Syoss Beauty Elixir

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ماركة: Syoss
السلسلة: beauty elixir
نوع المنتج: إكسير للشعر
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تغذية
الحجم: 100 ml
المكونات: بيتا كاروتين, فيتامين a
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع الشعر: تالف, جاف
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: سلوفينيا
زيت الشعر من سايوس للشعر التالف هو "علاج فعّال" للجفاف، والهشاشة، والبهتان، وغيرها من العيوب الناتجة عن التأثيرات السلبية للعوامل الخارجية. قوامه المخملي يغلف الخصلات بطبقة واقية خفيفة الوزن، مما يحميها من التأثيرات الخارجية. يوفر إكسير الجمال التغذية والترطيب والقوة للشعر، ويعيد له مظهره الصحي مع لمسة من اللمعان الطبيعي، حيث إنه غني بالأحماض الأمينية الطبيعية والفيتامينات ومستخلصات الفواكه.
ميزات إكسير الجمال من سايوس:
- يحتوي على 90% من المكونات الطبيعية المستخلصة؛
- مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر؛
- يتفاعل بلطف مع فروة الرأس الحساسة؛
- يهتم بتغذية وترطيب الخصلات؛
- يحمي من الآثار الضارة للعوامل الخارجية؛
- فيتامين A يلين الخصلات الخشنة والمتمردة بفعالية؛
- يسهل التمشيط والتصفيف بصورة كبيرة؛
- مركب الأحماض الأمينية يملأ "الفجوات" الهيكلية؛
- يقضي على المسامية، والتجعد، والكهرباء الساكنة؛
- البيتا كاروتين يعزز غنى الصبغة؛
- يزين الشعر بلمعان لا مثيل له؛
- يحسن من متانة وجودة حجم الجذور؛
- منتج نباتي، لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات؛
- معبأ في زجاجة مصنوعة من 98% من المواد المعاد تدويرها.-
ضعي كمية صغيرة من الزيت بشكل متساوٍ على طول شعرك وعلى الأطراف. يُستخدم على الشعر الجاف أو المجفف بالمنشفة، من 1-2 مرة في الأسبوع. لا تشطفيه.
Syoss Beauty Elixir - إكسير بالزيوت الدقيقة للشعر التالف والجاف
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One should know the measure when using this product. It is very oily in itself, which is why it gives the same effect to the hair. Use only a little bit, and only on the ends of the hair, not even on the middle, otherwise it will result in "a week without washing your hair" effect.
I didn't buy it here, but the oil is really good. I've bought more expensive oils before, and they were worse than this one. I really liked it. It's perfect for color-treated hair.
Great effect. It doesn't make the hair oily, it got rid of frizz, the hair became softer, shinier, and it looks nice. Half a press is enough for dry ends. I used it on blow-dried hair.
The oil is thick and has a pleasant scent. It does not leave a greasy residue on the hair.
It used to be better. The scent has changed (it smells like bananas), the consumption has increased, and the oil has become too liquid. The design of the bottle has changed, so I even thought they sent a different oil, but the composition seems to be the same as the old bottle. I don't understand how this is possible.
This is an excellent oil that allowed me to avoid cutting my split ends and maintain their length. It absorbs well, nourishes, and seals the hair ends together. It has a very pleasant fragrance. I liked it, just like all the products from Syoss.
The oil is excellent. Previously, the ends of my hair would split and become dry, which was noticeable and ruined my hairstyle. I decided to buy this oil. I apply it only to the ends of my damp hair. My hair has become perfect, soft, and shiny. This is a super product that really works.
I bought this oil! I have curly, shoulder-length hair that is dry and porous. This oil is a lifesaver. It transforms my hair from the very first use!! I highly recommend it.
This is the best hair oil I have ever used in my life! MakeUp, please bring back this product in stock! Thank you.
I have porous, curly hair, and this oil is my favorite. It instantly transforms them. I apply it to damp hair after washing my head, and then a little more in the morning before going out. The oil is quite greasy, but I actually like that about it.
I have been purchasing this oil for a very long time, and it is absolutely amazing.
The oil is perfect. I had read reviews and was hesitant to make the purchase. My hair is long, straight, not frizzy, and doesn't curl, but the ends are dry and lifeless. The cold weather just destroyed them. I apply the oil exclusively to damp hair (after washing) and only on the ends. After blow-drying, I am very satisfied with the results! The ends are soft, smooth, don't tangle, and have a pleasant scent. The effect lasts until the next hair wash. So, I definitely recommend this oil! And yes, before writing comments about the oil not being suitable, familiarize yourself with the instructions on the label. Everything is clearly written there - how much, how often to use it!
I really liked the hair oil! Just one press is enough for hair below the shoulders. It has a good consistency, pleasant smell, and effectively fulfills its functions. I highly recommend it!
Although this oil for damaged hair is concentrated, if you use just a little bit, it effectively nourishes the ends. I highly recommend it!
The shampoo is good. I recommend it!
This product is perfect for me because I have thick, curly, and dry hair that tends to get frizzy. It is the only thing that can tame and revive the appearance of my hair. I have tried many other products, but I always come back to this one! If you have straight hair that tends to hang limp, this may not be the right product for you. If it didn't work for you, there's no need to criticize this oil. For my waist-length hair, I only need 2-3 pumps each time. Therefore, I confidently recommend it to girls with the same hair type as mine.
I ordered this product from a different place and got it at a discount, just to try it out. It's a good oil, but I don't recommend applying it all over the length of your hair. Your hair will end up in an odd condition and it will be impossible to comb. However, it works great on the ends and significantly prolongs their lifespan. The only downside is that it's very greasy and impossible to wash off your hands. Also, the dispenser dispenses too much product, you don't need that much for application. I applied it to slightly dried hair.
It may not work for the entire length of the hair as it is too greasy, but it could be suitable for the ends.
I completely disagree with the negative reviews about this product. I have been using it for a couple of years now, and if applied only to the ends of my hair and in moderate amounts, it does not leave any greasiness. It has saved me multiple times when my hair was so dry that it was impossible to even comb...
It spills! Whether the pump is closed or open, I don't know, maybe I got a faulty dispenser... But otherwise, the oil can be better, it's very greasy, with a good scent.
And will you now buy Dav hair oil and then understand that it is simply a hair elixir? Now that I have finished using Dav oil, I will definitely take this one (I had it a year ago).
I notice that not many people specify the hair type. I have curly dry hair, which means it has a porous structure. I apply the oil to damp hair after washing, and it gives a shine and separates into beautiful curls. I am satisfied with it.
I really liked it! It doesn't make my hair greasy, they are easy to comb and shine. I especially liked the result after applying it to wet hair.
Awful thing. Dries hair to the point of impossibility. It just ruined my towel... I don't recommend it. No complaints about other products from this brand. But this one is a nightmare. Can't get rid of it from my hair with any shampoo.
I have previously written a comment stating that the oil is decent, but after a year, I can say that it has had no effect, especially if you have colored hair. The texture may be slightly smoother, but there is nothing particularly special about it.
Horrible product! I have long hair below my waist, so thermal protection is absolutely necessary. However, after using almost half of the bottle, it cut off about 10 cm of my hair - the ends that were dried out by this product! It excessively dries and weighs down the hair. I do not recommend it. I give it 1 star for the scent.
Absolutely useless! The consistency is extremely thick and sticky, weighing down the hair and leaving it looking greasy and unkempt. It also dried out my hair, making it feel like straw. I will never buy this product again. I especially do not recommend it to blondes as it will guarantee a yellowish hair color. There is no better option than Brelil and there never will be.
The elixir should only be applied to damp hair and then blow-dried, otherwise they will appear overly dried. It has a pleasant scent, I apply it to the ends after every wash. I give it a 4 for the scent, although I don't see a significant difference before and after.
It is quite heavy, sticky, and chemical. In my opinion, it is an unsuccessful combination. It is not cost-effective, even though you cannot apply too much because it makes the hair look greasy. And on dry hair, it is absolutely not recommended as it simply does not dry. I was expecting better.
I am very satisfied with this product. It is a wonderful hair care solution. I can confidently recommend it. My hair feels pleasant, soft, and vibrant. Thank you Makeup for the fast delivery.
I really liked this oil. It nourishes the hair well after lightening, and a couple of drops after drying give the perfect shine - just what I needed!
I didn't like the oil at all. Initially, it didn't make my hair greasy, but then my hair got used to it and started becoming greasy. It gets dirty faster and looks terrible. The oil doesn't really help my hair, except for making it easier to comb. I used it with a shampoo from the same series.
I really liked this oil, it's the best among similar ones in this price range. Of course, it may not suit everyone - I have very dry, wavy, and frizzy hair that becomes three times bigger in humid weather. For me, this oil is an excellent product that helps with some of these issues - it slightly weighs down the hair, makes it softer, and (!!!!!!!) it can be easily combed even with regular brushes after use! All those sprays that I've tried before were not even half as effective. Even on the third or fourth day, as usual, I didn't experience any greasy effect on my scalp. I think if a girl has quickly greasy hair, this thing won't be suitable. I definitely recommend it to girls with hair types like mine.
This is a great oil, it leaves my hair soft and shiny without making it greasy. I will definitely order more.
My favorite oil! After using it, my hair is not covered in a greasy film, does not stick together, and becomes very soft. It wonderfully moisturizes and nourishes. I rub a single drop in my hands and apply it to slightly damp hair.
The texture of this product is very oily, but I actually prefer it to a similar product from L'Oréal. The oil is decent, not amazing, but its price is reasonable.
The oil is quite rich - it will be best suited for dry hair, like mine. The oil is absorbed well, and the hair combs through easily, making them obedient, smooth, and the comb doesn't damage them, especially the ends. It's perfect for dyed blondes))) Thank you to the website for the excellent work))))
I really liked the silky effect, the scent, and how quickly it absorbed into my hair. Although at first, the greasiness scared me. As for the high consumption, I'm not sure... In my opinion, there's nothing unusual about it if you use it according to the instructions on the bottle and have hair slightly below shoulder length.
The oil is of good quality. At first, I didn't like it at all, but after letting it sit for 3 months, I decided to give it a try. The result was satisfying - just 1 drop on damp hair and 1 drop on dry hair! My hair has become soft and silky (and my hair was very damaged). The only downside is that the oil is very greasy.
I have no complaints about the color and smell)) But the texture is terribly greasy. Two drops are not enough for my 80 cm long hair, but three drops are too much and make my hair look oily. I will continue using it since I already bought it, but I won't purchase it again.
I liked it. Just one drop is enough for my ends. They immediately become smooth and shiny!
I regularly use oils, and I really like this one. It doesn't dry out my hair, as oils are meant to moisturize. If you consistently take care of the ends, nothing bad will happen to them. I trim my ends once every six months, simply because it's necessary, not because they're damaged. I should also mention that I wash my hair every day and use a hairdryer to style it daily as well.