كريم واقي من الشمس Holy Land Cosmetics Sunbrella SPF 36

كريم واقي من الشمس Holy Land Cosmetics Sunbrella SPF 36
كريم واقي من الشمس Holy Land Cosmetics Sunbrella SPF 36
غير متوفر
معرف المنتج: 101308
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  • كيفية الاستخدام
  • العمر: 18+
    ماركة: Holy Land Cosmetics
    السلسلة: sunbrella
    نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه, كريم واقي من الشمس
    خصائص المنتج: حماية من الشمس
    مستوى الحماية: spf 40
    المكونات: أكسيد الزنك, الشاي الأخضر, الكاميليا, بانثينول, زنك, فيتامين e, نبات الجنكة بيلوبا, يوريا
    خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
    شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
    وقت التطبيق: شامل
    الجنس: للنساء
    التصنيف: احترافية
    نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
    بلد: اسرائيل
    صنع في: اسرائيل
  • تجلب أشعة الشمس العديد من المشاعر الإيجابية وتمنح بشرتك لونًا برونزيًا. ومع ذلك، يمكن للأشعة فوق البنفسجية أن تسبب بسهولة سلسلة من المشاكل. لتجنب العواقب السلبية للتعرض للشمس، من المهم حمايتها باستخدام منتجات متخصصة. كريم Sunbrella من مستحضرات التجميل Holy Land، بفلتر الأشعة فوق البنفسجية المعزز SPF 30، يوفر حماية ممتازة للبشرة من الشمس النشطة.

    تتحقق الحماية القوية من الشمس بطريقتين: العناصر العاكسة في الكريم تقوم بتحييد الجزء المرئي من الطيف بفعالية، بينما يمتص الفلتر الكيميائي الأشعة فوق البنفسجية UVA وUVB. يتميز هذا الكريم بملمس خفيف ومريح ورائحة لطيفة جدًا؛ ولا يترك لمعة دهنية غير مرغوبة على البشرة. لتحقيق أقصى حماية من الشمس، يجب تطبيقه قبل الخروج بعشرين دقيقة. لا تنسَ إعادة وضع الكريم كل أربع ساعات. باتباع هذه القواعد البسيطة، يمكنك حماية بشرتك من الشيخوخة المبكرة وفقدان المرونة والنعومة.


  • قم بوضع الكريم على الوجه والمناطق المكشوفة من الجسم قبل الخروج بـ20 دقيقة. أعد وضعه كل 3-4 ساعات، وكذلك بعد السباحة.

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استخدم الصندوق التالي لترك مراجعة للمنتج أو طرح سؤال

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سيتم عرض التعليق فقط بعد التحقق المسبق من قبل موظفينا

*أدخل بريدك الإلكتروني، وسنرسل لك إشعارًا فورًا بعد أن يجيب الخبير على سؤالك

  • المراجعة المترجمة

    Personally, it didn't work for me and I didn't like it. I have oily facial skin. It bleaches very strongly and feels like a solid mask on the face, making the skin feel like it can't breathe at all. In my case, it triggered the appearance of closed comedones, especially on the nose, and after a few minutes, tiny droplets of dew formed. Complete disappointment...

    هل أفادك هذا التقييم؟
  • المراجعة المترجمة

    It provides good sun protection. It slightly lightens the face, but at the same time evens out the tone. It is comfortable for the skin and eyes (does not sting if applied closer). It is easy to apply. However, you need to remove the dried cream when opening, otherwise, you will smudge that lump. This is the only downside for me, but I simply wipe the neck area with a sponge and then squeeze out the cream. I wash it off using hydrophilic oil. It did not cause any breakouts for me.

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  • المراجعة المترجمة

    It was interesting to read the reviews about this cream. If I had never used it before, after reading the reviews, I definitely wouldn't have bought it. I had it for a year and decided to finish using it when it was nearing its expiration date. I have been using it every day for a month and I can say that I am very satisfied. No other cream has mattified my skin like this one, in addition to being lightweight and non-sticky. Overall, it gives me a fresh face look and provides sun protection. My face is very sensitive to cosmetic products, and this cream suited me well. What's also important is that it doesn't cause any new breakouts. On the contrary, I feel like it controls them by mattifying my face. I agree that it slightly whitens, but not as much as they write here. However, there is a perfect solution. In the morning, I mix it with foundation and get a 2-in-1 effect.

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    Terrible cream. It whitens too much, and you have to diligently spread it to avoid turning your face into a white mask. When you rub it in, it rolls off, leaving a layer that is too thin for effective protection. And if you apply more, it whitens your face so much that it's impossible not to notice. I really like the other products from this brand, but I will never buy Holy Land sun protection again.

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    Good cream, I like it, we are already buying the second tube. It doesn't make the skin oily, as some people said, on the contrary, it mattifies, but at the same time it doesn't dry out the skin. Yes, it does lighten the face a bit, but I actually like this effect, it's like it evens out the skin tone. It's comfortable to wear, provides good protection, and it also contains Zinc Oxide.

    Yes, there are better creams out there, but they are more expensive, and out of everything I've tried recently, this is the most reasonable option.

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  • المراجعة المترجمة

    I bought the cream somewhere else, but I wanted to leave a review. I was unpleasantly disappointed with it. The cream sits on the face like a heavy white mask, and even if you apply it according to all the rules in a sufficient amount, it just stays there without absorbing! It's also very problematic to apply under makeup.
    As for the positives, the scent is pleasant and not overwhelming, and it provides sun protection.
    But for the price, I would never buy it again.

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    This product provides great sun protection for the skin. It is not sticky or greasy, and it slightly brightens the face, which is an advantage for me as I can even skip using makeup with it. The consistency is nice, not too liquidy nor too thick. It perfectly suits my combination skin with a fair complexion.

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  • المراجعة المترجمة

    I didn't buy it here. I have acne and post-acne, so I use acids and need protection. The cream is advertised as non-comedogenic!

    During regular use at the sea, it was terrible, it clogs pores severely!! Despite applying it for a couple of hours and washing it off, then reapplying it in the evening. In other words, I didn't keep it on my skin for long, and I didn't apply too much. It caused breakouts with huge subcutaneous comedones and red pimples. It took me another 3 weeks to get rid of them. I do not recommend it!!!

    I give it 3 stars only because it actually protects from the sun, smells pleasant, and feels lightweight.

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  • المراجعة المترجمة

    I am writing this review solely to inform customers not to waste their money on this cream. I did not purchase it from make up, but rather took a 30ml sample (of which I used 10ml) and completely forgot about this cream like a bad dream.

    Upon initial application all over my face, I noticed white patches and clumps of cream (I thought maybe it was conflicting with my serum or toner). I tried again the next day on freshly cleansed skin, but the same thing happened. I thought maybe I was using too much cream (tried it five times to overcome this issue), but it didn't work. I strongly do not recommend this cream and I don't even know who it could possibly be suitable for (in my opinion, it's a waste of money on a low-quality product).

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    This sunscreen cream is amazing! With SPF > 8, my face never got sunburned. However, there are a few downsides - it is difficult to apply and leaves white patches, making my face a couple of shades lighter.

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