صابون ملطف استحمام الطفل Babe Laboratorios Emollient Soap
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منذ الولادة
ماركة: Babe Laboratorios
السلسلة: pediatric
نوع المنتج: صابون
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 200 ml
نوع الصابون: صابون للأطفال
شكل الكونسيلر: سائلة
المكونات: فيتامين e, وردة
منطقة التطبيق: للدش
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للأطفال
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
صابون الاستحمام الرائع هذا مصمم خصيصًا لبشرة الأطفال الحساسة والرقيقة، التي تتطلب عناية وحماية يومية لطيفة للغاية. من المثير للاهتمام أن صابون الأطفال تم تطويره بعد الصابون العادي المستخدم في الحمام والمنزل، عندما توصل الخبراء الطبيون إلى أن الصابون العادي يؤثر سلبًا على بشرة الأطفال الصغار، التي تكون عرضة لتأثيرات البيئة القلوية. يوفر صابون التليين عناية ملطفة للبشرة المعرضة للتهيج والحالات التأتبية عند الرضع والأطفال. له تأثير مهدئ ومضاد للالتهابات، ويجدد البشرة الجافة جدًا والجافة، ويعزز وظائفها الوقائية.
كل هذا ممكن بفضل تركيبه الرائع. على سبيل المثال، يضيف فيتامين E الصلابة والمرونة. الكشمش الأسود، الغني بأحماض أوميغا-6 وأوميغا-3 الدهنية، يضمن الترطيب والنعومة والملمس الناعم. يعزز فيتامين F الوظائف الوقائية. اللوز الحلو يغذي بعمق، وله خاصية مهدئة ومضادة للالتهابات. مع هذا الصابون، ستكون بشرة طفلك محمية من التأثيرات الخارجية، وستكون صحية، دون تهيج أو احمرار.
يُوضع على البشرة الرطبة بحركات تدليك، ثم يُشطف جيدًا.
Babe Laboratorios Emollient Soap - صابون ملطف استحمام الطفل
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This product effectively moisturizes the skin and creates a protective barrier. After washing, the skin becomes smooth and shiny. I highly recommend it! The consumption rate is low, so the jar lasts for a long time. It is an indispensable helper for children with eczema, as well as for problem-free skin. It effectively protects against the harmful effects of chlorine.
I purchased it from a different website. The soap itself is great. It does not dry out my skin. I will buy it again. However, there is a flaw in the packaging. I don't know, maybe I received a defective one... I bought it for my trip, the lid was screwed on tightly, but it still leaked in my bag.
Bought it for my child! Lasts a long time and is economical! Does not dry out the skin. After using the soap, I apply a moisturizer.
I have been using this soap for a long time. The results are excellent. After bathing, my child's skin becomes soft, moisturized, and irritation-free. I highly recommend it to all mothers.
This soap is amazing, as it is oil-based. I have extremely dry skin on my hands, and this is the only soap that doesn't make it feel tight afterwards. On the contrary, it feels moisturized. When used together with the Babe hand cream, my skin has been restored and I no longer experience any tightness or itchiness.
I have been using this product for a long time, as well as my entire family. It is very gentle and leaves the skin moisturized after bathing, relieving any irritation. Additionally, it is very economical. I highly recommend it!
Great bath product. Very gentle, almost odorless. The skin feels soft and moisturized after bathing. It doesn't cause any irritations or unpleasant sensations. The product is economical, lasts a long time. I recommend it to all moms!!))
Great soap!!! I bought the oil soap and intimate gel for my niece, and these are the best products for children. They are almost odorless and leave the skin soft. They also last a long time. Superb! I highly recommend them.
There is no expected positive effect.
Wow!!!!!!!! Now my favorite product !!!
I have tried many different types of oil-based soaps, but this one is the best!
Simply magical! There's no strong odor, and the leather is especially gentle for the child. I've read reviews recommending it even for atopic skin, which means it's really gentle. Personally, we constantly buy it and don't even want to switch. And thanks to Makeup for the great prices - they're actually lower than at the pharmacy.
It does not pinch if the child has any irritations or blisters, so for now, we are satisfied.
We did not like the shampoo for several reasons. Firstly, its composition was not to our liking. Secondly, the scent reminded us of adhesive glue, specifically PVA glue. Additionally, the shampoo had a thick consistency and did not distribute well throughout the hair. It required multiple rinses to completely wash out, and on top of that, it caused eye irritation. Ultimately, it was a waste of money as it did not meet our expectations.