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2850 المنتجات
رتب بواسطة: 
    • Purito Cica Clearing BB cream	 كريم بخلاصة سنتيلا BB
      Awesome! I got it in shade 21, it adjusts perfectly to my skin tone and doesn't dry out my skin.
      Purito Cica Clearing BB cream
      كريم بخلاصة سنتيلا BB
      AED 46.11 AED 61.48
    • تونر للبشرة التي تعاني من مشاكل Secret Key Tea Tree Refresh Calming Toner
      Good toner. I have been using it for over six months. It dries out the skin and effectively fights acne.
      تونر للبشرة التي تعاني من مشاكل
      Secret Key Tea Tree Refresh Calming Toner
      AED 43.43 AED 66.81
    • طقم منتجات التجميل الصغيرة بالكينتيللا بدون رائحة Purito Centella Unscented Mini Kit
      The set is excellent, I liked everything about it. I have sensitive skin and after using it, my rashes and redness disappeared. I will continue using it.
      طقم منتجات التجميل الصغيرة بالكينتيللا بدون رائحة
      Purito Centella Unscented Mini Kit
      AED 65.94 AED 0
    • مصل رولر بالكولاجين للبشرة حول العينين FarmStay Collagen Water Full Moist Rolling Eye Serum
      Wonderful serum-roller. It has a pleasant scent and effectively moisturizes the skin after showering. Makeup, as always, was delivered quickly. Highly recommended.
      مصل رولر بالكولاجين للبشرة حول العينين
      FarmStay Collagen Water Full Moist Rolling Eye Serum
      AED 63.3 AED 0
    • مكيف ضد تساقط الشعر Daeng Gi Meo Ri Dlae Soo Anti-Hair Loss Treatment
      The conditioner is wonderful. After using it, my hair becomes shiny, soft, and smooth like silk. I really like it.
      مكيف ضد تساقط الشعر
      Daeng Gi Meo Ri Dlae Soo Anti-Hair Loss Treatment
      AED 62.75 AED 0
    • سيروم أمبولة مضاد للشيخوخة بالذهب 24K والببتيدات FarmStay 24K Gold & Peptide Solution Prime Ampoule
      I really liked the serum. It can easily replace the cream in most situations. The skin feels moisturized and fresh after using it. Plus, a little goes a long way.
      سيروم أمبولة مضاد للشيخوخة بالذهب 24K والببتيدات
      FarmStay 24K Gold & Peptide Solution Prime Ampoule
      AED 179 AED 0
    • تونر مهدئ خالي من الكحول مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا Purito Centella Green Level Calming Toner
      The best of the best. It eliminates breakouts and redness. However, it is more suitable for warmer periods. During winter, the moisturization is not enough.
      تونر مهدئ خالي من الكحول مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا
      Purito Centella Green Level Calming Toner
      AED 98.12 AED 101
    • كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      Not a bad cream. I haven't noticed any immediate effects, but the texture is pleasant and it applies well. It comes in a large volume.
      كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب
      FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      AED 116 AED 0
    • زيت محب للماء Purito From Green Cleansing Oil
      Good oil. It effectively removes long-lasting makeup. The only thing is, it has a very thick consistency, almost sticky, neither positive nor negative, just a fact. The scent is herbal.
      زيت محب للماء
      Purito From Green Cleansing Oil
      AED 78.75 AED 105
    • مصل أمبولة مع كينتيللا الآسيوية FarmStay Cica Farm Recovery Ampoule
      The serum is very economical. It absorbs quickly and doesn't leave any stickiness. My oily skin, which tends to be greasy, likes it and suits it well.
      مصل أمبولة مع كينتيللا الآسيوية
      FarmStay Cica Farm Recovery Ampoule
      AED 89.64 AED 92.52
    • رقعات هيدروجيل متعددة الوظائف للعين Secret Key Marine Racoony Hydrogel Eye & Multi Patch
      I really liked the patches. They moisturize well, refresh, and don't sting me. However, the patch slides off on one eye, but not on the other.
      رقعات هيدروجيل متعددة الوظائف للعين
      Secret Key Marine Racoony Hydrogel Eye & Multi Patch
      AED 83.2 AED 128
    • حشو مغذي للشعر بحمض الهيالورونيك  Farmstay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Hair Filler
      Good filler. Moisturizes. I agree about the smell. It's sharp. Alcohol-like. Not very pleasant. But overall, it works well!
      حشو مغذي للشعر بحمض الهيالورونيك
      Farmstay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Hair Filler
      AED 14.56 AED 0
    • جوهر مخمر مع نياسيناميد 3٪ Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence
      "An excellent product! It suited me perfectly!"
      جوهر مخمر مع نياسيناميد 3٪
      Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence
      AED 66.55 AED 88.74
    • كريم مرطب بماء البحر Purito Deep Sea Pure Water Cream
      The moisturizer is not bad, so I decided to order it again.
      كريم مرطب بماء البحر
      Purito Deep Sea Pure Water Cream
      AED 107 AED 0
    • مصل الوجه مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا Purito Centella Unscented Serum
      "My favorite serum, I have been using it repeatedly. It effectively hydrates my skin and I really love it :)
      مصل الوجه مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا
      Purito Centella Unscented Serum
      AED 78.97 AED 0
36 من 2850 المنتجات
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