• شامبو للشعر الدهني - Bioearth Hair Normalising Shampoo
    AED 65.48 AED 0

مستحضرات تجميل طبيعية وعضوية

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11326 المنتجات
رتب بواسطة: 
    • شامبو مرطب للشعر الجاف والتالف Bioearth Hair Moisturising Shampoo
      Finally, I found a shampoo that makes my hair look amazing))))
      شامبو مرطب للشعر الجاف والتالف
      Bioearth Hair Moisturising Shampoo
      AED 60.91 AED 0
    • تونر للبشرة التي تعاني من مشاكل Secret Key Tea Tree Refresh Calming Toner
      Good toner. I have been using it for over six months. It dries out the skin and effectively fights acne.
      تونر للبشرة التي تعاني من مشاكل
      Secret Key Tea Tree Refresh Calming Toner
      AED 33.08 AED 50.89
    • تونر مضاد للشيخوخة مع موسين الحلزون الأسود والببتيدات FarmStay Black Snail & Peptide 9 Perfect Toner
      The product works wonderfully for 40+ skin, especially when used in combination with other skincare products. I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
      تونر مضاد للشيخوخة مع موسين الحلزون الأسود والببتيدات
      FarmStay Black Snail & Peptide 9 Perfect Toner
      AED 101 AED 120
    • تونر مهدئ خالي من الكحول مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا Purito Centella Green Level Calming Toner
      The best toner, I now only use it. It's nice that the texture is not watery, but slightly gel-like. Definitely a favorite.
      تونر مهدئ خالي من الكحول مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا
      Purito Centella Green Level Calming Toner
      AED 97.22 AED 101
    • سيروم رولر للبشرة حول العينين FarmStay Black Snail Premium Rolling Eye Serum
      I liked it, but it wasn't wow. Three balls are not very convenient for me, so next time I'll try something else.
      سيروم رولر للبشرة حول العينين
      FarmStay Black Snail Premium Rolling Eye Serum
      AED 45.97 AED 0
    • جوهر مخمر مع نياسيناميد 3٪ Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence
      This product is amazing, it effectively soothes the skin after using any acidic products. When used together with the centella cream, the results are even better.
      جوهر مخمر مع نياسيناميد 3٪
      Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence
      AED 84.75 AED 113
    • كريم سيروم مرطب بالكولاجين FarmStay Collagen Water Full Moist Cream Ampoule
      As a standalone product, it's a bit weak. But as a makeup base, it's fantastic. Plus, the volume it provides is huge considering its low price!
      كريم سيروم مرطب بالكولاجين
      FarmStay Collagen Water Full Moist Cream Ampoule
      AED 81.87 AED 84.15
    • مصل أمبولة بخلاصة اللؤلؤ الأسود  FarmStay Black Pearl All-In-One Ampoule
      It moisturizes wonderfully. I use it in the evening because it is slightly sticky and needs some time to absorb. The condition of my skin has noticeably improved.
      مصل أمبولة بخلاصة اللؤلؤ الأسود
      FarmStay Black Pearl All-In-One Ampoule
      AED 85.35 AED 0
    • قناع ليلي بالسيراميد FarmStay Ceramide Every Night Sleeping Pack
      The mask is great. I love using it after acid peels and exfoliations. It reduces redness, moisturizes well, and pairs nicely with all serums. It's also very economical.
      قناع ليلي بالسيراميد
      FarmStay Ceramide Every Night Sleeping Pack
      AED 50.48 AED 0
    • كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      Not a bad cream. I haven't noticed any immediate effects, but the texture is pleasant and it applies well. It comes in a large volume.
      كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب
      FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      AED 116 AED 0
    • قناع مناديل الوجه بخلاصة الأفوكادو	 FarmStay Real Avocado Essence Mask
      This mask is great! It moisturizes well. I highly recommend it!
      قناع مناديل الوجه بخلاصة الأفوكادو
      FarmStay Real Avocado Essence Mask
      AED 4.37 AED 0
    • زيت محب للماء Purito From Green Cleansing Oil
      The skin feels so smooth after using it, and it easily washes off. The scent is very subtle and natural.
      زيت محب للماء
      Purito From Green Cleansing Oil
      AED 78.75 AED 105
    • كريم مغذي FarmStay Gold Collagen Nourishing Cream
      Great cream. Highly recommend it.
      كريم مغذي
      FarmStay Gold Collagen Nourishing Cream
      AED 61.47 AED 0
    • حشو مغذي للشعر بحمض الهيالورونيك  Farmstay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Hair Filler
      This filler is simply incredible. The hair looks amazing after using it. I highly recommend it.
      حشو مغذي للشعر بحمض الهيالورونيك
      Farmstay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Hair Filler
      AED 14.56 AED 0
    • مصل أمبولة مع كينتيللا الآسيوية FarmStay Cica Farm Recovery Ampoule
      This serum is fantastic! It moisturizes really well and is perfect for combination skin. It even helps reduce redness.
      مصل أمبولة مع كينتيللا الآسيوية
      FarmStay Cica Farm Recovery Ampoule
      AED 89.99 AED 0
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