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مستحضرات تجميل طبيعية وعضوية

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11325 المنتجات
رتب بواسطة: 
    • Purito Cica Clearing BB cream	 كريم بخلاصة سنتيلا BB
      Great BB cream, you can build it up from light to more full coverage. Gives a radiant finish. I have fair skin and I got shade 13 neutral ivory, it suits me well.
      Purito Cica Clearing BB cream
      كريم بخلاصة سنتيلا BB
      AED 45.81 AED 61.08
    • كريم شد العين بالسيراميد FarmStay Ceramide Firming Facial Eye Cream
      The skin around my eyes is thanking me.
      كريم شد العين بالسيراميد
      FarmStay Ceramide Firming Facial Eye Cream
      AED 51.82 AED 0
    • كريم واقي الشمس بحمض الهيالورونيك FarmStay Hyaluronic UV Shield Sun Block Cream SPF50+
      I really liked the cream! I have problematic skin, and since I started using it, the redness and pigmentation spots have reduced. It moisturizes well and gives a radiant glow.
      كريم واقي الشمس بحمض الهيالورونيك
      FarmStay Hyaluronic UV Shield Sun Block Cream SPF50+
      AED 63.12 AED 0
    • مصل أمبولة مع الكولاجين وحمض الهيالورونيك  FarmStay Collagen & Hyaluronic Acid All-In-One Ampoule
      I am satisfied with using it during a massage.
      مصل أمبولة مع الكولاجين وحمض الهيالورونيك
      FarmStay Collagen & Hyaluronic Acid All-In-One Ampoule
      AED 78.72 AED 81.57
    • مصل أمبولة بخلاصة اللؤلؤ الأسود  FarmStay Black Pearl All-In-One Ampoule
      I really like these lightweight moisturizing gels, and this one from the series has a slightly sharp scent, but it doesn't affect its properties.
      مصل أمبولة بخلاصة اللؤلؤ الأسود
      FarmStay Black Pearl All-In-One Ampoule
      AED 85.35 AED 0
    • جل منظف متوازن Purito Defence Barrier Ph Cleanser
      The skin is mature. The gel works wonderfully. I like everything about it: the texture, the scent (clearly without any artificial fragrance), and the cleansing quality.
      جل منظف متوازن
      Purito Defence Barrier Ph Cleanser
      AED 42.92 AED 57.23
    • مقشر الوجه بالصودا والكولاجين	 FarmStay Collagen Baking Powder Pore Scrub
      This is an excellent scrub that effectively cleanses the skin. After using it, my skin feels smooth and not tight.
      مقشر الوجه بالصودا والكولاجين
      FarmStay Collagen Baking Powder Pore Scrub
      AED 5.71 AED 0
    • كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      I really liked this cream, it worked perfectly for my dry skin! I use it on my entire face. It absorbs nicely and doesn't leave any greasiness. The scent is pleasant too!
      كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب
      FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      AED 116 AED 0
    • تونر مع كينتيللا للبشرة شديدة الحساسية Purito Centella Unscented Toner
      I really liked it, I am currently treating my skin with Effezel, and this tonic is very soothing and even slightly moisturizing.
      تونر مع كينتيللا للبشرة شديدة الحساسية
      Purito Centella Unscented Toner
      AED 109 AED 0
    • رغوة مع كينتيللا والشاي الأخضر Purito From Green Deep Foaming Cleanser
      I didn't buy it here, but it is a really great cleanser. After using it, my skin feels soft, not tight, and it has a neutral scent. I will definitely buy it again.
      رغوة مع كينتيللا والشاي الأخضر
      Purito From Green Deep Foaming Cleanser
      AED 61.04 AED 84.9
    • رغوة تنظيف بخلاصة الليمون Secret Key Lemon Sparkling Cleansing Foam
      Gently cleanses the skin without causing irritation, leaving a smooth sensation.
      رغوة تنظيف بخلاصة الليمون
      Secret Key Lemon Sparkling Cleansing Foam
      AED 64.05 AED 85.4
    • كريم مرطب بخمسة أنواع من حمض الهيالورونيك FarmStay Hyaluronic 5 Water Drop Cream
      This product is very lightweight and pleasant. It effectively moisturizes the skin. I am grateful for its benefits.
      كريم مرطب بخمسة أنواع من حمض الهيالورونيك
      FarmStay Hyaluronic 5 Water Drop Cream
      AED 60.93 AED 0
    • قناع مناديل الوجه بخلاصة الأفوكادو	 FarmStay Real Avocado Essence Mask
      Good value for money, this mask is top-notch.
      قناع مناديل الوجه بخلاصة الأفوكادو
      FarmStay Real Avocado Essence Mask
      AED 4.37 AED 0
    • زيت محب للماء Purito From Green Cleansing Oil
      This oil is amazing! It effectively cleanses the skin without causing dryness. After using it, my skin looks beautiful, even-toned, moisturized, and nourished.
      زيت محب للماء
      Purito From Green Cleansing Oil
      AED 78.75 AED 105
    • كريم مهدئ للوجه بالسنتيلا Purito Seoul Wonder Releaf Centella Cream
      This product has a very pleasant texture and is especially effective for reducing redness. It soothes the skin nicely and provides a pleasant sensation.
      كريم مهدئ للوجه بالسنتيلا
      Purito Seoul Wonder Releaf Centella Cream
      AED 69.06 AED 92.08
36 من 11325 المنتجات
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