• مصل أمبولة مع الكولاجين وحمض الهيالورونيك - FarmStay Collagen & Hyaluronic Acid All-In-One Ampoule
    AED 78.47 AED 81.57

مستحضرات تجميل طبيعية وعضوية

الإعدادات رتب
مسح الكل
11304 المنتج
رتب بواسطة: 
    • مقشر الوجه بالصودا والكولاجين	 FarmStay Collagen Baking Powder Pore Scrub
      The scrub effectively cleanses the skin.
      مقشر الوجه بالصودا والكولاجين
      FarmStay Collagen Baking Powder Pore Scrub
      AED 5.71 AED 0
    • كريم مرطب بماء البحر Purito Deep Sea Pure Water Cream
      The best cream for dry skin out of all that I have tried. It is alcohol-free and fragrance-free, making it suitable for sensitive skin that reacts to these ingredients 100%.
      كريم مرطب بماء البحر
      Purito Deep Sea Pure Water Cream
      AED 87.29 AED 107
    • مصل الوجه مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا Purito Centella Unscented Serum
      Removes redness, evens out skin tone. Can be applied under makeup. Highly recommend.
      مصل الوجه مع كينتيللا اسياتيكا
      Purito Centella Unscented Serum
      AED 78.97 AED 0
    • قناع ليلي مجدد للوجه Purito Dermide Cica Barrier Sleeping Pack
      Amazing mask. In the morning, my skin feels soft, fresh, and nourished, without any greasiness. It doesn't clog pores.
      قناع ليلي مجدد للوجه
      Purito Dermide Cica Barrier Sleeping Pack
      AED 53.02 AED 59.4
    • جوهر مخمر مع نياسيناميد 3٪ Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence
      The essence has a thick consistency that leaves a moisturizing feeling without any stickiness. It is easily absorbed by my skin.
      جوهر مخمر مع نياسيناميد 3٪
      Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence
      AED 66.55 AED 88.74
    • تونر مرطب مضاد للشيخوخة بالكولاجين FarmStay Collagen Water Full Moist All Day Toner
      This product is really cool. I highly recommend it.
      تونر مرطب مضاد للشيخوخة بالكولاجين
      FarmStay Collagen Water Full Moist All Day Toner
      AED 79.8 AED 0
    • كريم الوجه بخلايا جذع العنب FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Lifting Cream
      I have purchased this cream before, and it works wonders for tightening the skin. It effectively moisturizes and lasts for a long time. I use it especially during the cold seasons.
      كريم الوجه بخلايا جذع العنب
      FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Lifting Cream
      AED 116 AED 0
    • سيروم رولر للبشرة حول العينين FarmStay Black Snail Premium Rolling Eye Serum
      I really liked this serum - it moisturizes well, has a pleasant smell, and the rollers rotate smoothly. Thank you!
      سيروم رولر للبشرة حول العينين
      FarmStay Black Snail Premium Rolling Eye Serum
      AED 45.79 AED 0
    • كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      I really liked this cream, it worked perfectly for my dry skin! I use it on my entire face. It absorbs nicely and doesn't leave any greasiness. The scent is pleasant too!
      كريم العين بالخلايا الجذعية النباتية للعنب
      FarmStay Grape Stem Cell Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream
      AED 116 AED 0
    • رقعات هيدروجيل متعددة الوظائف للعين Secret Key Marine Racoony Hydrogel Eye & Multi Patch
      These patches are excellent. I am very satisfied with them. They reduce swelling and diminish dark circles. I also use them for nasolabial wrinkles. They have become my favorites.
      رقعات هيدروجيل متعددة الوظائف للعين
      Secret Key Marine Racoony Hydrogel Eye & Multi Patch
      AED 83.2 AED 128
    • كريم مجدد بموسين الحلزون الأسود والببتيدات FarmStay Black Snail & Peptide 9 Perfect Cream
      The cream is superb and perfect for dry skin aged 45+. It suits perfectly. The facial skin is moisturized and well taken care of.
      كريم مجدد بموسين الحلزون الأسود والببتيدات
      FarmStay Black Snail & Peptide 9 Perfect Cream
      AED 64.73 AED 0
    • قناع مناديل الوجه بخلاصة الأفوكادو	 FarmStay Real Avocado Essence Mask
      Great mask with plenty of essence inside! It's enough for the neck and elbows too.
      قناع مناديل الوجه بخلاصة الأفوكادو
      FarmStay Real Avocado Essence Mask
      AED 4.36 AED 0
    • كريم مرطب بحمض الهيالورونيك FarmStay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Cream
      I have been using this cream for a while now, as I have dry skin. It quickly moisturizes and does not cause any allergies.
      كريم مرطب بحمض الهيالورونيك
      FarmStay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Cream
      AED 72.65 AED 0
    • شامبو مرطب للشعر الجاف والتالف Bioearth Hair Moisturising Shampoo
      Finally, I found a shampoo that makes my hair look amazing))))
      شامبو مرطب للشعر الجاف والتالف
      Bioearth Hair Moisturising Shampoo
      AED 60.8 AED 0
    • Purito Cica Clearing BB cream	 كريم بخلاصة سنتيلا BB
      This is an excellent bb cream, my favorite. It has a good composition and price. It applies evenly and doesn't smudge. It provides great coverage and is perfect.
      Purito Cica Clearing BB cream
      كريم بخلاصة سنتيلا BB
      AED 46.11 AED 61.48
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