
الصحة والعناية

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12656 المنتجات
رتب بواسطة: 
    • كريم متعدد الوظائف مع موسين الحلزون الأسود FarmStay All-In-One Black Snail Cream
      "I purchased this product for my 50-year-old mother, and she really liked it. The volume is quite large, and the price is reasonable."
      كريم متعدد الوظائف مع موسين الحلزون الأسود
      FarmStay All-In-One Black Snail Cream
      AED 72.27 AED 0
    • كريم مرطب بخمسة أنواع من حمض الهيالورونيك FarmStay Hyaluronic 5 Water Drop Cream
      The cream is simply amazing. It makes my skin feel like velvet. It is lightweight and doesn't leave any stickiness, perfect for the summer. I highly recommend it.
      كريم مرطب بخمسة أنواع من حمض الهيالورونيك
      FarmStay Hyaluronic 5 Water Drop Cream
      AED 60.98 AED 0
    • سيروم أمبولة مضاد للشيخوخة بالذهب 24K والببتيدات FarmStay 24K Gold & Peptide Solution Prime Ampoule
      I have been using it not for the first time, I apply it overnight. It moisturizes and retains moisture well. I, at my age of 45, really like it.
      سيروم أمبولة مضاد للشيخوخة بالذهب 24K والببتيدات
      FarmStay 24K Gold & Peptide Solution Prime Ampoule
      AED 179 AED 0
    • كريم مغذي FarmStay Gold Collagen Nourishing Cream
      I really liked the cream, it suited my skin well and had a pleasant scent.
      كريم مغذي
      FarmStay Gold Collagen Nourishing Cream
      AED 61.47 AED 0
    • مصل فيتامين سي Purito Pure Vitamin C Serum
      I liked it, but initially, your face may turn slightly red. However, once your skin gets used to it, you will start to notice the desired effect :)
      مصل فيتامين سي
      Purito Pure Vitamin C Serum
      AED 52.49 AED 69.99
    • كريم مع كينتيللا للبشرة الحساسة Purito Centella Unscented Recovery Cream
      I really liked this cream, it suited my sensitive facial skin well.
      كريم مع كينتيللا للبشرة الحساسة
      Purito Centella Unscented Recovery Cream
      AED 96.64 AED 0
    • مقشر الوجه بالصودا وحمض الهيالورونيك FarmStay Hyaluronic Acid Baking Powder Pore Scrub
      The scrub is amazing, I really liked it. It deeply cleanses the skin, leaving it soft and gentle after use.
      مقشر الوجه بالصودا وحمض الهيالورونيك
      FarmStay Hyaluronic Acid Baking Powder Pore Scrub
      AED 72.44 AED 0
    • مصل مع خلاصة كينتيللا Purito Centella Green Level Buffet Serum
      I really liked this serum, as it doesn't leave any sticky feeling and it does a great job at moisturizing the skin!
      مصل مع خلاصة كينتيللا
      Purito Centella Green Level Buffet Serum
      AED 75 AED 100
    • كريم مهدئ للوجه بالسنتيلا Purito Seoul Wonder Releaf Centella Cream
      This product has a very pleasant texture and is especially effective for reducing redness. It soothes the skin nicely and provides a pleasant sensation.
      كريم مهدئ للوجه بالسنتيلا
      Purito Seoul Wonder Releaf Centella Cream
      AED 69.1 AED 92.14
    • شامبو مرطب للشعر الجاف والتالف Bioearth Hair Moisturising Shampoo
      Finally, I found a shampoo that makes my hair look amazing))))
      شامبو مرطب للشعر الجاف والتالف
      Bioearth Hair Moisturising Shampoo
      AED 60.91 AED 0
    • تونر مع كينتيللا للبشرة شديدة الحساسية Purito Centella Unscented Toner
      I really liked it, I am currently treating my skin with Effezel, and this tonic is very soothing and even slightly moisturizing.
      تونر مع كينتيللا للبشرة شديدة الحساسية
      Purito Centella Unscented Toner
      AED 110 AED 0
    • طقم منتجات التجميل الصغيرة بالكينتيللا بدون رائحة Purito Centella Unscented Mini Kit (toner/30ml + serum/15ml + cream/15ml)
      I really liked how it started working as soon as I started using it, and my breakouts immediately became less frequent.
      طقم منتجات التجميل الصغيرة بالكينتيللا بدون رائحة
      Purito Centella Unscented Mini Kit (toner/30ml + serum/15ml + cream/15ml)
      AED 66.15 AED 0
    • قناع وجه من القماش بخلاصة الخوخ FarmStay Real Peach Essence Mask
      Great mask. The skin feels soft and moisturized after use. The scent is pleasant, and there is enough liquid. The size of the applicator is also quite generous.
      قناع وجه من القماش بخلاصة الخوخ
      FarmStay Real Peach Essence Mask
      AED 6.17 AED 0
    • سيروم رولر للبشرة حول العينين FarmStay Black Snail Premium Rolling Eye Serum
      I really liked the cream, it softens well. I have been using it for a few days now. Thank you very much, Maykapu, for the fast delivery.
      سيروم رولر للبشرة حول العينين
      FarmStay Black Snail Premium Rolling Eye Serum
      AED 45.97 AED 0
    • كريم مرطب بحمض الهيالورونيك FarmStay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Cream
      The texture is nice, and the smell is pleasant.
      كريم مرطب بحمض الهيالورونيك
      FarmStay Hyaluronic Acid Super Aqua Cream
      AED 72.78 AED 0
36 من 12656 المنتجات
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