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ماركة: Veet
السلسلة: منتجات على أساس الشمع
نوع المنتج: شرائط الشمع
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تليين
نوع البشرة: جاف, جميع الانواع
المكونات: فيتامين e, لوز
منطقة التطبيق: للجسم
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
تم تصميم شرائط إزالة الشعر فيت خصيصًا للبشرة الجافة. هذه المنتجات الوظيفية، الممزوجة بمستخلص الألوفيرا، تمنع التهيج والاحمرار، وتعيد المظهر الصحي للمناطق المُعالجة. تؤدي وظائفها الأساسية بشكل استثنائي من خلال إزالة حتى الشعر الناعم والقصير بسهولة، وتبطئ نموه، وتحافظ على النعومة لمدة تصل إلى 28 يومًا.
ميزات شرائط فيت الاحترافية:
- تحتوي على 12 شريط شمع و12 مناديل "بيرفكت فينيش"؛
- المناديل تهدئ وتجدد البشرة بعد إزالة الشعر؛
- تمنع التهيج وتحافظ على الترطيب المناسب لمدة تصل إلى 28 يومًا؛
- مناسبة لإزالة الشعر غير المرغوب فيه من الذراعين والساقين ومنطقة البكيني وتحت الإبطين؛
- فعالة حتى على الشعر الناعم والقصير؛
- تقنية EasyGrip تضمن الإزالة الكاملة من الجذور؛
- تحتوي على عصير أوراق الألوفيرا الذي يكافح الجفاف والتقشر والاحمرار؛
- زيت الأرجان يلين بلطف المناطق الخشنة من البشرة؛
- يعيد المظهر الصحي والنعومة.-
1. افركي شرائح الشمع بين يديك لمدة خمس ثوانٍ تقريباً لتسخين الشمع. نصيحة احترافية: إذا كان لديك مناسبة مهمة قادمة، فلا تنتظري حتى الليلة الأخيرة لإزالة الشعر بالشمع لتجنب حدوث تهيج محتمل.
2. افصلي الشرائح عن بعضها ببطء. يمكن استخدام كل شريحة عدة مرات حتى تتوقف عن إزالة الشعر.
3. ضعي الشريحة على المنطقة المرغوبة من البشرة، وامسحيها عدة مرات في اتجاه نمو الشعر (من الركبة إلى الكاحل).
4. بحركة سريعة، قومي بإزالة الشريحة عكس اتجاه نمو الشعر (من الكاحل إلى الركبة). لتقليل الانزعاج، امسكي الجلد مشدوداً بيديك. نصيحة احترافية: لا تقومي بإزالة الشريحة في اتجاه نمو الشعر، حيث يمكن أن يتسبب ذلك في تلف بنية الشعر.
Hydrogenated Styrene/Methyl Styrene/Indene Copolymer, Liquid Paraffin, Silicon Dioxin, Polyethylene, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-di-tert-butylhydroxyhydrocinnamate, Flavor, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Titanium Dioxide, 1,4-Bis( p-tolylamine) anthraquinone, 1,3-isobenzofurandione.
Veet - شرائح شمعية للبشرة الجافة بالصبار
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I didn't buy it here, but I'm attaching a photo. I really want to protect girls from such purchases.
2 stars for 2 armpits
I usually used Veet sugar wax in a jar, and it completely satisfied me. Two days ago, I tried these wax strips and realized that I made a mistake. After using them, I ended up with a burn mark on my skin and pinpoint bruises with discoloration. I have never experienced anything like this after hair removal before.
The hair removal is not effective.
Well, that's okay, I think I just need to get used to it.
Blisters appeared on my hands after using the wipes.
That was unpleasant.
I don't know what you put in them, but it's terrible!
I hope it goes away in a couple of days.
I don't want to buy it again.
Great strips, they were a perfect fit for my skin. I have also used other products from Vit, and they have never let me down.
I have been using these strips for a long time. For those with busy hands like mine, hair removal with these strips takes very little time. I am considering trying something new, especially in the summer when I want my legs to be as smooth as possible. One major drawback of this product is that it does not remove some hairs in certain areas of the leg, and many hairs grow back ingrown despite intensive scrubbing and exfoliation. The wax is difficult to wash off, even with the included wipes. Trying these strips is definitely worth it, but I won't recommend them as the best option. I would like to purchase an improved version of this product or replace it with something else.
Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction after using this product. It took a really long time to wash off the stickiness. I don't recommend it for sensitive skin. And it's not very economical in terms of usage.
The strips fulfill their purpose perfectly, I highly recommend them.
In my opinion, these are the best wax strips. They are quick, convenient, and easy to use.
Excellent strips. Fast and convenient.
I am completely satisfied with these strips! They are very easy to use and convenient! I was able to remove the hair from my arms in just 5 minutes. They fit me perfectly.
I am very satisfied with the strips. First and foremost, what caught my attention was how easy they are to use. There is no need to heat or steam anything. The leftover wax rinses off easily. The scent is pleasant. The wipes are of good quality.
Despite the negative reviews, I cannot live without these wax strips. I use them for my legs, as I have thin hair that is easily removed. Before starting the procedure, I clean my skin with chlorhexidine or cleansing water (like micellar water) and dust a little talcum powder (baby powder) on it. The redness from the hair removal subsides within half an hour, so I can do it in the morning and go about my day.
For example, after a few sugaring sessions, my blood vessels burst and my legs were covered in tiny bruises. This happened even though I used a soft paste, although it didn't happen after the first time. So, I switched back to wax strips (I haven't tried hot wax as I don't want spider veins on my legs from dilated blood vessels).
My hair grows very quickly, so I need to do it once a week. Of course, I do it at home by myself with these strips, and it takes me about 20 minutes. At the end, I go over with tweezers to remove just a couple of stray hairs. But this happens with any hair removal method, so I always have to pluck individual hairs with tweezers for a perfect result.
The packaging is for one use, but sometimes it lasts for a couple of strips. I can reuse one sticky side twice.
I particularly love the green ones with aloe because of the smell, although the others are also good. I haven't noticed any difference in effectiveness between them.
Small strips. After use, there is residual paraffin on the skin that cannot be removed with "Vitovskaya" wipes. The product is not worth its money. There are cheaper and much better alternatives.
The product effectively removes hair, although some may need to be removed with tweezers, similar to after sugaring. The wax cleaning cloth is simply amazing, leaving the skin smooth and soft. Overall, I am satisfied with the product.
It doesn't work at all! Awful, it's not even the strips.
I didn't like these strips. They leave a lot of hair behind.
These strips are absolutely useless! I'm writing this to prevent girls from wasting their money. I followed the instructions and heated them up, but they don't remove hair at all. A few hairs end up on the strips, and that's it. They may seem like big hairs, but they don't get removed. All I'm left with is irritation on my legs. It's just awful.
Terrible wax strips. It's impossible to remove all the hairs, and the irritation lasts for a very long time. I will never use them again.
I do not share the enthusiasm for these strips as they break the hairs and do not remove them completely, plus they don't remove all the hairs either. By the way, they also irritate the skin a lot, the effect from sugaring is 100 times better.
Terrible experience with these steel products! The packs were insufficient, barely reaching my knees, and caused a 20% hair loss! They have greatly deteriorated, which was never the case before.