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ماركة: Sensodyne
السلسلة: pronamel
نوع المنتج: معجون الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: تبييض
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: بريطانية العظمى
صنع في: بريطانيا, سلوفاكيا
يمكن أن تؤثر المهيجات الخارجية على أسنانك، مما يؤدي إلى تآكل المينا، واصفرار الأسنان، وزيادة الحساسية. تخلص من هذه المشكلات المزعجة مع معجون الأسنان "بروناميل للتبييض اللطيف" من سنسوداين! هذا المنتج سينعش أنفاسك، ويقلل الحساسية، ويساعد في منع نزيف اللثة. تعمل المكونات النشطة في معجون الأسنان على إزالة البقع وتبييض المينا بلطف، مما يمنح ابتسامتك بريقاً يشبه ابتسامة نجوم هوليوود!
ميزات معجون الأسنان "بروناميل للتبييض اللطيف" من سنسوداين:
- مناسب للاستخدام اليومي؛
- يهتم بنظافة وصحة الفم؛
- يعيد البياض الطبيعي للأسنان؛
- يزيل الجير واللويحات والتغيرات اللونية؛
- يقلل من حساسية الأسنان؛
- ينعش النفس ويوفر إحساساً بالنظافة؛
- يقوي المينا المتضررة؛
- يخفف أعراض الألم؛
- يحتوي على تركيبة منخفضة الكشط؛
- يحتوي على الفلورايد؛
- يحمي من تآكل الأحماض.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من معجون الأسنان على فرشاة أسنانك. قم بتنظيف أسنانك بحركات دائرية مع تدليك لثتك بلطف. اشطف فمك بكمية صغيرة من الماء واحتفظ به لمدة 20-30 ثانية.
Aqua, Sorbitol, Hydrated Silica, Glycerin, Potassium Nitrate, PEG-6, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Aroma, Titanium Dioxide, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Saccharin, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Hydroxide, Limonene.
Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening - معجون تبييض الأسنان
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In the product description, it states that it is made in: United Kingdom, but in reality, it is made in Slovakia.
I liked the pasta. Thank you Makeup for the opportunity to easily and quickly purchase and receive a quality product.
I absolutely love this toothpaste. It performs its functions perfectly.
The taste is pleasant. I have been using it for a week and haven't noticed any whitening effect yet. It's just a regular toothpaste.
The product effectively whitens.
It truly whitens impressively.
My favorite toothpaste. It doesn't create excessive foam in the mouth and effectively whitens teeth.
The packaging design should be commended by marketers. We're talking about the cap. In order to unscrew it, especially with damp hands, some additional effort will be required. And you should be prepared for this: the toothpaste seems to be there and it's nearby, but it's quite difficult to get it out. Although this could be a plus in terms of child safety, in my opinion, this caution is a bit excessive.
The toothpaste caused sensitivity in the enamel for the entire family. It doesn't whiten. It stings. We didn't like it.
The pasta is pleasant and cleans well. However, it does not whiten as promised by the manufacturer.
This pasta is good. The texture is alright and it does have an effect, although not a drastic one.
The tube is not convenient, as the toothpaste is inadvertently squeezed out into the cap when opening or closing it with a click. The toothpaste itself is regular, I have used Sensodyne before and Sensetive is essentially the same, just in a different packaging.
The product is very liquid.
I really liked this toothpaste. Usually, I don't pay attention to brands, labels, or reviews when it comes to products like this. I would just grab whatever was closest or at eye level in the supermarket and go about my business. I bought this toothpaste in the same way, without thinking twice, just randomly. Toothpaste is toothpaste, right?
But then, at home, I suddenly felt its pleasantness. How often do we, tired from a long day of work, get excited about the obligatory and boring act of brushing our teeth? And yet, here I am, finding it delicious and enjoyable. I don't know if this toothpaste really whitens teeth, but it definitely gives a special feeling of cleanliness. Like the satisfaction of perfectly clean dishes to a fanatic homemaker. And no problems with sensitivity either. My respect to the creators of this recipe.
We always buy this toothpaste, and we are very satisfied with it.
This pasta is deliciously soft, and I really enjoy it.
This toothpaste is currently my favorite among all the others. It is the only one that cleans the teeth until they squeak and it has a gentle whitening effect. I am pleased that it is suitable for sensitive teeth.
I decided to try this toothpaste as a replacement for the whitening blend with honey. Well, what can I say?! I prefer the whitening blend with honey because it whitens better and keeps my teeth clean throughout the day. This Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle toothpaste is milder and gentler :)