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ماركة: Davines
السلسلة: nt well being
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب
الحجم: 250 ml
المكونات: الأكيناسيا, حمض الستريك
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
فهم احتياجات شعرك أمر بالغ الأهمية. لقد طور أخصائيو التجميل الإيطاليون منتجًا متعدد الاستخدامات يناسب كل امرأة - شامبو دافينز ويل بيينغ، وهو شامبو مرطب لجميع أنواع الشعر. لا يكتفي بتنظيف الشوائب بفعالية فحسب، بل يغذي ويرطب أيضًا، بفضل تركيبته الخاصة التي تسمح لجزيئات الماء بالبقاء داخل ساق الشعر لفترة طويلة.
تتكون نواة هذه التركيبة من المركبات النباتية من عشبة الإشيناسيا، المدعمة بالبوليفينولات والسكريات، مما يوفر تأثيرًا مضادًا للأكسدة. كما أن الزيوت الأساسية من القرنفل وخشب الصندل وجوزة الطيب لها تأثير مهدئ على فروة الرأس وتخفف من التهيج.
باستخدام شامبو دافينز ويل بيينغ، وهو شامبو مرطب لجميع أنواع الشعر، ستحققين نتائج ممتازة.
ضعي المنتج على الشعر المبلل، ودلكي جيداً، ثم اشطفيه جيداً، وكرري العملية إذا لزم الأمر.
This shampoo is amazing. I have been using it for my clients since 2015 and there hasn't been a single case where it didn't work. You just need to use it correctly by applying it to the scalp, massaging it in, and washing it off. Since it is a medicinal series (brown bottle), it shouldn't be rinsed off immediately after massaging the scalp. The first application doesn't lather much because it contains plant acids. The second application, when emulsified with water, creates a rich lather which can also be used for massaging until the foam subsides. If necessary, a third application can be done (the scalp should start to "breathe" by sensation). Then, apply the conditioner from the same series to seal in the moisture. For the next wash, you can use shampoos from Melu, Mino, and Nonu of the same brand. So, the treatment is done through washing. The hair becomes wonderfully moisturized, elastic, and shiny. Enjoy using it!)
The first shampoo that didn't work for me at all, it doesn't deliver the promised effect. My hair quickly becomes greasy, it has become coarse, and the shampoo is expensive to use.
Great shampoo, professional care, I use the entire series, and the scent is fantastic!
It doesn't foam at all. It smells awful!! I'm glad I got a small size to try. At first, my hair was okay. But after 2 hours, they became greasy and lost their shine and silkiness. Maybe it's just not suitable for my hair type. But the smell is trashy.
Moisturizes and softens the hair, but it is quite wasteful. I do not recommend it if your hair lacks volume at the roots.
I have naturally thick hair which this product gives a nice shine to. Even washing it every two days, it still looks decent. However, it has a high consumption rate and doesn't wash hair very well. It seems to me that it causes more hair breakage and consequently, hair loss, but this is just an observation!
I have something to compare it with, as I constantly buy professional care. The moisturizing shampoo should smooth porous hair (speaking as a former hairdresser and from experience), but this one, on the contrary, makes the hair even frizzier! It has a high consumption rate, although it should be a concentrate (as the brand claims). A very strange shampoo... I bought it to try it as a replacement for my previous one, but I will never take it again.
The shampoo didn't really suit me, as it caused dandruff to appear...((
The shampoo and conditioner are simply amazing. They worked much better for me compared to the one I was using before. I highly recommend them for hair care.