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ماركة: Kerastase
السلسلة: specifique
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: لعلاج تساقط الشعر, للحجم
الحجم: 250 ml
المكونات: حمض الساليسيليك
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية, نخبوية
نوع الشعر: عادي
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: اسبانيا
شامبو بين بريفينشن سبيسيفيك الفريد يساعد في تقليل خطر تساقط الشعر. هذا الشامبو مُصمم بمكونات تنظيف فائقة النعومة تزيل بدقة الزهم والغبار وجزيئات الأوساخ بينما تُنعش وتُغذي وتلين فروة الرأس. كما يمنح الشعر نعومة حريرية ولمعانًا براقًا. المنتج يعتمد على صيغة جديدة تحتوي على مكونات مهدئة ومضادة للبكتيريا، مما يوازن مستوى الحموضة في فروة الرأس ويخلق بيئة ملائمة لنمو شعر قوي وصحي.
خصائص شامبو كيراستاس بين بريفينشن سبيسيفيك:
- يوازن فروة الرأس؛
- يعزز استعادة البشرة، محفزًا نمو الشعر الجديد؛
- يُحضر فروة الرأس لتطبيق أمبولات أمينيكسيل المضادة لتساقط الشعر؛
- يُوصى به لمكافحة تساقط الشعر النشط؛
- يحتوي على مكون أمينيكسيل الفعال الذي يكافح تصلب الكولاجين، وهو أحد أسباب تساقط الشعر؛
- مُعزز بمركب AOH: يوازن الدورة الدموية الدقيقة، مما يحسن تغذية الشعر على طوله بالكامل ويحفز النمو؛
- يتضمن الرامنوز الذي يعزز إنتاج الكولاجين، مما يجدد فروة الرأس ويزيد من مرونتها؛
- يتميز برائحة منعشة وخفيفة.-
بلل شعرك واضغط بلطف لإزالة الماء الزائد. ضع كمية صغيرة من الشامبو وقم بتدليك فروة الرأس بحركات دائرية. أضف القليل من الماء واستمر في تدليك شعرك برفق.
في التطبيق الأول، ركز على فروة الرأس ودلكها بأطراف أصابعك لإزالة الشوائب. اشطف شعرك جيداً بالماء.
ضع نفس الكمية من الشامبو مرة أخرى ودلك بحركات دائرية، مع إضافة القليل من الماء.
اشطف جيداً. إذا دخل المنتج في عينيك، اشطفهما فوراً بالماء.
Kerastase Bain Prevention Specifique Shampoo - شامبو
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I bought the shampoo elsewhere, along with the spray from the same series. The shampoo has a pleasant scent and lathers well when applied to the palm with a few drops of water, and then onto the hair. It is very economical to use.
As for the effectiveness of the shampoo, I don't have a definite opinion on whether it was effective for my hair. After 3 months of use, I didn't notice any significant changes.
I also experienced hair breakage. I'm not sure if it's because of the shampoo or the spray. I won't be ordering it again. Plus, the price is very inflated.
It effectively cleanses the hair but falls short in terms of its price.
I had a lot of hair loss, especially at the front of my forehead. It would always grow back as fuzz and then fall out again, so I never had long hair, as far as I can remember. I bought this shampoo without expecting any special effects. But after two months, I actually saw its results. My hair doesn't fall out anymore and that fuzz is growing back and turning into real hair.
I am VERY satisfied with the result.
I had enough of the 250ml bottle for three months, taking into account that I wash my hair every other day and sometimes every day.
The only thing I don't like is that I have to unscrew the cap to use the shampoo, as if I can't make it flip open in the bottle. But because of the effectiveness of the shampoo, I'm willing to come up with something (I just bought a 2-liter bottle and transferred it to a normal bottle with a proper flip cap).
Great shampoo. I am satisfied with it.
This is simply the worst shampoo in my life. The manufacturer claims that the shampoo should normalize the pH balance of the scalp and prevent hair loss. I was expecting to get a quality product that wouldn't harm my thin, prone-to-fall hair and somewhere support their health. In fact, this shampoo causes excessive oiliness of the scalp. If I wash my hair with it in the morning, by lunchtime I have three icicles on my head and my hair is not just greasy at the roots, but all the way to the ends. I have never experienced this with any shampoo before. I tried to make friends with this shampoo for three weeks: I applied different amounts of the product, rinsed my hair thoroughly after using it, and didn't use styling products. All in vain, the result is the same - you come to work with normal hair, and after lunch, you're afraid to catch someone's eye with your completely greasy hair. It's horrible!!!! If I have to go somewhere in the evening, I wash my hair again! I changed the shampoo - everything immediately returned to normal, washing my hair every other day. To get a shampoo for such money that can't even properly clean your hair - it's a complete disappointment. I don't recommend it to anyone, especially those with hair prone to falling out. With this shampoo, you can earn oily seborrhea and worsen the problem. By the way, there was also no effect against hair loss. And where can it come from if you have to wash your hair twice a day and they fall out even more during washing.
This shampoo is really great. I have already ordered it for the second time. I read the reviews and had doubts, but even after the first wash, I was pleasantly surprised. The amount of hair fall reduced by exactly half. I have curly hair and I wash it every 5-7 days. There is no greasiness or anything else, as mentioned in the comments.
To say that I am shocked is an understatement! I fell for the enthusiastic reviews and it was a big mistake. After washing my hair with this product, my hair felt even worse than when using a mass-market shampoo, but that's not the main issue. My hair becomes greasy within half a day, and within 24 hours, it feels like I poured a bottle of sunflower oil on it. I have never experienced such a nightmare in my life, not even with the cheapest shampoos!
It is absolutely not worth the money! I deeply regret buying it. I won't be fooled by brand popularity or high prices anymore. It's true what they say, a high price doesn't guarantee high quality.
Not a bad shampoo. There's no excitement, but there's also no negativity.
The shampoo is good, it cleans without making the hair squeaky, it doesn't dry out the hair, and it doesn't cause any itching on the scalp. I bought it together with the ampoules to reduce hair loss, but unfortunately, I didn't notice any effect. It is suitable for sensitive scalp. However, the price is clearly too high.
I really liked this shampoo! In a short period of time, dandruff completely disappeared! And my hair is falling out less. I also love the scent and consistency!
Terrible shampoo((( It's very watery (transparent).. My hair is dry, thinning, and falling out.. After using this shampoo, it's like a runny nose! Absolutely dreadful(( I used to use stimuliste GL for hair growth, it was fantastic, providing volume, shape, and moisture.. This Kérastase product is a complete failure!!! It claims to be silicone-free on the bottle, but it's just some rubbish, not a shampoo!