زيت مرطّب للجسم والشعر ومنطقة أعلى الصدر Caudalie Moisturizing Oil Elixir
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ماركة: Caudalie
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: زيت للجسم, زيت للشعر
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, تقوية
الحجم: 50 ml, 100 ml
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
إكسير زيت "سولاي دي فين" - زيت مغذي للجسم. مُعزز بزيوت الأرجان، والتين الشوكي، وبذور العنب، واللوز الحلو، والشيا، والسمسم، وعباد الشمس، يعمل هذا المنتج على تعزيز مرونة البشرة ويمنحها إشراقة جميلة وفورية دون الشعور بالدهون. تمتع بنسمات العطر الصيفي الأيقوني "سولاي دي فين" مع نفحات جوز الهند وزهر البرتقال والياسمين. سيذكرك هذا المنتج بالصيف طوال العام. تم ابتكاره من قبل علامة كودالي، وهو مُعزز بزيت الأرجان وزيت بذور العنب وزبدة الشيا. ستلاحظ نتائج واضحة في فترة قصيرة من الاستخدام.
مميزات إكسير زيت الترطيب من كودالي:
- مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة؛
- يوفر تأثيرات مهدئة ومرطبة؛
- ينعم ويجدد ويمنح البشرة إشراقة طبيعية؛
- تركيبة خفيفة وغير دهنية؛
- يمكن استخدامه في أي وقت من اليوم؛
- يحتوي على 95% من المكونات الطبيعية؛
- مُختبر من قبل أطباء الجلدية؛
- نباتي.-
رش بضع قطرات من زيت العلاج المغذي على راحة يدك ودلكه بلطف على جسمك وشعرك ووجهك.
Caudalie Moisturizing Oil Elixir - زيت مرطّب للجسم والشعر ومنطقة أعلى الصدر
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I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible, as always, from Caudalie. However, it simply felt like sunflower oil both in terms of scent and moisturization. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their scents). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself. Well, I guess I'll add my favorite perfume and use it only for my hair. Let's see the result...
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.
I was expecting something incredible from Caudalie, as always. However, it just feels like sunflower oil in terms of both fragrance and moisture. I thought it would be similar to perfumes, even ordered a bottle that looked similar (because I love almost all of their fragrances). Why don't they produce more of my favorite "Divine Oil"? I haven't found anything better for myself.