قناع الوجه "النبات" Fraijour Original Artemisia Steam Mask
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ماركة: Fraijour
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تنظيف, تهدئة
الحجم: 50 g
المكونات: آذريون, أرز, إكليل الجبل, الإيوكاليبتوس, البابونج, البيتيتغرين, الخزامى, الشاي الأخضر, الطين, الفيربينا, الكاميليا, المكاديميا, الميرمية, الهاماميليس, الياسمين, بابايا, زنك, زيت الزيتون, سنتيلا, شجرة الشاي, عرق السوس, فيتامين e, نعناع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: عادي
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
قناع البخار الأصلي من فرايجور بالأرتميسيا هو منتج متعدد الوظائف يجمع بين تأثيرات التقشير والتنظيف الدقيق. تحتوي تركيبته المتوازنة على الطين الأبيض ومجموعة من المستخلصات النباتية، بالإضافة إلى زيوت شجرة الشاي وعباد الشمس والمكاديميا والزيتون. تعمل هذه المكونات المختارة بعناية على ترطيب وتغذية البشرة، وتزويدها بالفيتامينات، وتحسين لونها والحالة العامة للبشرة.
فوائد قناع البخار الأصلي من فرايجور بالأرتميسيا:
- يوفر تأثيرات تنظيف وتهدئة؛
- يجعل البشرة ناعمة، ملساء، مشدودة ومرنة؛
- يعزز تجدد خلايا البشرة؛
- يزيل التهيجات والجفاف وتقشر البشرة؛
- يزيل الطين الأبيض خلايا الجلد الميتة والزهم، ويقضي على السموم؛
- يحتوي مستخلص الأرتميسيا على خصائص مضادة للالتهابات والبكتيريا؛
- يعمل مستخلص البابايا على تقشير خلايا الجلد الميتة بلطف.-
ضعي القناع بشكل متساوٍ على بشرة الوجه التي تم تنظيفها مسبقًا. اتركيه لمدة 10-15 دقيقة، ثم اشطفيه بالماء الدافئ. يُوصى باستخدامه 1-2 مرة في الأسبوع.
Fraijour Original Artemisia Steam Mask - قناع الوجه "النبات"
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I have tried this product twice and it caused my cheeks to break out with small pimples. Before using it, I never had any skin breakouts. I will continue observing its effects, but this particular outcome is not suitable for me.
The mask is wonderful. I have bought it multiple times. I love its scent and the warming effect it provides. If possible, I will continue to purchase it.
The mask has a warming effect and contains particles that do not harm the skin at all. After using it, my skin feels delicate. I have combination skin, and I liked the mask. Thank you, Makeup, for the fast delivery.
I really liked the mask. I have already ordered my third one. It seems to finish very quickly. It has a pleasant aroma and doesn't dry out or irritate the skin. It also has a light steaming effect. It truly calms the skin and washes off easily. I use the entire series. Excellent!
The mask is fantastic. The particles in it are soft. I don't understand the comment below.
I used the first tube and immediately ordered 2 more. This mask is excellent and it's perfect for my combination sensitive skin. The particles in the mask resemble chopped tea leaves, no matter how much I rubbed, it didn't hurt my skin. There is a warm sensation when applying to the face. It moisturizes brilliantly and calms small breakouts. The volume is actually a bit small, although it's likely that the mask should be applied thinly like a cream. It applies and rinses off excellently. The scent is like tea tree and herbs.
It suited my combination skin well. It evened out my skin tone and moisturized it. I didn't need anything more than masks and didn't have to wait. I liked it.
Well, it's alright! I would say it's an average mask. And that's precisely because of the combination of quality, price, and volume. It looks cool - with it, I resemble a kiwi :)))), it doesn't harden, smells nice, and washes off easily. But it doesn't provide the kind of relaxation I was expecting. By the way, it contains large solid particles that can easily damage the skin during application and removal. It moisturizes and softens, yes, but not much more. It lasted me about five uses. I think I'll go back to my favorite one from Skinbar with the pink clay.
A pleasant, lightweight, and effective mask! I have been using it recently, but I can already notice some slight improvements in the condition of my face. It is convenient to use before bedtime. In the morning, you won't recognize your reflection))) Everything is perfect!
I really liked this mask.
I liked the mask, I recommend it.
The mask soothes irritations and redness, while also evening out skin tone. I really liked it.
I really enjoyed using the mask.
I love how my skin feels after using this mask. I've been using it not just once, but multiple times, and I will definitely continue to do so in the future.
I really liked the mask, it suited my combination skin. It evened out my skin tone and made it more uniform and fresh. It also has a soothing effect.
A gentle plant-based mask that effectively cleanses the skin. It is perfect for me.
The stated functions are performed. The face feels relaxed and tender.