فوط صحية يومية، 24 قطعة Masmi Natural Cotton Anatomical
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ماركة: Masmi
السلسلة: natural cotton
نوع المنتج: الفوط الصحية
خصائص المنتج: مضاد للبكتيريا
الحجم: 24 عنصر.
نوع الفوط الصحية: يومية
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: عضوي
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
لضمان تجربة الراحة والحماية الموثوقة في أي موقف، قامت علامة ماسمي بإنشاء فوط صحية يومية ذات شكل تشريحي مثالي. هذه المنتجات مصنوعة من القطن الطبيعي دون استخدام الكلور أو الديوكسين. تمتص الفوط الرطوبة بفعالية وتبعدها عن البشرة، دون ترك أي ألياف على الجلد ومنعها من الالتصاق. القاعدة المضادة للحساسية تقلل من احتمالية حدوث ردود فعل تحسسية أو تهيج. السطح الناعم والمسام لا يخلق تأثير "البيت الزجاجي"، مما يوفر راحة إضافية.
مميزات ماسمي القطن الطبيعي التشريحي:
- مصنوعة من القطن الطبيعي المضاد للحساسية؛
- خالية من الكلور والديوكسين؛
- صديقة للبيئة، تتحلل بشكل طبيعي بنسبة 95٪؛
- توفر حماية موثوقة ضد تساقط الألياف أو التصاقها بالجلد؛
- تقلل من خطر الحساسية والتهيج؛
- لا تحتوي على مواد هلامية ماصة أو عطور؛
- تتميز بسطح ناعم ومسام؛
- لا تخلق تأثير "البيت الزجاجي"؛
- مجهزة بشريط لاصق لتثبيت آمن؛
- تسمح للبشرة بالتنفس؛
- توفر إحساسًا بالراحة والانتعاش؛
- مصممة خصيصًا للاستخدام اليومي.-
أولاً، اغسلي يديكِ جيداً. افتحي العبوة وأخرجي الفوطة الصحية. بعد إخراج الفوطة، انزعي الشريط الطويل من الجانب الخارجي. ثم قومي بتثبيت الفوطة على الجزء الداخلي من ملابسكِ الداخلية. بعد ارتداء ملابسكِ الداخلية، يجب ألا تشعري بأي إزعاج.
They are so narrow! They are long and don't cause discomfort, but their absorbing surface is very small. I won't buy them again.
The pads are a bit too big for everyday use, but they are suitable for the beginning and end of the day. Overall, everything is fine with them except for the adhesive - the pads tend to shift a bit (although I have noticed that this also depends on the underwear), so that's a minus one star.
Good pads, they don't cause sweating or rustling, and they don't harm your health or the environment. I switched to eco a long time ago and I don't regret it. These pads with 2 droplets are not exactly small, they are suitable for either the last days of menstruation, or during candle treatment, or for other moments when there is too much discharge for a regular panty liner, but not enough to use regular pads. I recommend them.
I accidentally bought this product for the first time while vacationing in Spain and I really liked it. It is a high-quality product and it is also natural, without any chemicals. Recently, I noticed that they also appeared on the Maykap Masmi website. I wanted to order it, but I read some reviews and was worried that it might be counterfeit. However, I took a chance and it turned out to be genuine. So, those negative reviews are either from competitors or...
I really liked them! As I got older, I wanted to take care of my health and switch to organic products, and I have never regretted it. I highly recommend them, and the ingredients are amazing.
The pads are good. They are soft, natural, and don't cause any itching, which is important. Whenever I used other non-organic pads, I always felt uncomfortable and often experienced irritation. I had to switch to organic pads and I have no regrets.
These pads are really uncomfortable to wear as the edges tend to fold up because the adhesive strip is only in the center. If you need them to wear immediately after menstruation or as protection while using suppositories, they are useless as everything will leak onto your underwear. Another thing I didn't like is that the surface, although made of cotton, feels rough due to the mesh. I do not recommend them.
These worked for me. They were comfortable and didn't cause any allergic reactions, unlike non-organic products.
After reading reviews about the harm of regular everyday pads, the greenhouse effect, etc., I decided to buy organic pads that are breathable and do not pollute the environment since they decompose almost 100%. However, all the reviews and promises were contradicted by the fact that they are absolutely uncomfortable to wear. After half an hour, I started feeling discomfort. The edges of the pads curl up, just like in cheap supermarket ones. Since the sticky part is not located at the very edges but somewhere in the middle, the pad flips over to the lower side, where there is no adhesive strip, and the whole purpose of the soft upper surface is lost. In short, it's a pity for the money spent and the irritated area.