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انسَ أمر الفلاتر، لأنك الآن يمكنك الحصول عليها مباشرة في زجاجة كريم الأساس من ميكب ريفولوشن! هذا المنتج الجمالي يوفر تغطية متوسطة إلى كاملة ويتميز بتركيبة خفيفة وقابلة للتهوية مع تأثير غير لامع وتركيز ناعم. يتوفر كريم الأساس IRL Filter Longwear في مجموعة واسعة: 30 درجة لا مثيل لها، حتى تتمكن من العثور على اللون المثالي لك. مع هذا الأساس، سيبدو بشرتك ناعمة، وخالية من العيوب، وطبيعية — إنه فلتر جمالي حقيقي بين يديك!
ميزات كريم الأساس IRL Filter Longwear من ميكب ريفولوشن:
- مُعزَّز بالنياسيناميد، خالٍ من الزيوت، وخالٍ من اللمعان، ويترك لمسة نهائية غير لامعة؛
- لا يبرز التجاعيد أو يعمقها؛
- طويل الأمد ومقاوم للتلطخ؛
- يوفر ثبات يدوم 16 ساعة، ليلاً ونهاراً؛
- يحتوي على 20% زيادة في الصبغة؛
- سهل التطبيق والدمج للحصول على التغطية المطلوبة؛
- مُختبر جلدياً، غير مسبِّب لانسداد المسام، ومناسب للبشرة المعرضة للعيوب؛
- مزود بمضخة مدمجة للدقة والسيطرة الأفضل؛
- لا يحتوي على مكونات مشتقة من الحيوانات، ومعتمد من PETA كمنتج غير مُختبر على الحيوانات.-
ضعي منتج المكياج على وجهك باستخدام فرشاة أو إسفنجة أو أصابعك، وامزجيه جيدًا.
I watched various videos to determine the shade and decided to order the f2. It covers everything that is possible, giving a masked effect. However, after a couple of hours, it settles into the pores, even though it was applied on a base and set with powder. I bought it as a replacement for Paese. The shade itself is very light, considering that I use 01 from Paese. I also want to try applying it on the base of the same brand, as in this case, it worked well to add a little to the tone from Paese and make the coverage denser. It did not suit me for everyday use, but it would be great for photoshoots.
F1, F2 - these are the model names of two products being reviewed. Unfortunately, without any context or additional information, it is not possible to provide a coherent and accurate translation. Please provide a complete sentence or a paragraph to be translated.
I absolutely love this foundation. I bought the shade F2 abroad, which is suitable for a pink undertone. Now I have ordered F1, as I have a light neutral undertone and it matches perfectly. I searched for a long time for a foundation for fair skin that provides good coverage. The actual descriptions of the shades and undertones can be found on the Revolution website to avoid any guesswork, as it is not visible in the photos.
I am also attaching a photo, with shade 1 on top and shade 2 at the bottom, you can see that it appears slightly pinkish under certain lighting.
This is my favorite foundation, and I have many of them. It has a matte natural finish and applies smoothly, providing full coverage. I apply it with a damp sponge. It lasted well during the summer, although I still powder my oily skin. The ingredients are good, without mineral oils. The only mistake I made was choosing shade 03, which was a bit lighter for summer, although it has a pink undertone and is not neutral. Therefore, I ordered shade 01 on sale, hoping it will match my skin tone. I have included swatches of shade 03 in the photos.
Unfortunately, I didn't guess the shade correctly. 0.2 is very light, almost white.
This foundation is amazing. It's like a filter from FaceApp. It's perfect for photoshoots or special occasions. It's very high coverage, it covers everything, even freckles. It lasts a long time and has a matte finish. The most important thing is to choose the right shade. I have F4, and it has a slight pink undertone.