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ماركة: RR Line
السلسلة: keratin star
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تنشيط, تنظيف
الحجم: 350 ml, 1000 ml, 10000 ml
المكونات: الكيراتين, حمض الساليسيليك, زبدة الشيا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: تالف
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
الشعر الذي خضع لتغيير جذري في اللون أو تمويج دائم يحتاج إلى عناية خاصة. شامبو لإعادة بناء الخصلات من مجموعة RR Line Keratin Star يعمل على استعادة الخصلات الضعيفة والمتضررة التي تعرضت لتحول جذري.
عند ملامسة الماء، يُنتج المنتج رغوة كثيفة وناعمة، تنظف الشعر بفعالية ولطف. الشامبو لا يسبب الجفاف ولا يضر الشعر ولا يؤدي إلى تقصف الأطراف. مكوناته الفعالة تستعيد توازن الماء في فروة الرأس، وتعمل على تنشيطها وتمنع ظهور القشرة والجفاف أو التقشر.
الكيراتين وزبدة الشيا يعتنيان بالشعر، يغذيانه ويقويانه من الجذور حتى الأطراف. تصبح الخصلات أكثر كثافة ومرونة ونعومة وذات ملمس لطيف.
ضعي المنتج على الشعر المبلل، دلكي بلطف ثم اشطفيه بالماء الدافئ. كرري العملية إذا لزم الأمر.
This is the second time I have ordered a large shampoo/mask (1L) and received a completely torn box, even though I regularly receive heavy packages through Nova Poshta and this problem only occurs with Makeup packages.
As a conclusion, the packaging is of poor quality. If the order includes a heavy shampoo or mask, the box should be made of stronger cardboard or wrapped in additional plastic film or secured with extra tape, etc.
The shampoo is fantastic! It leaves my hair feeling soft and doesn't leave any greasy residue. I highly recommend it.
Terrible and watery shampoo, after washing my hair becomes dry at the roots and greasy ... waste of money ...
I have been buying this product for a while now. I really like this brand of shampoos and masks. Thank you to Makeup for the prompt delivery and the gift!
How is it possible to produce such a volume without a dispenser? This is extremely inconvenient, the shampoo is liquid and pours out in huge quantities. The shampoo itself is not great either, I didn't like it. I won't buy it again.
After using this product, my hair started falling out less. Also, my hair stays fresh for an extra day. Before this, I used head holders. I wash my hair with violin shampoo, it's the first time for me. After washing, I use a lot of their products, so my hair doesn't dry out.
I really love this shampoo! It works perfectly for my hair: it doesn't dry them out at all, unlike other shampoos, and they still feel alive after using it (I dye my hair in light shades). My head feels fresh for 3 days. I highly recommend using the mask and heat protection along with it - together, they will help you get rid of split ends.
Good shampoo! However, in my opinion, nothing special. I liked the hair mask with argan oil from this brand more.
This product worked well for my thin and damaged hair, which had been subjected to excessive heat from a flat iron and hair dryer. I am very satisfied with it.