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التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: اوكراينا
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تُعتبر المواد عالية الجودة الأساس للحصول على مانيكير مثالي. استناداً إلى هذا المبدأ، طوّرت علامة ريجالانس قاعدة أظافر شفافة باستخدام تركيبة خالية من المكونات السامة. بفضل قوامها متوسط اللزوجة، تضمن هذه القاعدة توزيعاً متساوياً وسهلاً على صفيحة الظفر. يتميز تصميم المنتج المريح بفرشاة تطبيق ملائمة تسهّل عملية التوزيع بشكل أنيق على الأظافر دون ترك خطوط أو لطخات. المنتج سهل الاستخدام وسيصبح أداة لا غنى عنها لرسومات الأظافر في المنزل أو في الصالون.
مميزات قاعدة جل ريجالانس:
- تُطبَّق قبل وضع اللون؛
- تضمن متانة الطلاء؛
- تلتصق بإحكام بصفيحة الظفر؛
- تحتوي على طبقة تشتت؛
- منتج مقاوم للتآكل بدرجة عالية؛
- سهلة الإزالة باستخدام محاليل خاصة؛
- تمنع التقشر والانفصال؛
- لا تتسرب أثناء الاستخدام؛
- تتصلب تحت مصباح LED في غضون 30 ثانية.-
قوموا بتشكيل الأظافر بالشكل المطلوب. ضعوا طبقة أساسية على سطح الأظافر النظيف والناعم والجاف. بعد ذلك، ضعوها في مصباح الأشعة فوق البنفسجية لمدة دقيقتين أو في مصباح LED لمدة دقيقة واحدة. ضعوا طبقة رقيقة من طلاء الجل الملون. أثناء وضع الطبقة الأولى، من المهم تثبيت حافة الظفر. ضعوها في مصباح الأشعة فوق البنفسجية لمدة دقيقتين أو في مصباح LED لمدة 30 ثانية. ضعوا الطبقة الثانية من طلاء الجل. ثم جففوا في مصباح الأشعة فوق البنفسجية لمدة دقيقتين أو في مصباح LED لمدة 30 ثانية. قوموا بتغطيتها بتوب كوت (طبقة نهائية). قوموا بعملية البوليمرة باستخدام مصباح الأشعة فوق البنفسجية لمدة دقيقتين أو بمصباح LED لمدة دقيقة واحدة. أزيلوا الطبقة اللاصقة المتبقية بعد عملية البوليمرة.
Reglance Base Gel - أساس للأظافر
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I have been using this company's foundation for quite some time now. It has a thick consistency and applies smoothly, which I really like.
The foundation goes on smoothly, without spreading or causing any discomfort. It doesn't feel heavy or cause any irritation. I highly recommend it.
Good foundation, I have no complaints about it so far. It has a medium consistency.
So far, I am satisfied with it. It doesn't burn, has a reasonable consistency, and it is easy to work with. It self-levels and doesn't turn yellow. I purchased it as a base for gel.
The texture is just right, it spreads evenly and smoothly.
For its price, it's not worth it. It applies well, has average thickness, and the scent is ordinary, just like a base should be. However, the manicure only lasted a week.
Great base, I haven't tested it for wear yet, but it applies amazingly and has the perfect consistency for a manicure that lasts for three days.
I did not like the product at all. It started to come apart on the second day, and on top of that, it burns in the lamp. I do not recommend it.
Not bad, it lasts for about 2 weeks on thin nails.
Great foundation, applies smoothly and doesn't leak! It lasts a long time and doesn't peel off. I highly recommend it to everyone. MAKEUP is always on point! Very fast delivery!
I did not like the foundation, it is difficult to work with and has a strong odor.
The base is good, it lasted me for 2 weeks. After that, there were some peeling near the cuticles, but overall it's okay.
The foundation is excellent, it wears well, has a moderate coverage, and is easy to work with.
I have been using this base coat for 7 months already and I really like it. It takes some getting used to the thickness, but out of all the ones I have tried, this one is the most effective. Chips are a rarity, even after a lengthy period of nail growth. My nails became as fragile as paper after extensive extensions, but with this base coat, I was able to restore the nail plate and now I am not afraid to grow them longer. Previously, I was unable to achieve this and had to resort to extensions. I highly recommend this product.
The base and top coat of this series are really poor quality. They barely last a week.
Good base. I did gel nails myself for the first time and thought I wouldn't be able to handle it, but everything turned out great. The consistency is a bit thick, so you don't need to load too much on the brush and spread it evenly. It levels out nicely after curing under a UV lamp for 2 minutes. It may be slightly sticky, but it takes nail polish well. I wore the nails for a month with the same top coat and only removed them because I got bored of the color.
Probably my favorite base coat. It has a good consistency, not too runny, and spreads easily on the nail surface. I highly recommend it.
I bought this product based on the reviews to use as a base for gel polish. It has a medium consistency and is easy to apply without running. It has lasted for three weeks without any chips.
Great base, especially suitable for a substrate.
My favorite base, I use it as a foundation. It stays on all handles.