مزيج من الزيوت العطرية والمستخلصات Phytorelax Laboratories 31 Herbs Oil
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ماركة: Phytorelax Laboratories
السلسلة: 31 herbs oil
نوع المنتج: زيت أساسي
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, استرخاء, العلاج العطري, تعطير, تهدئة, ضد الالتهابات, لإزالة الرائحة, للتدليك
المكونات: تركيبة
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
منتج مزيج الزيوت الأساسية والمستخلصات من مختبرات فيتوريلاكس هو منتج فاخر مصمم للعناية المتقدمة بالبشرة. يحتوي على ما يصل إلى 30 نوعًا مختلفًا من الأعشاب التي تهدف إلى تهدئة وتجديد وتغذية البشرة. هذا المنتج متعدد الاستخدامات مناسب للبشرة والأظافر والشعر، ليقدم رعاية شاملة من الرأس إلى القدمين.
يساعد زيت الأعشاب على تحفيز عملية التجديد للمناطق المتضررة من البشرة والشعر مع استعادة نعومتها وإشراقها. كما يساهم في استعادة الحاجز الطبيعي الواقي للبشرة، مما يمنع الجفاف والشد والتهيج. سيكمل الزيت العطري جلسات التدليك والعلاج بالعطور، مما يساعدك على الاسترخاء وتصفية ذهنك. وبفضل تركيبته المضادة للحساسية، فإن هذا المنتج مناسب حتى للبشرة الأكثر حساسية.
فوائد زيت 31 أعشاب من مختبرات فيتوريلاكس:
- يوفر تقوية واستعادة فعالة للبشرة والشعر؛
- يكمل جلسات التدليك ومعالجات السبا المنزلية وطقوس العلاج بالروائح؛
- يساعد على الاسترخاء والتركيز؛
- ينعش ويشد الجسم بشكل مثالي؛
- يخفف من التوتر العضلي والعاطفي؛
- يمتص بالكامل دون ترك بقع أو آثار؛
- لا يحتوي على الكحول.-
للعلاج بالروائح: امزج 5-6 قطرات مع 20 مل من الماء، وضعها في مصباح الروائح. للاستحمام: أضف 8-10 قطرات إلى ماء الاستحمام. للعناية بالبشرة: أضف قطرة واحدة لكل 5 غرامات من الكريم أو الزيت.
Phytorelax Laboratories 31 Herbs Oil - مزيج من الزيوت العطرية والمستخلصات
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The product is of good quality. However, the scent is not to my liking.
The season of my favorite oil has begun! I can't live without this aroma and the relaxing effect anymore.
I added it to all my creams and shower gels, I use it for aromatherapy before sleep, I apply it on my temples for headaches. If I could eat it, I would probably add it to all my dishes!
Perfect for anti-cellulite massage, the masseur says it's highly concentrated and has a luxurious composition. It spreads smoothly and has a delightful herbal fragrance.
The oil is simply amazing. I add a few drops to my face and hand cream. It has a scent similar to "zvezdochka," but I really love it.
This is not just oil, but a healing concentrated oil. I apply it drop by drop on my feet every day, and fully, as a preventive measure, on my entire body after taking a bath. It effectively restores not only the skin, but also overall psychological well-being. Fatigue disappears, it relaxes and at the same time energizes. I recommend it to everyone, as it is currently a very relevant remedy for relieving tension.
The oil is worth its price. The scent is natural. The consistency is well-balanced. Its usage can vary from aromatizing to inhaling. I am glad that I have it.
This is simply a concentrate of soul and body remedies! A truly amazing elixir. I sometimes take a bath with 5-6 drops to breathe in nature. I add it to lotion and apply it directly to the tips of my feet. It restores both physically and psychologically. I recommend it to everyone as a natural anti-stress preventive measure. It is highly versatile.
Exquisite high-class oil. I use it both on its own and as an addition to other creams. A small amount is enough for large areas. The skin looks much better, my cellulite has decreased, elasticity has increased, and even recovery has occurred.
"This is a great oil that smells of natural herbs. It reminds me of the scent of Doctor Mom. It is very calming and perfect for massages. However, the price is quite high."
31 herb oil - I add it to my skincare products for elasticity and cellulite reduction! It has a relaxing aroma. I highly recommend it. The price matches the quality.
I didn't even know at first what I ordered. It turned out to be a concentrated oil blend that can be added in drops anywhere or used in its pure form. I add it everywhere for my body, hair, and even apply it on my nose as an antiviral barrier.
It's simply a botanical bomb. The scent is very herbal and healing, and it's pleasant to inhale.
I highly recommend it to everyone.
I have been searching for this kind of skincare for a long time. When I read the full composition, I decided to make a purchase. I use it as an addition to my creams, apply it under my nose in winter as a preventive measure against colds, and use it on my body for relaxation. The ingredients include rosemary, mint, chamomile, orange, and eucalyptus. I have several products from this series. I start with the shower gel and finish with the oil. The secret lies in the use of this product for spa and aromatherapy purposes, which is the best I have ever encountered.
A magnificent bouquet of oils in one bottle! It has so many functions, I use it in all my jars. Taking a bath with it is a delight, and it enhances the effectiveness of body creams. When I want a spa experience, I mix it with shampoo and the aroma is incredibly pleasant. It's perfect for adding to massage oil, and I always bring it with me to the masseuse. I definitely recommend it to everyone, as it's rare to find such a pure elixir with such a variety of oils.
I tried the oil concentrate made from 31 plants (I read the ingredients and was shocked).
I use it by adding a few drops to my creams, mixing it with my base oil for massages, taking baths, and inhaling the steam for aromatherapy. It truly feels like a spa experience.
This is like a health and soul elixir, I highly recommend it to everyone!
By the way, a little goes a long way. I've had it for a month and the bottle still looks brand new.
The composition is simply amazing! I am thrilled!
I was pleasantly surprised by the rich and concentrated composition of this product. I use it for my anti-cellulite massages, adding just a few drops to my almond oil base. This oil is definitely worth your attention.