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منذ 12 شهرا
ماركة: Zzzoro Universal
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: بخاخ الجسم, منتجات ضد الحشرات
خصائص المنتج: ضد البعوض
الحجم: 120 ml, 150 ml
شكل الكونسيلر: رذاذ
المكونات: الخزامى, بانثينول
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
يمكن أن تتحول المتعة في الهواء الطلق إلى كابوس عندما تتعرض للدغات الحشرات مثل البعوض أو القراد. ارتداء الملابس الواقية واستخدام طارد الحشرات هو طريقة مؤكدة لتجنبها والاستمتاع براحة خالية من التوتر.
ثبت أن Zzzoro Universal هو رذاذ فعال لإبعاد البعوض المزعج والقراد الخطير عندما تكون في الخارج، مما يحافظ على مزاجك الجيد ويحمي صحتك البدنية. يستخدم مكونات نشطة مستمدة من النباتات، لذا فهو آمن للاستخدام حتى على الأطفال الصغار.
مع Zzzoro Universal يمكنك الاستمتاع بأمان بمتعة طويلة الأمد في الهواء الطلق.
فوائد Zzzoro Universal:
- مُركَّب بزيوت اللافندر والسترونيلا التي ترطب البشرة بعمق؛
- يحتوي على دي-بانثينول كواقي قوي للبشرة بخصائص مضادة للالتهابات؛
- يوفر حماية تدوم حتى 4 ساعات؛
- يمكن تطبيقه مباشرة على الجلد البشري أو على الملابس؛
- لا يترك بقعًا على الملابس؛
- يأتي في زجاجة بحجم مناسب للسفر؛
- آمن للبشر والحيوانات؛
- ليس منتجًا دوائيًا.-
Shake well before use. Spray evenly at a distance of 10 – 15 cm from skin and clothing. Repeat if necessary.
Avoid contact with eyes, mouth, open cuts, irritated skin and food. If contact occurs, wash out immediately with warm water.
Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Not recommended for children under 1 year. Do not allow children under 14 years of age to use it on their own.
In case of skin irritation or allergy, discontinue use of product.
This is a pretty decent product. I carry it with me in the evenings.
We bought 3 products for our corporate event, and this one helped the most. We refreshed ourselves every 2 hours or so. Since not everyone sprayed themselves, it was difficult to compare, especially towards the end. Some colleagues were bitten, while others remained unharmed.
This product didn't help much. Mosquitoes bit me less, but they still bit me. Even though I regularly reapplied the spray on my skin.
After using the mosquito repellent
It actually works, but not 100% effective, that's true. The only difference is that with this product, I got bitten by two mosquitoes, while when I didn't use it, I got bitten by 12 of them)))) This year has been an absolute mosquito invasion, they are everywhere, none of the products I have tried so far have worked completely, not even the expensive ones that I have tested before.
We bought this product for use at the Azov Sea, but unfortunately, it was of no help whatsoever. Instead, it only ended up being applied to ourselves and the children, attracting mosquitoes who proceeded to bite us.
Doesn't work! I went on several trips and it didn't work anywhere! I sprayed it on the kids, but mosquitoes immediately landed on me! Off is much better. Yes, it's probably more harmful, but at least I'm sure I won't be eaten alive. I don't understand where the positive reviews are coming from.
It works and has a pleasant smell.
The spray works, but only for a maximum of two hours, after which it needs to be used again.
The spray has a refreshing lemon scent and keeps insects away. Everything works as expected.