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ماركة: Gigi
السلسلة: acnon
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, ضد الالتهابات, ضد حب الشباب
الحجم: 50 ml
المكونات: الببتيدات
وقت التطبيق: ليلي
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع البشرة: دهني, مختلط, مشكلة
بلد: اسرائيل
صنع في: اسرائيل
تتطلب أنواع البشرة المختلطة والدهنية اهتمامًا إضافيًا. يمكن أن تؤدي الاضطرابات في الغدد الدهنية إلى مشاكل مثل الالتهابات والتهيج وظهور الرؤوس السوداء. تعزيز روتين العناية اليومي بالبشرة يتطلب جهدًا إضافيًا. كريم الليل العلاجي "Acnon Overnight Treatment" هنا لمساعدتك من خلال تنظيم الغدد الدهنية، ومنع انسداد المسام، ومكافحة الالتهابات. يحتوي مركبه النشط على شكل مستقر من فيتامين A، الذي يقلل من إنتاج الزهم ويبدأ عملية تجديد الخلايا. الآن يمكنك العناية ببشرتك ليس فقط خلال النهار ولكن أيضًا أثناء النوم!
ميزات كريم الليل العلاجي "Acnon Overnight Treatment" للبشرة الدهنية والمشاكلية من علامة "Gigi":
- الببتيد البيوميميتيكي (ثلاثي الببتيد-1) يحفز تجديد الأنسجة، مما يمنع التندب والتصبغ؛
- مستخلص نبات الصفصاف الكندي له خصائص مضادة للالتهابات ويوفر تأثيرًا مهدئًا؛
- فيتامين B5 يوقف تقدم العمليات الالتهابية؛
- فيتامين A يعمل على تنظيم وظيفة الغدد الدهنية؛
- نسيج لطيف يمتص بسهولة من قبل البشرة؛
- لا يترك شعورًا لزجًا؛
- يكافح جفاف البشرة.-
ضعي الكريم على بشرة الوجه النظيفة جيداً في المساء.
Finally, I found a suitable brand. It works great for oily skin aged 30+ with wide pores and breakouts. At first, my skin became slightly pink in some areas and overly dry, but this quickly passed.
I have been using it for 6 months now. At first, I didn't buy the full size bottles for my cosmetologist but now I have bought the original, although not from here. It contains retinol, so be careful, but it works wonders!
I agree with the comments below. This cream is excellent and shows results; you can already see a difference in just 3-4 days. It doesn't cause any unpleasant sensations. I bought the starter set along with the toner and cleanser, and I also use a daytime cream from another series (with vitamin E). Later, I added a few more products, and I am thrilled. Problematic breakouts disappear when using the mask, and my skin feels great.
I didn't buy it here, but I can't help but leave a review. This cream works wonders. I never thought I would get rid of acne, but thanks to the night cream from Gigi Acnon, my skin has become healthier and clearer. If breakouts do appear, they are not deep-seated, but surface-level and quickly fading. The texture of the cream is pleasant and absorbs quickly, without leaving any greasiness on the skin. It is definitely worth the money.
I believe that the Gigi brand is simply underestimated. Or rather, its name is not as well-promoted. But perhaps this is even for the best, because the effects of this skincare line are worth every penny, and even more! Especially how this Acnon series saved my skin from acne and even cleared post-acne marks.
I remember going to my favorite cosmetologist and telling her that I had ordered Obagi because of all the reviews and the belief that if it's expensive, then it must be of high quality. In reality, I never got to try it because the cosmetologist advised me to go for Gigi Acnon instead, promising astonishing results, as it effectively treats severe acne. Many girls with this series and proper home care had achieved perfect skin! And I have never regretted buying the entire series back then, as I can't stop admiring my skin. It simply radiates freshness, and the color of my skin is incredible.