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ماركة: Botanic Leaf
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: جل النظافة الشخصية
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 250 ml
المكونات: اللانتوين, بانثينول, حمض الأمينو, حمض اللبن
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
المنطقة الحساسة تتميز برقتها الفائقة وهي عرضة للإصابة بالعدوى بسهولة. لذلك، يُعتبر العناية بها أمراً بالغ الأهمية لمنع حدوث مشكلات مهبلية خطيرة. ولهذا الغرض، لا ينبغي استخدام الصابون العادي على الإطلاق. جرب جل بوتانيك ليف الحساس للعناية بالمنطقة الحساسة بدلاً من ذلك. حيث تم تصميم تركيبته الخاصة للحفاظ على توازن درجة الحموضة والتوازن الفسيولوجي للمنطقة الحساسة، بالإضافة إلى حمايتها من أي ملوثات خارجية.
فوائد جل بوتانيك ليف الحساس للمنطقة الحساسة:
- غني بخلاصات بذور الكتان والقطن وصابون الجذور؛
- ينظف المنطقة الحساسة بلطف وأمان؛
- لا يخل بتوازن درجة الحموضة الطبيعية؛
- يخفف من الحكة والحرقة والاحمرار؛
- يوفر شعوراً دائماً بالانتعاش؛
- مزود بموزع سهل الاستخدام لضمان استخدام فعال للمنتج؛
- خالٍ من البارابين والكبريتات والأصباغ.-
استخدم كمية صغيرة من الجل مع الماء الدافئ وضعها على البشرة المبللة. اشطف جسمك جيدًا بالماء ثم جفف بلطف بمنشفة ناعمة.
Botanic Leaf Sensetive Intimate Gel - جل النظافة الحميمة مع حمض اللاكتيك
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This product is a disappointment. It does a poor job of washing, which is its primary function, and it fails to fulfill it.
I really liked it. It foams up well and rinses off easily without causing any irritation. I would even say that it is just as good as the "White Mandarin" one. I actually liked it even more in terms of its texture.
I use it as a facial cleanser. What can I say? All breakouts are gone! Absolutely all of them! Oh my god, this is a miraculous product! I highly recommend it!
It lathers well and rinses off easily. It did not cause any allergies or irritation.
I enjoyed it, it fit well.
The fragrance is excellent, giving a sense of cleanliness and pleasantness without drying out the skin.
Good. Simply good.
I have been using this product for a month now, and it is of good quality. I have no complaints. It gently but effectively cleanses. I am pleased that I can buy domestic brands and enjoy their quality and affordability.
This is just an ordinary product. It doesn't foam well, and after using it, there is no fresh feeling. In fact, it even causes a burning sensation. The sage gel is much better in comparison.
This is a decent gel that fulfills the promised functions.
This is definitely not the product I would choose again. In my opinion, it is simply ineffective, with no scent, no lather, and no noticeable cleansing.
The foam has a very delicate consistency, and the bottle and dispenser are convenient. It has a pleasant herbal fragrance. There are no complaints after using it. A good product.
Nice smell, but it causes a slight burning sensation for me.
This is just an ordinary gel. It has a mild scent and did not cause any irritation.
It suited me. The scent is pleasant and light. I also ordered the pink one from this brand, but I liked this one more.
This product is not bad, but I actually preferred the green one from the same brand, the one with sage (or whatever it was, I can't remember). It not only smells amazing, but it's also really suitable for sensitive skin. This one, on the other hand, is slightly different.
This is my second purchase of this product, and I am extremely satisfied with it.
The product is gentle and soft, and it has a pleasant scent.