بخاخ مزيل عرق بتأثير طويل الأمد "حتى 10 أيام بدون عرق أو رائحة" Biotrade Odorex Deo Antiperspirant Spray
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ماركة: Biotrade
السلسلة: odorex
نوع المنتج: مزيل العرق
خصائص المنتج: حماية من التعرق, لإزالة الرائحة, للمراهقين
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع, حساسة
شكل مزيل العرق: رذاذ
منطقة التطبيق: للجسم
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين, للرجال, للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: بلغاريا
صنع في: بلغاريا
إذا كنت تعاني من مشكلة التعرق الزائد في راحة اليد وتحت الإبط، فإن الحل المبتكر من العلامة البلغارية Biotrade سيكون أفضل حليف لك في مكافحته بفعالية. مع هذا المنتج، لن تضطر للقلق من أن أي تغير في درجة الحرارة أو موقف مجهد أو نشاط زائد قد يفسد مظهرك ببقع مبللة ورائحة كريهة.
فوائد بخاخ Biotrade Odorex Deo المضاد للتعرق:
- يضمن فعالية طويلة الأمد؛
- يقلل من التعرق الزائد في راحة اليد وتحت الإبط، وينظم إفراز الدهون؛
- يحمي من رائحة العرق الكريهة؛
- لا يتداخل مع التنظيم الحراري الطبيعي للجسم؛
- لا يترك علامات بيضاء على الملابس؛
- يجف بسرعة؛
- يأتي في شكل بخاخ مريح للاستخدام.-
في المساء، قم بتطبيق كمية كافية من مضاد التعرق على بشرة نظيفة وجافة وانتظر حتى يجف تمامًا. في الصباح، اشطف المنطقة بالماء فقط. كرر هذه العملية لمدة ثلاث أمسيات متتالية. للحصول على نتائج طويلة الأمد، استخدم أودوريكس مرة كل 7-14 يومًا. على سبيل المثال، إذا عاد التعرق في اليوم العاشر بعد التطبيق الأول، استخدم أودوريكس كل 9 أيام. خلال هذه الفترة، يمكنك غسل البشرة بأنواع مختلفة من الصابون، حيث لا يؤثر الصابون على خصائص مضاد التعرق للمنتج. لا تستخدم أودوريكس يوميًا.
- استخدم أودوريكس فقط على بشرة سليمة وغير متضررة.
- لا تقم بإزالة الشعر في منطقة التطبيق في نفس اليوم الذي تستخدم فيه مضاد التعرق.
- لا تستخدم هذا المنتج إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية تجاه أملاح الألومنيوم.إذا شعرت بحرقان شديد أو حكة أو احمرار، توقف عن الاستخدام فورًا. إذا استمرت هذه الأعراض لأكثر من 3 أيام، يُرجى استشارة طبيب الأمراض الجلدية.
Biotrade Odorex Deo Antiperspirant Spray - بخاخ مزيل عرق بتأثير طويل الأمد "حتى 10 أيام بدون عرق أو رائحة"
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Great product, the key is to use it correctly.
This is an awesome product, the key is to use it correctly.
It works, but not at 100%.
This product is suitable.
The result is there, but not as expected. The effect lasts for 3-4 days. Another manufacturer suits me better.
I constantly buy it for myself. After reading reviews, I decided to write one myself. I once came across a consultant who told me the secrets of its use. First of all, don't shave before using it because it will sting due to micro-damage. Today I shaved my underarms and only applied it tomorrow. Secondly, apply it on completely dry skin right before going to bed, not immediately after taking a bath, if I won't fall asleep right away. Then it will work, I won't explain why, it's not that simple. The main thing is, if there is no irritation from store-bought antiperspirants, then there won't be any from this one either. If there is, then I feel sorry for you, it might not help you at all. But it's a great thing, it really works.
I decided to try 5ml, and today is the third consecutive day of using it. I have already seen results, although initially there was a slight itching, it quickly subsided.
The product works, but on the first day it was a bit uncomfortable, even though I followed the instructions. On the second day, it caused some irritation and redness on my skin, so it's not suitable for me.
The product does not work, even when used according to the instructions. The scent remained the same as it was before.
I followed the instructions for this product. The first two days I experienced a slight itch, but it went away within half an hour. On the third day, I may have sprayed a bit beyond the armpit area, which caused redness and a burning sensation. However, after that, I genuinely had no body odor for 8 days. The next times, I properly stretched the skin with a hairdryer and sprayed carefully to avoid going beyond the armpit area, and everything was fine. There was a slight itch, but it quickly subsided. Therefore, this product is worth considering.
It performs well in its task and should be used according to the instructions. I accidentally tried spraying it after shaving and it burned strongly, but not for long. Overall, the effect is the same. It works better with hair than without. It completely removes odor and reduces sweat by 90%. It physically reduces in size. It lasts a long time if used every two weeks. However, if you bathe every day and use the product to wash your armpits, you should use it more often. Use it according to your individual needs.
I bought this product based on the reviews, but it didn't work for me. I followed the instructions, but it caused a chemical burn under my armpits and it stings badly.
I bought this deodorant for myself. After giving birth, I sweat a lot. In the morning, after taking a shower, my underarms are already wet. I bought this deodorant and it's great. I didn't have any allergies and followed the instructions. At first, I applied it in the evening for five days. Then, I forgot about the odor and moisture for a week. It suited me well. It is effective.
I decided to purchase this product due to the large number of positive reviews. It claims to prevent excessive sweating without any odor. However, my experience with it was mixed. At first, I had a negative reaction as it caused a thermal burn when sprayed directly onto the skin. So, I decided to just apply it with a cotton pad, but I still experienced constant redness and burning sensation. After a month of use, I noticed that it started to develop a strong body odor, and I could feel the dampness at the end of the day. Additionally, I experienced constant itching and skin peeling. If you have a tendency for allergic reactions or have sensitive skin, I would advise against using this product as it is not worth it.
I tried a 5ml sample because I am prone to allergic reactions, especially from similar products, and the results are amazing! It really lasts up to 10 days, which makes life so much easier. My mom used the Dry Dry before, but it was less effective than Odorex, which was very surprising. Now I will order the 40ml bottle right away. I recommend everyone to start with the 5ml size to see if it suits you.
This is a great find, my 15-year-old sister is thrilled with it. It has quickly become her number one favorite.
The deodorant worked well. It lasts for a week and didn't cause any irritation. I have been using it for about a month. I recommend it for those who have excessive sweating issues.
Unfortunately, this product caused chemical burns... everything is red, painful, and burning. I followed all the instructions precisely and my underarms were not damaged from shaving or hair removal. Therefore, it simply does not work for me, so I cannot evaluate the product adequately, unfortunately.
This product effectively solves the issue of hyperhidrosis. I have found a worthy replacement for Odoban. Why pay twice as much when you can get the same result?
For those who suffer from sweat and odor - this is a must-have. The main thing is to apply it on dry skin, without any wounds or before shaving. It stings a little, but we can tolerate it. The result definitely lasts for a week.
As described, it does not work! It may work differently for others, but personally, I found it to be ineffective. Despite not having excessive sweating, the product did not work for me. Additionally, it caused severe allergies, redness, and itching. It's a waste of money, unfortunately.
Horrible, absolutely horrible! I had a terrible allergic reaction, and my armpits have been itching for three days and counting. The effect lasted only a couple of days. I strongly advise against using this product. It's a pity I bought a large bottle. I ended up throwing it away and trying to forget about this dreadful experience.
Best deodorant. I use it twice a week. It doesn't completely eliminate sweat, but now sweat is odorless. It lasts for a long time.
It really works. I have been searching for an alternative to Driclor, which disappeared from pharmacies, and in the remaining stores, the price skyrocketed unreasonably. Finally, I found this product. One of its advantages is the very convenient spray format and the double volume compared to Driclor. In all other aspects, it works just the same if you follow the instructions. For those who experience discomfort, it's worth noting that the spray should be applied to undamaged and non-irritated skin, then there won't be any burning sensation at all.
I started with the mini version and everything was great. For a week, there was no odor or sweat consistently. Then I decided to buy the full-size one, and I don't know why, but with each use, the protection gets weaker and weaker. Although I apply it the same way, following all the manufacturer's instructions, I never experience any irritations. After 2-3 days, the odor starts to appear, and I have to use additional protection measures. Using this antiperspirant every 2-3 days is also not an option for me as I'm afraid of its composition. If anyone has had a similar experience, please advise on how to prolong its effectiveness.
I initially purchased a small 5ml sample to try out and I was convinced that it works. Before this, I only used a different brand which was more aggressive, but this one is gentler on the skin and just as effective.
This item is very necessary and effective. I highly recommend it for purchase! It has been unavailable for a long time, neither in makeup stores nor in pharmacies.
This product doesn't really help much, in fact, it almost doesn't help at all. It actually causes itching. I much prefer the cream available at https://makeup.com.ua/product/508071/#/option/986893/.
The product did not work for me at all. The allergy was so severe that I had to go to the hospital.
It is very effective. It starts to itch quite a bit a few minutes after application, but the effect is
It simply does not work at all. Well, to be more precise, it somewhat reduces sweating in the spring. However, during the hot summer, it has no effect whatsoever and does not even last for a day.
This is a really cool thing that suits me and I liked it. I even tried it on my husband. The armpits stay dry and odorless for at least 5 days, for sure.
I highly recommend this product. It is incredibly cool. Unfortunately, after three deliveries, I experienced a malfunction and excessive sweating. However, after using the antiperspirant spray for 10 days, I finally felt dryness under my armpits and more. I do not recommend using too much spray, as it can dry out the skin even more.
I bought it back in winter and couldn't bring myself to use it. Finally tried it. After using it, I experienced a terrible itch in the underarm area, it was really uncomfortable. I followed the instructions, my skin wasn't damaged, dry, and clean, but the itching was unbearable. However, the effect is amazing! During hot summer days, I don't sweat for about five days, not ten, but still. This is the first product that has had such an effect (other deodorants couldn't do that). In conclusion, enduring an hour of discomfort before sleep results in dry underarms for five days. I will probably buy it again.
I am very satisfied! The spray really works, I have been using it for over 2 years and have no complaints!
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I like everything about it. I use it according to the instructions and everything works well. It lasts for a long time.
After recovering from COVID, I started experiencing changes in sweating and its odor. Antiperspirants like Rexona stopped being effective, lasting only half a day, or even just 4 hours in intense situations. With this product, I can go for 2-3 days without sweat and the awful smell, which is not 10 days, but for me, those 2-3 days without sweat and the horrible odor bring incredible happiness. I highly recommend everyone who has lost hope to give it a try!
I am impressed! I have been using it for half a year and will order more now. The results are amazing, there is no sweat at all after using it, and it also eliminates odors. All my friends have already ordered it based on my recommendation. It lasts for a long time, so it is very economical, and most importantly, it makes life easier - I no longer suffer from stains on clothes.
I decided to try the small version of this product, although I didn't really believe that it would work. I followed the instructions - the first evening was fine, the second evening was slightly uncomfortable after applying, but I tolerated it. However, on the third evening, my skin started itching after applying it! I immediately washed it off. Unfortunately, this product didn't work for me, which is a shame.
I tried the mini version as a sample. It lasted for five uses. It didn't cause any irritation, but it didn't really help either. If you only have light sweating, it might be effective, but it doesn't help at all with hyperhidrosis and odor! Dry dry - the best!
I took a chance and I'm very happy that I ordered it. It's simply amazing, I highly recommend it!
According to the instructions, I use it for 3 nights, and then as needed, and it lasts me for a week. It is odorless and eliminates excess moisture for 7 days. For me, it's a lifesaver. I'm ordering it for the second time, this time I'm getting 2 right away. I can't wait to enjoy it!
Lasts up to 5 days under intense usage.
I used to use DryDry. Since it was not available for sale, I decided to try this one for my palms. My hands definitely sweat less. However, they still sweat. I tried applying it for several consecutive days. The result did not improve. Therefore, my verdict is that this product is not very effective.
I bought this product based on reviews and a friend's recommendation. So, I followed the instructions and used it as directed. At first, it worked fine and lasted for four days without any odor (although there was just some sweat under the armpits). Okay, I sprayed it again at night, and here comes the problem. After one day, it was already wet again. Thankfully, I sprayed it again on that day, and everything seemed fine, no wetness the next day. But after another day, it became wet again, and I arrived at work wet. I can't say that I have excessive sweating like everyone does when it's hot. So, should I use it every other day? But what about those promised 10 days?
I bought this deodorant and I am completely satisfied with it. It eliminates any odor, but I did notice some wet stains on my shirt which made me uncomfortable and prevented me from wearing bright clothes. I have been using it according to the instructions and it has been a lifesaver. I highly recommend it.
I bought it for the first time. Since the instructions stated to use it for the first three days, I noticed the effect after the first day of use (sweating decreased by 80%). I felt a slight itch, but it was tolerable. After 2 days, the itch went away. I am satisfied with the effect - 7 days without sweating. After applying it again 7 days from the previous application, I didn't feel any itch.
The spray reduces my sweating by about 50%. I used to use a dry-dry, but now I switched to this product. None of the products I've tried (and there were many, because I suffer from hyperhidrosis) completely eliminated my sweating. In addition, every morning I apply something like Rexona to avoid unpleasant body odor. Despite that, my underarm clothing is still wet, but significantly less so than when using weaker antiperspirants. I will buy it again in the future, but only the roll-on version, as the spray proved to be inconvenient for me.
The manufacturer wrote and fulfilled everything as promised. I followed the instructions and everything has been helpful.
I have been using it for a year and a half already. I bought it on this website. It is a very good product. I have completely forgotten about my sweating problems. I apply it once a week. One bottle lasted me exactly a year and a half. I highly recommend it.
The spray works, providing 10 days of odor and sweat protection. We'll see how it holds up in the summer.
This is a really cool thing, I didn't buy it here but I highly recommend it to everyone. It doesn't have any flaws. I've been using it once a week.
This spray is amazing, and most importantly, it actually works. I followed the instructions for a few days and then didn't use deodorant for months. It's a bomb! I highly recommend it to everyone.
I have only used it three times so far, and it has lasted for about 10 days. I hope it will continue to last just as long. I have not experienced any burning sensations.
This product works. I started suffering from increased sweating, specifically moisture, but not odor. I followed the instructions exactly - for the first use, I sprayed it at night for 3 consecutive days, rinsed it off with water in the morning, and there was no sweat or odor for about 6-7 days. Then, I started feeling a little moisture, but it was moderate. On the 10th day, I used it again, and now I will use it once with that interval. There were no unpleasant sensations, just a very slight itch, but it didn't last long and was completely tolerable. Before this, I tried dry-dry once, but it seemed more aggressive.
Not bad, it does its job. I deducted a star for the smell, it smells like formidron. For this price, you can get a couple of liters of formidron)))
This product is very weak and disappointing. I used to use Driclor, but it has been unavailable in Ukraine for a long time now. Without it, it's tough to manage.
This is just wow! I bought this spray based on the reviews in the makeup community, and I am absolutely amazed. No other product can be compared to this one - neither in terms of sweat smell nor moisture control.
On the first night after using it, I felt a slight itching sensation, but I was prepared for it. Now it's already day 5 and everything is back to normal.
I highly recommend it!