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ماركة: Kleoderma
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: كريم للعيون
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, ضد التجاعيد
المكونات: الكولاجين, المكاديميا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: المانيا
كريم التجديد مثالي للعناية بالبشرة الناضجة والمتعبة والرخوة والمُعَرَّضة للتقدم في العمر حول العينين، حيث يوفر الثبات والمرونة. يحتوي الكريم على زيت المكاديميا الذي يتميز بخصائص مضادة للأكسدة، ويبطئ عملية تَقدُّم البروتينات في العمر ويمنع الجفاف، كما ينظم توازن الماء والدهون في الأنسجة. يساهم ذلك في تجديد البشرة، وزيادة مرونتها، وتقليل ظهور التجاعيد. يعمل الكولاجين البحري على استعادة نعومة البشرة ويمنحها الثبات. زيت جنين القمح ينشط وينعش ويوحد لون البشرة حول العينين. مع الاستخدام المنتظم، يتم تنعيم الخطوط الدقيقة تمامًا، وتصبح التجاعيد العميقة في زوايا العين أقل وضوحًا بشكل ملحوظ.
ضعي كمية صغيرة من المنتج بالتساوي على البشرة المحيطة بمنطقة العين التي تم تنظيفها وتوحيد لونها مسبقاً، مع تجنب الجفن العلوي وخط الرموش. يُوصى باستخدامه بشكل شائع في المنزل ككريم يومي في الصباح و/أو المساء. أما في صالونات التجميل، فيُستخدم في المرحلة النهائية من أي علاج لمنطقة العين.
Macadamia Oil, Sea Buckthorn Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Wheat Germ Extract, Marine Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Allantoin.
The cream worked wonders for my sensitive eyes. It moisturizes and brightens beautifully, although it doesn't work very well on wrinkles, especially at the age of 38. The 30 ml size lasts for a long time.
I received the cream as a gift and gave it to my mom. The reaction to the cream was terrible: her skin became very dry, bags formed under her eyes, and the skin where the cream was applied started peeling severely. We managed to improve the situation by using various oils.
Be very cautious with this cream. I am not allergic and have never had a reaction to creams before, but this cream is terrible. It caused my eyelids to burn and peel, and it was also a disaster under my eyes. I do not recommend it! I have four creams from this brand, and the lids of all the jars broke into small pieces. I had to transfer the cream into another container, and now I have doubts about the quality of Kleoderma!
I ordered it for the first time because the serum with Matrixyl was not available, and I liked it. It moisturizes well and has a pleasant, but not overpowering scent. I'm 29 years old and started to notice some fine lines, and although it doesn't work miracles, it is still a decent product.
The texture is lightweight and moisturizes well. I apply it in the evening and in the morning, and it slightly lightened the under-eye circles. The wrinkles under my eyes didn't become more visible due to the moisturizing effect, but they naturally didn't disappear either. For its price, this cream is good. It is suitable for those up to 35 years old, as it doesn't particularly solve age-related issues.
I really liked it. It moisturizes and nourishes well. It absorbs quickly. It feels so creamy, and the consistency is very pleasant. I have already purchased it twice.
Please tell me when it will be available. I have been waiting for it for a very long time.
This cream is wonderful! I bought it on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. The skin under my eyes was severely dehydrated, and the cream I used before, Institut Arnaud, did not provide enough moisture.
This cream is lightweight, absorbs quickly, and within a couple of days, it hydrated my skin. There is practically no scent.
The packaging of KleoDerma cosmetics is not the most luxurious, but it does not affect the quality of the product in any way.