- تفاصيل المنتج
- الوصف
- كيفية الاستخدام
الحجم: 10 ml
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
تُعتبر العناية بالأظافر الجميلة مفتاح نجاح كل فتاة. فالأظافر النظيفة والمُعتنى بها تمنحك شعورًا أكبر بالثقة في أي موقف، وتُعد عنصرًا مهمًا في خلق أسلوب فريد، كما أنها تُسعد العين ببساطتها. ولكن كيف يمكن مكافحة تلف صفيحة الظفر؟
لقد طورت العلامة التجارية الفرنسية SVR جل مبتكر "Xerial" للأظافر التالفة والسميكة، والذي سيساعدك في ترتيب أظافرك. يعمل المنتج على إذابة الكيراتين في الأظافر بشكل فعال لتقليل سماكة صفيحة الظفر. وبفضل اتساقه الخاص الذي يُشكل طبقة رقيقة، يكوّن المنتج غشاء شفاف على سطح الظفر، مما يطهره ويحميه من الفطريات والبكتيريا. يسمح التصميم المثالي للأنبوب المزود بفرشاة مدمجة بتطبيق دقيق للجل على سطح صفيحة الظفر. استعيدي قوة وجمال أظافرك مع هذا المنتج!
قم بتطبيق المنتج على سطح الأظافر النظيف والجاف باستخدام فرشاة التطبيق. بعد الاستخدام، امسح فرشاة التطبيق باستخدام قطعة قطن مبللة بالكحول أو بمزيل طلاء الأظافر الذي يحتوي على الأسيتون.
Girls, I didn't buy this here because it's more expensive (makeup, fix it)).
I'm treating a fungal infection, well, I'm almost done))) and I'm using this product in the final stretch - 3 tubes, and I will buy more and more because I see the difference. Because these are not expensive pharmacy products and there is no result at all. So!
For the fungus, I file my nails with a buff, then use Xerial, after complete absorption (look at the nails), I apply any antifungal drops (even clotrimazole or any budget ones) and I do a professional pedicure - definitely every 3 weeks!
I bought this product at a pharmacy as it was prescribed by a doctor for thickening nails. Unfortunately, it only changed the color of my nail, but didn't solve the issue.
This product is completely useless. It was recommended by a dermatologist for onychodystrophy. My nail is peeling off and there are brown stripes on it (no fungus was detected in the analysis). After a month of use, there is absolutely no effect whatsoever!
I bought it without any recommendations. I was struggling with problematic nails (they were constantly inflamed and even had pus). One tube of this product helped me! I highly recommend it.
I used this gel as prescribed by my dermatologist because multiple tests did not detect any fungus, but my nail was thickened and yellow. While using the gel, the nail became lighter and thinner, almost half of it peeled off, but the problem did not go away. I wasted my money. I will seek laser treatment instead.
The doctor prescribed it for my child. We've been using it for a month now. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any positive results at all. On top of that, it has caused a yellowish discoloration on the nails.
I went to a dermatologist with an unexpected aesthetic problem with my nails. Initially, we suspected some kind of fungus. However, it turned out to be onycho-dystrophy, a more difficult-to-treat condition. The doctor recommended finding Xerial and taking vitamins. It's been 2 days since I started using it, and this morning I woke up and saw that a large part of my nails looks practically healthy!
It is quite expensive for such a small volume, but I am very glad that I didn't hesitate to purchase it. The results are very clear after just two weeks. It becomes even better with time. This product is very effective. I highly recommend it.
I am very satisfied with the result. Additionally, I had a problem with my nail splitting. However, after using the gel, my nail became healthy.