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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: SVR
السلسلة: الزيريال
نوع المنتج: كريم للأرجل
خصائص المنتج: تغذية
نوع البشرة: جاف
الحجم: 50 ml
المكونات: اللانتوين, بانثينول, حمض الساليسيليك, فيتامينات الفئة b, يوريا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
إن نمط الحياة العصري يتطلب منا النشاط والمرونة. وكل امرأة، عند عودتها إلى المنزل في المساء، تحلم ببضع دقائق من الاسترخاء. ولكن ماذا عن أقدامنا؟ بعد يوم كامل من ارتداء الكعب العالي أو الأحذية الضيقة، تحتاج أقدامنا أيضًا إلى العناية والاهتمام.
كريم القدم المغذي والملطف Xerial 30 من علامة SVR التجارية هنا لمساعدتك. هذا المنتج، بتركيبته الفريدة، يغذي ويلطف ويعتني بلطف ببشرة قدميك. يعالج بفعالية مشاكل مثل التقرحات والنتوءات، بينما يوفر ترطيبًا مكثفًا لمدة 24 ساعة!
دللي نفسك وقدميك مع الكريم الفعال من علامة SVR التجارية. وستلاحظين بنفسك كم ستشعرين بالخفة والراحة بعد بضعة أيام فقط من استخدام هذا المنتج الرائع!
يُستخدم يوميًا بتدليك لطيف على الأقدام النظيفة.
The oncological dermatologist recommended this cream to reduce the appearance of keratopapillomas on my chest, as they cannot be removed at the moment. Instead, the inflamed areas need to be treated with keratolytic creams, which exfoliate and soften the skin. I have been instructed to apply it twice a day for a month. Additionally, I also apply it on my elbows and feet, and I really like how it immediately softens them. Let's see how the situation under my breasts will be in a month.
My feet have been bothering me, so I went to a dermatologist. The skin on them has been peeling for years. They didn't find any fungus. The doctor prescribed me this cream in combination with Emolium emulsion baths. And miraculously, after two months of treatment, my feet almost look normal. Of course, there are still some minor flakes, but the skin needs time to heal. The cream was prescribed for a long period of time.
This is quite a specific cream. It's not very pleasant to wear, but as I understand it, this applies to all creams with urea. They seem to not absorb well and instead sit on the skin as a heavy, sticky layer. Therefore, it can only be applied in the evening, under socks. However, during winter, I started experiencing severe dryness on my shins and ankles, to the point where my skin started flaking. After using this product just once (!), my skin calmed down. So, this product is quite strong. However, for summer, I will look for something else for my feet as I don't like sleeping with socks on. I've heard that Gehwol has good options.
I have never come across a better foot cream!
The cream was a perfect fit, restoring my heels after just 2 applications. It provided instant moisture, and I haven't come across a better cream. I highly recommend it!
The insoles have become softer. They moisturize well. I recommend them!
+1 It rolls and tightens the skin! The super moisturizing aspect is unclear.
I have been using SVR foot creams for several months, but I am disappointed with this particular cream. To my surprise, as I have tried other foot creams from this brand and was satisfied with them. Unfortunately, this cream did not provide any moisturizing sensation or fulfill any other functions in my case.
I am having a hard time understanding this product. The cream does not absorb well and rolls off on my legs.
I am very, very satisfied! I use it every evening after taking a shower. My heels are perfect! The pedicure procedure now takes much less time since there is practically no rough skin. I highly recommend it!