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ماركة: Flora Secret
السلسلة: زيوت أساسية طبيعية
نوع المنتج: زيت أساسي
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, العلاج العطري, ترطيب, تغذية
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
المكونات: الليمون
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
لطالما كان زيت الليمون أكثر من مجرد منتج تجميلي. تمتد تاريخه كرمز للانتعاش والصحة عبر آلاف السنين: من الطب الصيني القديم والعطور الأرستقراطية في أوروبا القديمة إلى يومنا هذا. في العلاج بالروائح، يعزز العطر الحمضي الطازج المزاج، ويقلل من التوتر، ويزيد من الطاقة. في العناية بالبشرة والشعر، يقلل زيت الليمون الأساسي من اللمعان والالتهابات. جرب جميع فوائد هذا الكنز الطبيعي مع منتج من العلامة التجارية الأوكرانية فلورا سيكرت - زيت نقي 100% خالٍ من الشوائب الضارة. يمكن إضافته إلى منتجاتك التجميلية المفضلة، واستخدامه في الأقنعة المنزلية، والكمادات، والحمامات العطرية، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير.
ميزات زيت الليمون الأساسي من فلورا سيكرت:
- يتميز بعطر حمضي طازج مع لمسة من المرارة؛
- منتج نقي تمامًا، يتم الحصول عليه من قشور الليمون عن طريق العصر البارد؛
- يمتزج بشكل مثالي مع زيوت البرغموت واللافندر والصنوبر والجرانيوم والقرنفل والإيلانغ إيلانغ؛
- خصائص التفتيح تساعد في التخلص من النمش، والأوردة العنكبوتية، وبقع التصبغ الأخرى، واصفرار الأظافر؛
- يهدئ، يخفف من التهيج، ويساعد في التعافي من التعب العاطفي والذهني؛
- يرفع المزاج، يخفف من الاكتئاب، ويقلل من الصداع؛
- يظهر تأثيرات مضادة للبكتيريا والفيروسات ومعالجة عند ملامسته للبشرة؛
- يحارب اللمعان الزائد وقشرة الرأس على فروة الرأس، مما يعزز نمو الشعر؛
- يقوي الأوعية الدموية، يمنع تصلب الشرايين والدوالي؛
- يمكن استخدامه كطارد طبيعي للبعوض والعث؛
- يجفف الالتهابات، مما يساعد في تقليل حب الشباب.-
العلاج بالروائح: امزج 5-6 قطرات مع 20 مل من الماء واستخدمها في مصباح الروائح. الحمامات العطرية: أضف 8-10 قطرات إلى ماء الاستحمام الخاص بك. مستحضرات التجميل: أضف قطرة واحدة إلى 5 جرامات من كريم التجميل أو زيت حامل.
Flora Secret - زيت الليمون العطري
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I do not recommend it!
"Have you ever heard of an essential oil that dissolves in cold water in just 30 seconds? And the chemical smell disappears within a couple of minutes. What do you think of that? Well, I made the mistake of ordering several 'fragrances' without thinking twice, wasting 400 hryvnias. Makeup, you claim to sell 'original' products, right? Is this what you consider to be essential oil?"
We decided to try out this oil in the sauna. We weren't really expecting any specific effects. However, we absolutely loved the refreshing scent of lemon and fir. It can be used not only in the sauna but also at home during bath time. It gives a noticeable boost of strength and energy.
The scent is excellent, not too strong. I drop it on a stone and place it near the humidifier. It smells softly and doesn't irritate.
Both the fruit and the oil are amazing, highly recommended. However, it's important to note that they are not meant for consumption.
The scent is barely noticeable, and I'm disappointed...
The oil is of excellent quality, I highly recommend it.
Low-quality oil. Very thin consistency. Weak scent. Already diluted, can be applied immediately. The quantity for such oil is very small, only 10 ml. But it's understandable why the price is low.
I cannot classify this oil as a successful purchase. The scent is barely noticeable; I was expecting a more intense concentration. It pours with difficulty, even though it doesn't appear to be oily at all. The shelf life is good, and the delivery was hassle-free. I received it on the 5th day after placing the order (although in the past, their promptness was a pleasant surprise).
I received it a week ago and have already used it in an aroma lamp. The lemon scent is barely noticeable. The oil is too thin and quickly dissolves in water, leaving no oily residue.
I am satisfied with the purchase. The lemon scent is delicate and not overpowering, it is more similar to lime. I really like the oils from this brand, especially during promotions. The delivery and packaging in this order were just superb, thank you.
The liquid is very good. I'm not sure about its naturalness (also judging by the price). The Kingdom of Scents had very good oils, but Makeup doesn't stock them anymore. By the way, can you tell me why?
The oil is fantastic! I bought more than 200 UAH worth of various oils from this manufacturer during the sales, and I am extremely satisfied. Many thanks to Make up for the promotions!
I have used oil from another brand before, but I don't see any difference! This oil is amazing and has a multitude of uses! I highly recommend it.
I'm sharing another secret for using essential oil.. :) I add a few drops of lemon aroma oil (about 5 drops) into a bowl of water and set it to the maximum power for 3 minutes. Then wipe it with a sponge. If the microwave inside is heavily stained, you can also add a spoon or two of baking soda. Lemon essential oil is a must-have in my kitchen!
This oil is great! The scent of real lemons fills my apartment and bathroom. I will definitely continue using it!
I really loved this oil, I even got it in a large 25 ml size. I add it everywhere: in hair masks, in my aroma lamp, and even put a few drops on a cloth for a fantastic scent in my apartment!
I tried essential oils for the first time. Lemon is my favorite. It really eliminates unwanted odors. I also used it for teeth whitening, adding two drops every day with toothpaste. It definitely whitened my teeth by one shade and reduced bleeding. I also added it to my hair conditioner and left it on for 10-15 minutes. My hair feels smooth and silky. I liked it.
In my opinion, it is not as concentrated as the oil from the Aromatica brand. When added to the aroma lamp, it barely gives off any scent and the consumption is high.
I always buy and I like it.
Good oil, I use it as an additive in my cosmetic products.
I add it to skin whitening creams and masks. It's an excellent oil.
Very pleasant fragrance.
This oil is very good. Its scent uplifts the mood and fills with positivity. I use it in an aroma lamp or simply wear it on my wrist. I highly recommend it.
I really enjoyed the scent, especially when I took a bath.
It can be said that adding a few drops to the bath can provide a better effect than using anti-cellulite clay.
Divine scent, I will be adding it to my masks.
The scent is very pleasant. I bought it to strengthen my nails, but so far it hasn't helped. Thank you for the fast delivery!