أساس بلسم Nabla Skin Realist
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ماركة: Nabla
السلسلة: وجه
نوع المنتج: بلسم للوجه, كريم أساس
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, توحيد
الحجم: 48 ml
شكل الكونسيلر: كريم
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جاف, جميع الانواع
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
بلسم نابيلا سكين رياليست الملون هو ابتكار تجميلي رائد يجمع بين المكياج والعناية بالبشرة اليومية بشكل مثالي. يغذي هذا البلسم البشرة، حيث يوفر تجديدًا وترطيبًا مشابهًا للكريم المغذي، بينما تخفي أصباغه العيوب وتوحد لون البشرة بفعالية. تضمن تركيبته الخفيفة عدم إثقال البشرة.
تركيبة هذا البلسم الملون غنية بمادة البولولان، وهو بوليساكاريد يحمي البشرة من التأثيرات الضارة للعوامل البيئية، كما يتميز بخصائص مضادة للأكسدة ورافعة. يحتوي المنتج أيضًا على مواد ملطفة تترك البشرة ناعمة وسلسة الملمس. يعزز حمض الهيالورونيك في البلسم مرونة وثبات البشرة، ويعمل على تنعيم التجاعيد ويضمن مستويات ترطيب مناسبة.
يتميز البلسم الملون بقوام كريمي، ويمكن تعديل كثافة تغطيته لتلبية الاحتياجات الفردية. يندمج بسلاسة مع لون البشرة، تاركًا لمسة نهائية ناعمة وخالية من العيوب. نابيلا سكين رياليست نباتي وخالٍ من التجارب على الحيوانات.
باستخدام أطراف أصابعك، ضعي كمية صغيرة من كريم الأساس على وجهك. قومي بتوزيعه بشكل متساوٍ على كامل الوجه.
للحصول على تغطية أكثر كثافة، يُوصى بتطبيق المنتج باستخدام فرشاة.
Nabla Skin Realist - أساس بلسم
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The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than it did a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without a mask-like effect, moisturizes like a skincare product - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring of dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto my phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours and don't touch up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else impressed me is that it gives a delicate glow, I almost feel bad about powdering it on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.
The best thing that has ever been on my skin, even with this foundation, my face looks more beautiful than a hundred years ago in my youth. It erases pores, wrinkles, and spots, absorbs without leaving a mask-like effect, moisturizes like skincare - no need for additional nourishment, hydration, or monitoring dry areas. It doesn't transfer onto the phone, clothes, or hands. It easily lasts for 24 hours - yes, I was surprised myself (I work for 24 hours, without touching up anything, it doesn't oxidize, sink into pores, or migrate). What else captivated me is that it gives a delicate glow, I even hesitate to powder on top. I sincerely recommend it, especially to mature girls.