ماسك للشعر الفاتح أو الرمادي Inebrya Blondesse No-Yellow Mask
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ماركة: Inebrya
السلسلة: blondesse
نوع المنتج: قناع للشعر
خصائص المنتج: تليين, حماية لون الشعر, للإشراق
الحجم: 250 ml, 1000 ml
المكونات: البروتينات, حرير, زيت الخروع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: شعر أشقر, ملون
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
ماسك "إنيبريا بلونديس نو-يلو" هو علاج فعّال مصمم خصيصاً للأشخاص ذوي الشعر الأشقر أو المبيض أو الرمادي. يهدف إلى التخلص من اللون الأصفر، مما يجعل لون شعرك أكثر اتساقًا ودقة. يغطي قوام الماسك الكريمي الخصلات بشكل متساوٍ، تاركاً إياها ناعمة وسلسة ومعتنى بها جيداً.
تُعزَّز تركيبة ماسك الشعر بأصباغ تصحيح اللون البنفسجي التي تحيد الدرجات الدافئة. هذا المنتج متعدد التأثيرات يغذي ويرطب الخصلات أيضاً، ويصلح المناطق المتضررة ويضفي إشراقة باردة متلألئة. عززي لون شعرك الجديد باستخدام ماسك "إنيبريا نو-يلو"!
فوائد ماسك "إنيبريا بلونديس نو-يلو":
- يرطب زيت الخروع ويغذي فروة الرأس؛
- يوفر مستخلص العنب مرونة للشعر؛
- تحافظ بروتينات الحرير على التوازن المائي الطبيعي؛
- يقضي على الدرجات الصفراء؛
- يمنع تغير اللون، محافظًا على اللمعان البارد؛
- يلين وينعم الخصلات؛
- يقلل من الجفاف وتكسر الشعر؛
- لا يحتوي على SLES والبارابين.-
ارتدِ القفازات الواقية وضع القناع على الشعر المجفف بالمنشفة. قم بتدليك الشعر بعناية ثم مرر المشط خلاله. اتركه لمدة 3-5 دقائق ثم اشطفه جيداً.
Inebrya Blondesse No-Yellow Mask - ماسك للشعر الفاتح أو الرمادي
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The effect is so-so. It really dries out the hair.
I purchased this product on makeup and I am very satisfied with it. My hairdresser taught me how to use it. I mix two small peas of it with my regular hair mask. The resulting shade is cool and very beautiful. I do not use it on its own.
Be careful, this mask is blue in color. And blue + yellow (which is what blonde hair turns into over time) = green. So if you have light hair with a yellowish tint, be prepared to walk around with green strands. It will work better for those with a more orange tone.
I have an airbrush, cold white, or rather it used to be. This mask gave me a green tint that wouldn't wash out. The green was washing off in the salon, and it was so ingrained that I had to apply pink pigment. Ladies, it's better to consult with your technician before using it. Because the mask is blue in color. And yellow + blue = green!
I bought this mask because I had previously purchased the shampoo. In my opinion, the mask does its job well, and when used in combination with the shampoo, the effect is even more noticeable. However, I do agree with previous reviews that after using it, I feel like applying another mask because my hair becomes tangled and stiff (I have fine hair).
The pigmented mask is satisfying and effectively removes yellowing without drying out the skin.
I bought this mask not for makeup purposes, but I am satisfied with the result. The mask really tones the hair nicely and removes the yellowish effect (in my case, even the orange). I use it once a week for 15-20 minutes along with the nevitaly riso or yves rosher shampoo and conditioner for colored hair.
Result after first use. Brightened and removed yellow tone. Satisfied.
I'm scared to dry my hair because it is highlighted. When applied by myself, it turns blue. I mixed it with my own mask. It's a shame I bought a big jar. It will last for two years. I cannot recommend it at all.
The product did not work on my lightened blonde hair, shade 9. It did not remove the yellow tones. After using it, I felt the need to apply another hair mask. Additionally, my hair gets dirty very quickly after applying the mask.
The mask did not work on my highlighted hair. Instead, my hair gets dirtier faster after using it. I also agree with the previous comment that after using this mask, an additional mask is needed.
Supayova slimming mask. I don't use it often, but the results are like from a salon.
It works great. It gives a cool tone, not gray, but specifically cold, like an arctic blonde. Well, this is for those who dye their hair in cool tones.
This product indeed cancels out the brassy yellow tones in cool blonde hair, but it tends to tangle the hair horribly, so you need to apply another mask after using this one.