زيت مرطب مضاد للتهيج ومجدد للدهون La Roche-Posay Lipikar Cleansing Oil AP+ (قطعة قابلة للتبديل)
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- كيفية الاستخدام
منذ الولادة
ماركة: La Roche-Posay
السلسلة: lipikar
نوع المنتج: زيت للجسم, وحدة قابلة للتغيير
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ترطيب, تليين, تنظيف, تهدئة
نوع البشرة: جاف, حساسة
الحجم: 400 ml
المكونات: النياسيناميد, تركيبة
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للأطفال, للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
زيت التنظيف ليبيكار AP+ من لا روش بوزاي هو منتج مبتكر مصمم لتنظيف البشرة الجافة، الجافة جدًا، والمُعرّضة للإصابة بالتهاب الجلد التأتبي لدى الرضع والأطفال والبالغين بلطف وفعالية. تم تطوير هذا الجل-الكريم للاستحمام مع مراعاة احتياجات البشرة الحساسة، حيث يوفر عناية لطيفة وحماية ضد التهيجات. بفضل تركيبته الفريدة التي تحتوي على زبدة الشيا والنياسيناميد والجلسرين، يقوم المنتج بترطيب البشرة بعمق، ويخفف من الشعور بالشد، ويقوي الحاجز الوقائي للبشرة. مثالي للاستخدام اليومي، هذا الجل-الكريم خالٍ من الصابون والعطور، مما يضمن أقصى نعومة أثناء الغسيل والاستحمام.
مميزات زيت التنظيف ليبيكار AP+ من لا روش بوزاي:
- تركيبة زبدة الشيا توفر التغذية والترطيب؛
- يساعد النياسيناميد في تقليل الالتهابات وتقوية حاجز البشرة؛
- يدعم البيتين نعومة ومرونة البشرة؛
- إعادة التعبئة الصديقة للبيئة تقلل من استخدام البلاستيك بنسبة 73٪؛
- مناسب للرضع والأطفال والبالغين؛
- تم اختباره من قبل أطباء الجلدية، مناسب للبشرة الحساسة؛
- خالٍ من العطور ومضاد للحساسية؛
- مناسب للاستخدام اليومي كمنتج أساسي للعناية بالبشرة الحساسة.-
Shower: Apply a small amount of the product to your hands, lather, and distribute over damp skin. Rinse off with water. Bath: Dissolve a small amount of the product under running water while filling the tub. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with water. Keep out of reach of children. Do not ingest. The appearance of the product may change depending on storage temperature, but this does not affect its properties.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.
I bought this product for my child and it is not bad, but it doesn't have a scent of oils, it reminds me of baby soap "quack-quack". It doesn't harm the skin, which is good.