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ماركة: MAKEUP
السلسلة: silk
نوع المنتج: أطواق الشعر
مادة الفرش: حرير طبيعي
نوع رباط الشعر: قماشية
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: متوسط الأسعار, نخبوية
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
عندما يصعب عليك تحديد الأهم: الفائدة، المظهر، أو الخصائص العناية، اختر الثلاثة معًا! لأنه لا داعي للاختيار إذا اخترت مجموعة رباطات الشعر الحريرية الطبيعية من MAKEUP. ستغير هذه المجموعة العصرية من الرباطات فكرتك عن إكسسوارات الشعر للأبد. نظرًا لاستخدام الحرير العضوي في صنع هذه الرباطات المطاطية، فهي تحتضن خصلات الشعر بلطف دون ترك أي تجاعيد، أو تشابك، أو شد للشعر، أو خلق توتر في فروة الرأس. يمكنك استخدام هذه الرباطات الحريرية دون إلحاق الضرر بشعرك. بفضل المادة الطبيعية المشتقة من الحرير النقي، توفر هذه الرباطات نعومة وملمسًا حريريًا لخصلات شعرك، مما يجعلها أكثر سهولة في التصفيف وتبدو صحية.
فوائد مجموعة رباطات الشعر الحريرية الطبيعية من MAKEUP:
- لونان مختلفان في المجموعة؛
- لا تترك تجاعيد على الشعر، ولا تشده أو تضر به؛
- يجعل الحرير الخصلات أكثر سهولة في التصفيف ونعومة؛
- يمنع التشابك الذي غالبًا ما تسببه الأشرطة القماشية؛
- يساعد على تجنب التقصف والنهايات المتشققة؛
- سهلة العناية (غسل يدوي في ماء بارد باستخدام منظف سائل ذو درجة حموضة محايدة)؛
- تصل مدة الاستخدام إلى ثماني ساعات؛
- صبغات غير سامة؛
- مصنوعة من حرير التوت طويل الألياف بنسبة 100٪ بأعلى المعايير.-
استخدم حسب التوجيهات.
MAKEUP Scrunchie Set Black Gold - مجموعة الأربطة من الحرير الطبيعي "Midi"
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This product is of excellent quality. It does not break the hair.
These hair ties are very pleasant to use as they don't slip off the hair.
The elastic bands do not stretch well, and after a few weeks, the seams started to come apart on both of them. Considering the price, it is disappointing. Additionally, the color of the second band is gold.
Thank you, everything is great.
The rubber bands are terrible, and the colors do not match the photo at all. But the most important thing is that the bands are very tight and hardly stretch, making them impossible to wear. The store assured me that they cannot be returned because the boxes are not sealed, implying that there is a chance they were used. This is just a waste of money.
I ordered a set of hair elastics, but the color doesn't match. I am disappointed because they are not worth the money.
I received such a wonderful gift for the holiday! The hair ties are very beautiful and of great quality.
The colors are beautiful! The only downside is that they need to be washed once or twice a week because dirt remains on the elastics. It is definitely not suitable for thin hair. For me (medium hair density), one turn is not enough, I need 2, but it's too tight. After wearing them, there are creases left on the hair.
I received them as a gift from a friend. The colors are the perfect foundation! They look very beautiful.
From thin hair, it slides in two turns, but in three turns it becomes tight.
For the price, the quality is really terrible! It is nowhere near silk...
I agree with the girls that this set is really cool. The colors are versatile and the fabric feels pleasant. I've had them for a very long time, probably since spring, and they still look as good as new.
I initially liked the hair ties, despite some small threads sticking out of them. They are sufficient for two twists on thick, but thin hair. However, after two weeks of constant use, I discovered that the beige hair tie had torn in several places. I expected it to last longer for the price.
The hair ties are amazing! From the negatives: there is a small thread, but it is not critical because the hair ties still fulfill their function. I tie them two times (tightly) or three times (very tightly) since I have thick hair.
These elastic bands are excellent, with a great quality and a color that matches the photo on the website - a pleasant golden shade. However, they feel a bit tight to me, but I believe that will improve with time.
Good, but they slip, it's inconvenient to do sports in them. Two turns - not enough, three turns - ruins the silk.
Well-packaged, pleasant to touch, it holds well with two turns, and has a porous, thick hair.
Overall, I am satisfied. The hair ties are tight, but for thin hair, two loops may be insufficient.
Thank you, Makeup, for the fast delivery! The hair ties are cool and of high quality. They are tight and designed for two loops, so I will see if they slip when worn. Size S and M are practically the same (when stretched).
I would like to thank the store for the fast delivery. The hair ties are amazing, just what I was looking for!
The erasers are cool, but there is a downside because the color is not the same as in the photo. On the photo, there is a beautiful shade of cool gold, but in reality, it is some dark rusty gold.
These rubber bands are amazing! I will wear them one by one.
The color is gold, not beige. In the photo, they appear more voluminous and larger than in real life.
The hair ties are fantastic!
I chose these hair ties as a gift, but the quality is average. Unfortunately, there are no tags with information about the composition and care instructions in the box. The fabric feels smooth and doesn't stretch, but they tend to twist when used frequently. They work well for my hair (I'm currently using the black ones), but I believe the price is too high.
I did not buy these hair ties; they were given to me as a gift. I liked the color and the quality. They do not slip off my hair. I wear them with pleasure.
The hair ties are nice, but the beige color is completely different from what is shown in the photo. It looks more like a cheap gold.
The hair ties look beautiful, they don't bother, and they don't squeeze the hair. The quality is superb!
The rubber bands are not of high quality. As soon as I received them, I noticed threads around the seams, and the fabric itself does not look very presentable. However, they do the job they are intended for. I will not buy such ones again.
The hair ties look very cute and hold the hair well. The colors are the most popular ones.
I really liked them! They are made with good quality and match the description. However, the gold color appears more yellow in reality.
I bought 4 of them. They do not damage the hair and make both ponytails and buns look beautiful. I have also tried washing them, and they dry quickly without losing their shape. I would love to have them in lavender and blue as well.
Beautiful set! It is worth its price and the colors will suit everyone for everyday use and for special occasions, if the hairstyle requires it.
The best set of hairbands I have ever had! I use them every day and feel like a queen! They keep all my hair in place, without pulling or causing discomfort. I even use them at night because I know they won't leave any creases.
Beautiful and high-quality set. The color combination is fantastic! They arrived in a lovely white box.