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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: Simone DSD De Luxe
السلسلة: opium
نوع المنتج: قناع للشعر
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تغذية, لتعزيز نمو الشعر, للإشراق, للحجم
المكونات: فيتامينات, مستخلصات نباتية
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع الشعر: تالف
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
العناية السليمة بالشعر ضرورية للحفاظ على مظهر الشعر بأفضل حالاته. تبدأ هذه العناية باستخدام منتجات شعر احترافية مثل قناع DSD De Luxe 7.3 Opium. يحتوي على النياسيناميد، الكافيين، مستخلص الخشخاش، الأدينوزين، فيتامين E ومكونات فعّالة أخرى، والتي أثبتت فعاليتها في تحفيز نمو الشعر وتحسين بنيته.
فوائد قناع DSD De Luxe 7.3 Opium:
- مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر؛
- يمتاز بقوام كثيف؛
- يتغلغل بعمق في الشعر، مما يوفر الرطوبة الكافية والمواد الغذائية الأساسية؛
- يعيد اللمعان الطبيعي للشعر؛
- يمنع تساقط الشعر؛
- يسهل تمشيط الشعر وتصفيفه؛
- يمنح رائحة خفيفة وجذابة؛
- سهل التطبيق والشطف؛
- مزود بعبوة عملية تضمن الاستخدام الأمثل للمنتج.-
ضعي القناع على الشعر النظيف مع تجنب الجذور. اتركيه لمدة 5-15 دقيقة. اشطفيه جيداً. استخدمي مشطاً واسع الأسنان لتوزيع المنتج بالتساوي على الشعر.
The second jar of this mask works, but it's necessary to use a conditioner afterwards (I use the 4.2 DSD one with keratin), just like with any other mask. Several people have complimented my hair, saying it looks lively and nourished, and even mentioned the abundance of new hair growth and baby hairs. However, the consumption of this mask is extremely high, so keep that in mind. Next time, I want to try the 4.3 mask with the 4.2 conditioner.
I am adding to my review from January 26, 2023. I have been using the shampoo and mask from this series since December 17, 2022. During my illness, I experienced a significant amount of hair loss, with bald patches appearing on the crown of my head, on the sides near my ears, and on my forehead. Draw your own conclusions. I have been using this set for 3 months. Will I buy it again? Absolutely yes, yes, yes!
I have been using this conditioner in combination with the shampoo. It has a pleasant scent and leaves my hair moisturized and soft. It seems like there is more volume to my hair now (I have thin hair that is prone to falling out). However, it did not help with hair loss. The ampoules from the same brand did provide results, although they were temporary.
I bought it here. The hair mask works! My hair started to grow, new strands appeared (I lost a lot due to illness), and I'm also using the shampoo from the same series. I always follow up the mask with a conditioner for 5-10 minutes. All masks should be followed by a conditioner. That way, you will achieve shine, silkiness, and so on. Learn how to use products properly before writing negative comments. If your hair is damaged beyond repair, only scissors can help!
There was no effect on my hair (blonde, porous, frizzy). At least they comb well. No shine, no moisture. Maybe the whole line works, but I don't recommend using it separately at all.
This mask is really great and works wonders on my hair! I have long, porous, and fine blonde hair. The mask deeply nourishes and moisturizes my hair, making it shiny and easy to comb. The scent of the mask is pleasant and lingers on the hair, but it is not overpowering, which I really like.
Overall, I have a positive attitude towards hair masks, but this one... it didn't work for me at all. It has a disgusting chemical smell, and not only did it not give any results, but it even made my hair lose its shine. I had previously used the Silk and Steel mask, and I liked it more. It had a great smell and gave my hair a nice shine. I definitely do not recommend this one, yuck!
In my opinion, this shampoo is no different from the black-colored one from the same brand (and maybe even better), but it is slightly cheaper and has a scent of poppy. The mask from this line is also good, but for some reason, it has been out of stock for a long time.
I have been eagerly awaiting the release of this new product. This mask stands out from other masks in the same line. It is less thick, but equally powerful. It is easy to apply and I didn't keep it on for long before rinsing it off with cool water. Both me and my hair enjoyed it.
This is love!!! I was expecting something mega cool from the new dsd product, but this mask exceeded all expectations! I recommend applying it for a couple of minutes under warm air, and the hair becomes perfect!