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ماركة: Daeng Gi Meo Ri
السلسلة: egg planet
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تقوية, تليين, تنظيف, للإشراق
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 700 ml
المكونات: الكيراتين, الليمون, الموز, بيضة, عسل
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: تالف
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
إذا أصبح شعرك باهتًا وفقد لمعانه وإشراقه، فإن شامبو داينج جي ميوري إيج بلانت كيراتين سيساعدك على استعادة حيويته وصحته الطبيعية. بفضل تركيبته الغنية بالكيراتين والمقوية، يعد هذا الشامبو خيارًا مثاليًا لإصلاح التلف الظاهر ومنح الشعر نعومة فورية.
فوائد شامبو داينج جي ميوري إيج بلانت كيراتين:
- يزيل الأوساخ والدهون الزائدة وتراكم منتجات التصفيف والشوائب الأخرى بلطف؛
- ينعم ويغذي الشعر؛
- يخترق بسهولة جذع الشعر ويساعد في تنعيم قشور الشعر؛
- يخفف من الجفاف؛
- يجعل الشعر حيوياً ومفعماً بالحيوية؛
- يتكون رغوة غنية بسهولة؛
- يتميز برائحة الليمون المنعشة، مما يحافظ على نضارة الشعر لفترة طويلة؛
- خالٍ من المواد الكيميائية والزيوت المعدنية؛
- مصنوع من مكونات طبيعية.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من الشامبو في راحة اليدين، ثم ضعها على الشعر المبلل، ودلكها جيداً واشطفها بكمية وفيرة من الماء. كرر استخدام الشامبو مرة ثانية إذا لزم الأمر.
Daeng Gi Meo Ri Egg Planet Keratin Shampoo - شامبو الكيراتين
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My hair became greasy by the end of the second day, and when I started washing it with this shampoo, it started to get greasy by the evening of the third day. The composition is good, with many oils and even vinegar, which helps to get rid of my dandruff. However, what I didn't like is the silicone dimethicone (definitely need to use a deep cleansing shampoo to wash it off). Overall, I am satisfied as my hair is not overly dry and the roots are gently cleansed. The price is a plus, but the delivery from the EU took 14 days...
I spent a long time choosing among many others and decided on this shampoo, and I have no regrets at all because now I only wash my hair every 2-3 days instead of every day like with other products. The effect is worth the price. I give this shampoo 5 stars, not for makeup, but for the shampoo itself. I ordered it from another website. This shampoo is incredible, the smell and the effect are just "Wow" (like after salon treatments). The convenient size and dispenser will last a long time, that's for sure. I definitely recommend it!
I ordered this for my wife, and she says she liked it. I must say, I accidentally spilled half of the bottle in the car trunk, but the scent is very pleasant and it lathers up nicely.
The shampoo and scent are absolutely amazing!
This shampoo is great with a pleasant scent. It has a very low consumption rate.
I am satisfied with this shampoo. My hair is smooth and soft. I really like the scent. And when I also use the hair mask from the same line, the effect is really great.
At first, I really liked the shampoo - it made my hair smooth and soft. However, later on, dandruff started to appear. Unfortunately, this shampoo didn't work for me as it made my scalp very itchy. But this brand has a "Restoration" line (in purple), and it worked well for my hair. (I have a normal scalp and straight, undamaged hair.)
Among shampoos in this price range, this is the best one I have tried. It makes my hair fall nicely, shine, and has a pleasant and subtle fragrance. The effect is similar to Kerastase b6 but much more budget-friendly.
This shampoo is amazing, I highly recommend it. The scent boosts your mood and is very pleasant. Plus, it leaves your hair silky smooth, following the best traditions of daeng gi meo ri. I decided to try it as a break from my usual violet shampoo.
The shampoo is truly amazing! It is very gentle and doesn't irritate the skin. Plus, it has a pleasant scent.
First impression - a good shampoo. Hair is smooth and silky after using it. It has a pleasant scent.
This shampoo is really good. I have been using it for a month, washing my hair twice a week. My hair is long and dark. The quality of my hair has improved, they are moisturized, nourished, and silky. The effect is great, I will definitely buy it again. The previous girl's review is strange, maybe she forgot to rinse off the shampoo, thinking it was a hair mask!