لوشن فريش سيلس دي لوكس № 3.4.3 A Divination Simone De Luxe Fresh Cells DeLuxe Wondercell Lotion
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ماركة: Simone DSD De Luxe
السلسلة: hair loss treatment
نوع المنتج: لوشن للشعر, منتج لفروة الرأس
خصائص المنتج: علاج, لعلاج تساقط الشعر
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
المكونات: البروتينات, الكستناء الحصانية, النياسيناميد, بانثينول, بيوتين, فيتامين a, فيتامين e, فيتامينات الفئة b
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
حدثت مشكلة مؤسفة... شعرك قد ضعف، وبدأ في الانقسام والتساقط. تنظر في المرآة وتلاحظ أنه يترقق يومًا بعد يوم، ويفقد كثافته وجماله وصحته. لكن لا تيأس. هناك حل فعال لمشكلتك. يكمن هذا الحل في استخدام لوشن "فريش سيلز دي لوكس" من سيمون. هذا المنتج يمكنه مكافحة حتى أشد حالات تساقط الشعر. سيعيد لشعرك صحته ومظهره الفاخر.
العلاج المذكور يتكون من منتجين: لوشن ومركز. عليك خلط وتطبيق كلا المكونين وفقًا للتعليمات. ستغني المنتجات شعرك وفروة رأسك بمستخلصات الكستناء الحصان، والخميرة، وفاكهة نخيل المنشار. ستوقف تساقط الشعر عن طريق تقوية بصيلات الشعر، وتوفير التغذية الضرورية والترطيب. بفضل اللوشن، سيصبح شعرك كثيفًا وقويًا، وسينمو بشكل أسرع. سيجعل شعرك ناعمًا ومرنًا، ويعتني بفروة رأسك، ويحسن الدورة الدموية.
لوشن فريش سيلز دي لوكس من سيمون هو طريقة موثوقة للقضاء على تساقط الشعر. هذه هي فرصتك لجعل شعرك صحيًا تمامًا ونسيان تساقطه بشكل دائم. لذا استفد من هذه الفرصة!-
أضف المحلول المركز (أمبولة 10 مل) إلى اللوشن (زجاجة 50 مل) وامزج المكونات جيدًا. رج العبوة جيدًا قبل الاستخدام. ضع 2 مل من المحلول المحضر على فروة الرأس الجافة أو الرطبة، وقم بتوزيعه بحركات تدليك لطيفة. لا تقم بغسل اللوشن. يُستخدم يوميًا. الحد الأدنى لفترة العلاج هو 3 أشهر.
Divination Simone De Luxe Fresh Cells DeLuxe Wondercell Lotion - لوشن فريش سيلس دي لوكس № 3.4.3 A
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The composition is good. Has anyone used it while breastfeeding?
The lotion helped me a lot. Finally, I got rid of the need to come up with ways to hide my bald spots. You understand how important it is for a woman... I used 2 bottles every day, and the results were simply amazing.
The product works slowly but effectively in restoring hair. Not only has there been a decrease in hair loss, but the individual strands also appear thicker and overall, there seems to be more hair. Hair has started growing in areas where it hadn't for a long time, the hairline has become more even and filled in, and now I no longer have to use complicated (often ridiculous) hairstyles to hide this issue.
So, I'm ordering a second bottle. Once I finish the course (planning to use 3 bottles), I will write about the final results!
A huge thank you to Make Up for making this product available.
I love this brand. I have tried many products. The lotion helped me in just 2 weeks, and I could feel small hairs growing. I am very satisfied with everything.
After reading a review claiming that it doesn't help, I decided not to stay silent. Are you doing everything correctly? How often do you apply it? Do you massage your scalp? I wonder because I used it for a month and I am very satisfied. And you, three months and nothing? That's strange.
Wonderful lotion. I have finally almost gotten rid of hair loss. I had patches on my head, I don't know the correct name for them, bald spots maybe. And I consistently applied this lotion to those areas, massaged it in, and reapplied. As of today, there are no more patches, the hair is growing and already has a length of 6cm. I am very satisfied.
I really liked this product. I have been using it for the second month now and I can see the results, so I decided to share my joy. I had been bald for over a year, but now new hair is starting to grow, which makes me extremely happy. I am saving a lot with this product.
I am very satisfied with the lotion. I had a problem with hair loss, but after a month of using it, my hair stopped falling out. Thank you for the fast delivery and the gift.
I was very satisfied after using this lotion. I strictly used it as directed and the results pleased me.
I have been using this product for two weeks now and I wanted to share my experience. My hair has stopped falling out in large amounts and now only falls out when I comb it. It has also regained its shine, which had been lost due to coloring a while ago. I am really liking the results. I read that the recommended duration for the treatment is three months, and if it continues to work like this, I am willing to commit and see it through until the end.
I have tried many remedies, but nothing has helped. I experience hair loss all over my head, especially in spring and autumn. I decided to take a risk and buy this lotion. I am simply delighted, I have been using it for the second month and I can see that my hair has become thicker. I highly recommend it!