معجون أسنان "جولي الفأر"، خوخ Biorepair Kids Milk Teeth
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منذ الولادة
ماركة: Biorepair
السلسلة: oral care
نوع المنتج: معجون الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: المعادن, تنظيف, ضد الالتهابات
الحجم: 50 ml
المكونات: حمض الستريك, خوخ, زنك
نكهة: خوخ
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للأطفال
التصنيف: احترافية
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
أسعد طفلك بمساعد موثوق للعناية بالأسنان لجعل عملية تنظيف الأسنان اليومية أكثر قبولاً. معجون الأسنان "تشيرفول ليتل ماوس" من علامة بيو ريبير التجارية هو الخيار المثالي لذلك. لا شك أن طفلك سيستمتع بتجربة لطيفة.
يتميز معجون الأسنان برائحة خوخ لطيفة. ينظف الأسنان بشكل مثالي عن طريق إزالة بقايا الطعام العالقة بين الفراغات بين الأسنان، والبلاك، والبقع الداكنة، دون الإضرار بمينا الأسنان. يتميز بتركيبة ناعمة جداً تتوافق مع الخصائص الفسيولوجية لتجويف الفم عند الأطفال، مما يجعله مناسباً للعناية اليومية بأسنانهم.
فوائد معجون بيو ريبير للأطفال:
- مناسب للعناية اليومية بدءًا من بروز أول سن؛
- يقوي ويعيد تمعدن أسنان الأطفال؛
- يتمتع بخصائص مضادة للالتهابات والميكروبات؛
- يحمي اللثة؛
- يمنع تسوس الأسنان (اختياري: نمو البكتيريا)؛
- آمن للبلع؛
- خالي من أكسيد السيليكون، الفلورين، ثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم، البارابين، العطور، المطهرات وSLS.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من معجون الأسنان على فرشاة الأسنان. قم بتنظيف الأسنان بحركات دائرية، مع تدليك اللثة بلطف. اشطف الفم بالماء، وتمضمض لمدة 20-30 ثانية ثم ابصق الماء.
Biorepair Kids Milk Teeth - معجون أسنان "جولي الفأر"، خوخ
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The pasta is good, but it does not contain fluoride. As a first option, it is perfect. However, later on, after a year, it is better to choose a pasta with fluoride (which protects the enamel and maintains calcium levels), otherwise the teeth may darken.
We have been using this toothpaste (only changing the flavor) for over a year now. Our child likes it. Additionally, each box comes with a small coloring sheet.
This pasta is excellent, it has a very pleasant aroma.
The best toothpaste for kids! Both my daughter (5 years old) and my son (3 years old) have white and healthy teeth with this toothpaste.
Unfortunately, the toothpaste didn't work for us. It tasted pleasant but couldn't remove the dark buildup. Our pediatric dentist suggested switching to a toothpaste with a stronger formula, and it worked perfectly as the buildup disappeared.
My little one is 4 years old. She really enjoys the taste of this toothpaste. We always clean together. It effectively removes plaque.
My child finished the tube of this toothpaste, and I am ready to share my opinion. During its use, a gray plaque appeared on the teeth. My child is 5 years old and brushes independently in the morning, while I use an electric toothbrush in the evening. After this, I bought another toothpaste with fluoride (1000 ppm), and within two weeks, the plaque disappeared. In conclusion, Biorepair toothpaste is only good in terms of taste, but it cleans teeth poorly.
We always buy strawberries.
I bought this product for my little one based on the recommendation of a dentist. It cleans wonderfully and takes good care of the teeth. This toothpaste is simply amazing!
The pasta is good, we really like it. However, our dentist advised us to occasionally change it as there is something in its composition that doesn't suit us. :(
This toothpaste is great, recommended by a dentist, because it contains liquid calcium.
We have been using this toothpaste for a long time now, and it is excellent. It cleans really well and has a pleasant taste that children enjoy.
This toothpaste is great, with no overpowering smell or taste. My child enjoys brushing their teeth with it.
I really like these toothpastes. We always get different ones. My child cleans their teeth with great pleasure))
We have already purchased this product twice and we really like it. In my opinion, it's better than what we had before. It truly cleans efficiently.
We have been using this strawberry-flavored toothpaste for several years, and finally, new flavors have appeared. We decided to start with peach, and it was love at first sight! This toothpaste is simply amazing, tried and tested over the years, and it keeps my daughter's teeth healthy. We really liked the peach flavor, and now we also want to try the grape one.
Out of all the toothpastes, this one was my son's favorite. The peach scent is amazing :)
My 4-year-old daughter really likes it. It's her favorite flavor. She enjoys both yogurts and cottage cheese with peach. So, she happily runs to the bathroom and brushes her teeth with enthusiasm! We will now be buying it regularly for her.
At first, my child liked it, but after the third time, they refused. They said they wanted strawberry flavor instead.
The pasta is VERY sweet. I tried it myself, and it was disgustingly sweet. I will definitely not buy it again. It's a shame there are no mini doses for trial.
I will have to throw it away.
The best toothpaste for children!