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ماركة: Medik8
السلسلة: calmwise
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: تهدئة, ضد الاحمرار, ضد الالتهابات, للأوعية الدموية الضعيفة, وردية
الحجم: 50 ml
المكونات: الألوة فيرا, الباكوشيول, الببتيدات, الشاي الأخضر, الكافيين, الكاميليا, النياسيناميد, شاي أبيض, شوفان, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: بريطانية العظمى
صنع في: بريطانيا
إذا كنت تعاني من احمرار الجلد المتكرر، الوردية، الانزعاج، والأوعية الدموية الحمراء الظاهرة، فإن الكريم التصحيحي من العلامة التجارية الإنجليزية Medik8 مصمم خصيصًا لبشرتك. يقدم هذا المنتج تأثيرًا علاجيًا واضحًا لمشاكل البشرة الحساسة. يعمل فيتامين E، مستخلص الألوة فيرا، والكافيين على تضييق الأوعية الدموية، بينما يمنع مستخلص نبات الشوك تطور الكوبيروز. وتعمل الأصباغ المعدنية الخضراء على تعديل لون البشرة بسرعة. ماذا بعد؟ جميع المكونات الفعالة في الكريم لها صيغة مستقرة تظل فعالة حتى عند فتح العبوة.
مميزات Calmwise Colour Correct:
- يمكن استخدامه بمفرده أو كأساس للمكياج؛
- تأثير فوري؛
- يقلل من حساسية البشرة؛
- استخدام اقتصادي: يدوم لمدة 3-4 أشهر مع الاستخدام مرتين يوميًا؛
- له رائحة محايدة؛
- قوام كريمي ناعم.-
1. بعد تنظيف البشرة وتطبيق السيروم في الصباح والمساء، ضع كمية صغيرة من Calmwise Colour Correct على الوجه والرقبة ومنطقة الصدر، مع تجنب منطقة العين الحساسة.
2. استخدم حركات خفيفة متجهة للأعلى لدمج الكريم واتركه ليمتص. في المناطق الأكثر حساسية، قم بالربت بلطف على البشرة.
3. يمكن وضع المكياج بعد ذلك مباشرة إذا لزم الأمر.
4. يُنصح بإجراء اختبار حساسية قبل الاستخدام.
After reading conflicting reviews, I decided to purchase the smaller version of this product. I have very sensitive skin that reacts to wind and cold temperatures. It effectively reduces redness, but it also tends to dry out my skin. I always feel the need to apply a moisturizer after using it. After a few days, I started experiencing peeling. It is not suitable for dry or combination skin types. I will go back to using Ella Bache.
The correcting cream is really good; it effectively conceals redness and I like the effect it gives. The texture of the cream is pleasant as well.
I did not buy it here, but it is so good that I cannot help but leave a review.
The product is great for problematic skin, it effectively and quickly gets rid of pimples. Although it is green in color, it does not leave any residue on the skin. It's simply superb!
The cream did not work for me; after a week of use, I started experiencing breakouts that I had never had before! I absolutely do not recommend this cream!
The cream is very effective. It doesn't have any "green" face effect, it reduces redness and evens out the tone. I have combination skin prone to oiliness with rosacea, so the cream is very comfortable for me to use (if someone likes the super moisturizing effect, this is not for you, I think it won't suit dry skin). It absorbs quickly and doesn't leave any greasiness. The scent is not very pleasant, but the properties of the cream outweigh this drawback.
A wonderful cream for sensitive skin with rosacea, it soothes, reduces redness, and provides excellent coverage. It is the perfect option for summer - it is not greasy and provides great moisturization. I can confidently say that Medic8 is the best thing that has happened to me. I have many of their products, and I have something to compare it to. It is love at first application.
The cream cannot be used during the day. Even if you take one drop for the entire face, it will turn green like the cream. It does not moisturize, but instead dries out the skin. After using it, I woke up in the morning with dry, red, and severe breakouts on my face. I developed an allergy, even though I am not allergic to anything. I had to seek treatment from a dermatologist. I really like Medik8 cleansing gels, so I am very surprised by such a poor product.
The cream is terrible. I didn't buy it here. It provides zero moisturization, and it feels sticky and green like a plaster. It turns my face green and just dries it out. I have been trying to use it occasionally for half a year, even after getting facials and on regular days, but the effect is awful! Girls, do not buy this product, it is the worst one I have ever tried.
This is the worst cream that could be bought. My skin is dry and sensitive. Immediately after application, it only emphasized dryness, my face became covered with a red crust, and I instantly looked +10 years older. It's just horrible. I deeply regret purchasing it. I don't recommend it to anyone.
I received a sample set from a cosmetologist, which included this cream. It's not just a cream, it's a miracle! It truly conceals rosacea redness. As my cosmetologist says, it's not a medicinal product, but it calms the skin and conceals imperfections. It's truly a worthwhile product, as a little drop of cream goes a long way. I have a 10ml sample, and I've been using it for 3 months, and it still hasn't run out.