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ماركة: Medik8
السلسلة: calmwise
نوع المنتج: فوم لغسل الوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تنظيف, تهدئة
الحجم: 40 ml, 150 ml
المكونات: فيتامينات, مستخلصات نباتية
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع البشرة: حساسة
بلد: بريطانية العظمى
صنع في: بريطانيا
منظف Medik8 Calmwise Soothing Cleanser هو منتج فعّال مصمم للعناية بالبشرة الحساسة. نظرًا لأن البشرة المفرطة الحساسية تتعرض بشكل كبير للتأثيرات الخارجية الضارة التي تسبب الجفاف والبهتان والتهيج الشديد، فقد تحتاجين إلى منتج تنظيف مناسب. يعمل هذا الغسول للوجه برفق على البشرة دون التسبب في الجفاف أو الشد. إنه لا يخل بالتوازن الطبيعي للهيدرو-ليبيد، مما يترك وجهك ناعمًا ومُرَطَّبًا.
تم تعزيز تركيبة المنتج بعوامل تنظيف لطيفة لإذابة الشوائب المتراكمة والسموم والزيوت الزائدة وبقايا المكياج بلطف. يحتوي منظف Medik8 Calmwise Soothing Cleanser على زيت قشر البرتقال ومستخلص جذور الكركم لتجديد وتفتيح بشرتك، مما يجعلها تبدو مرتاحة ومُهَنْدَمة.
فوائد منظف Medik8 Calmwise Soothing Cleanser:
- ينظف البشرة بفعالية دون الإخلال بتوازنها الطبيعي للهيدرو؛
- يهدئ وينعش الوجه؛
- يشد المسام؛
- يزيل الاحمرار ومظهر البشرة الباهت؛
- يحسن عملية التجدد؛
- يقوي الأوعية الدموية؛
- يقلل من حساسية البشرة المفرطة؛
- يوفر حماية مضادة للأكسدة؛
- ينعم نسيج البشرة.-
يُوضع على الوجه والرقبة المبللين بحركات تدليك خفيفة، ثم يُشطف بالماء.
Medik8 Calmwise Soothing Cleanser - رغوة منظف للبشرة الحساسة
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I really liked the foam, it has a herbal scent and it slightly tightens the skin, but it doesn't dry it out and there is no greasy shine after using it. However, I will probably order something else. My skin is combination, sensitive, and I am 33 years old.
This foam is perfect for my extremely dry and prone to flaking skin. It is gentle and doesn't strip the skin or leave it feeling tight and overly dry. However, the scent of this product is quite strong and reminiscent of medicine or herbs. It is too overpowering to enjoy all the benefits of using it.
The foam is really great. I have sensitive skin, and it's very difficult for me to find a foam, but this one is just amazing. I have dry and sensitive skin, and after using it, my face stopped drying out and blackheads disappeared. I never thought that cleansing was so important, but after using this product, I understood it.
I have very sensitive skin, and this is the only foam that works for me. It doesn't tighten my skin and feels light on my face. Plus, it lasts a long time.
The foam is fantastic. It has a great consistency and is very pleasant to use. It was a perfect match for my sensitive skin. However, the scent... for me, it is very chemical-like, almost like a cleaning product. Because of this, I will not repurchase it.
Oh my goodness, this is the best facial cleanser. I have sensitive skin and harsh products really damage it. This product is a masterpiece for sensitive and combination skin. As a cosmetologist, I highly recommend it.
The foam has an incredibly delicate texture and a pleasant scent (it reminds me of cleanliness in the best hospitals). I am definitely satisfied with the purchase. By the way, Makeup has the best couriers!
This product suits me well as I have dry skin.
This facial foam is excellent. It doesn't tighten or dry out the skin; on the contrary, it even leaves the skin feeling soft. It has an average usage rate (a full-size bottle lasts me 1.5-2 months, using it twice a day). When comparing it to another foam from the same brand, but with acids, it doesn't lather or spread as well on the face. Finding an alternative to this cleanser can be a long, risky, and complex process, especially if you have issues with breakouts. Therefore, those who suffer from the same problem can confidently choose this product.
In my opinion, this foam is nothing special, and the effect is ordinary. I didn't notice anything particularly remarkable about it, nor any noticeable changes. It cleansed adequately, but it is not very economical to use. My skin type is combination and very sensitive. I won't be repurchasing it for sure, as there are much better products available within this budget.
I generally don't like foams, but I really enjoyed this one.
This is just your average face cleanser, similar to the grape-based one from Caudalie. I didn't really understand the hype around it. I don't plan on buying it again.
I really like it! I have sensitive and combination skin, which tends to get oily and has visible pores and occasional breakouts.
I have been using Medik8 for about 5 years now. I absolutely adore all of their cosmetics.
This is love at first sight! The foam is very gentle, soft, and has a pleasant orange scent. I definitely recommend buying it.