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ماركة: Purito Seoul
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: الجوهر للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تفتيح
الحجم: 150 ml
المكونات: أرجيني, إنزيمات, الشاي الأخضر, الكاميليا, اللانتوين, النياسيناميد, حمض الهيالورونيك
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جاف, عادي
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
جوهر من العلامة التجارية الكورية Purito مصمم بتوليفة من الأعشاب المخمرة والحبوب ومزيج من بتلات الزهور. تتيح عملية تخمير المكونات المستمدة من الطبيعة تقليل حجمها بمقدار 150 مرة مقارنة بحجم المسام، مما يجعل بشرتك تمتص جميع المكونات المفيدة على الفور. يُغنى جوهر Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence بالنياسيناميد، مما يوفر تأثيرًا قويًا في الترطيب والتفتيح والتهدئة ومكافحة الالتهابات. يتميز هذا المنتج للعناية بالبشرة بملمسه المائي الخفيف، مما يجعله يشبه في عمله التونر.
فوائد جوهر Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence:
- غني بنسبة 94% من مركب الإنزيمات و3% من النياسيناميد؛
- يقوي ويمد البشرة بالعناصر الغذائية؛
- يفتح البقع العمرية وآثار حب الشباب؛
- يمنع الشيخوخة المبكرة؛
- يكافح الاحمرار والألم؛
- يعزز من إنتاج الكولاجين والسيراميدات؛
- يوحد لون البشرة؛
- يمد خلايا البشرة بالترطيب الحيوي؛
- يحسن من تماسك ومرونة البشرة؛
- ينعم الملمس؛
- يعزز إصلاح الخلايا.-
يُستخدم صباحًا ومساءً على البشرة النظيفة مع حركات تدليك لطيفة حتى يتم امتصاصه بالكامل.
Purito Fermented Complex 94 Boosting Essence - جوهر مخمر مع نياسيناميد 3٪
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I often use niacinamide in my skincare routine and recently received a sample of this essence. Let me tell you, this product is definitely not suitable for sensitive skin. It feels like an oil, but not a cosmetic one with a pleasant texture, more like sunflower oil. It leaves my face sticky and doesn't absorb properly, which clogs pores and causes closed comedones. I received two samples and after using the first one, I immediately threw away the second one.
I didn't notice any positive impact on the skin. I also didn't really like the consistency - it was a bit sticky at first and even seemed to dry out the skin.
I really liked this product and it impressed me a lot. I have dry and sensitive facial skin, I'm 44 years old, and I have recently started using acids and retinol actively, so my sensitivity has increased a bit. This product doesn't cause any irritation, it absorbs well and feels nice on the skin. I will definitely buy it again, even though I always have the urge to search for something better.
I didn't buy it here, but I still want to leave a review. I use this essence as a toner, immediately after washing my face. It's the best one I've ever tried. (I have dry facial skin and I'm 50 years old.)
I didn't like it. It's supposed to be for combination skin, without breakouts. The serum doesn't do absolutely anything. I was expecting it to even out my skin tone and hydrate it. But in reality, my skin looks worse - uneven, and I don't know how to explain it... maybe loose. But the Purito essence with galactomyces is amazing. It has the same consistency, but it's really effective. I saw results after the first application - my skin was smooth and hydrated, I even stopped using BB cream. I will definitely order it. But not this product.
I really liked the essence. I apply it before bed as the consistency is thick. After using it, my skin tone becomes more even and some redness has disappeared. I will definitely be ordering more.
One of my favorite cosmetic products. It is lightweight yet nourishes and moisturizes the skin. I always have it on my shelf, despite my love for trying something new.
I really liked the essence. I apply it after sticky serums or in the morning as a moisturizer. It has a slightly greasy texture, but it quickly absorbs into the skin and provides great hydration. My skin is in good condition, and I think one bottle will last for about 4-5 months. After that, I will order more.
The essence has a thick consistency that leaves a moisturizing feeling without any stickiness. It is easily absorbed by my skin.
This product is excellent for dry skin as it provides exceptional moisturization. It leaves the face looking radiant and healthy.
After seeing all the advertising from bloggers about this miraculous oil, I decided to purchase it as well. At first, I was quite impressed with it, as it seemed to be very moisturizing and quickly absorbed into my dry skin, which is exactly what I prefer. I have been using it for a month now, but I haven't noticed any of the promised changes. I am disappointed because I could have bought other products that have been proven to work over the years, even though they are more expensive. It's not a big deal when you see actual results. Now I know exactly what I paid for. I will never buy this oil again and I don't recommend it to anyone. It's just oil, without any benefits or effects.
This product is amazing, it effectively soothes the skin after using any acidic products. When used together with the centella cream, the results are even better.
I am thrilled with this product! I saw results in just two days and have been using it for about three weeks now. My face has completely transformed - my combination skin is glowing, smooth, and hydrated. The tone of my face is even, and my pores have shrunk. I only use it at night because it takes a while to absorb, but I will definitely be purchasing it again.
Not a bad product, it moisturizes well, but I would like it to penetrate the skin better and faster. It takes about 30 minutes to fully absorb, so I only use it at night. It slightly brightens post-acne, but you need to give it time (maybe around a month) and stick to a balanced diet to maintain the results.
The essence softens and soothes the skin. With regular use (at night), the skin tone becomes more even, and pigmentation fades.
This is simply luxurious! It has a pleasant texture and absorbs quickly into the skin. Niacinamide works wonders on my skin, and this essence is perfect in every way. I will definitely be purchasing this again, I'm absolutely impressed.
I have purchased this product twice and I am writing another review because it is truly amazing. I have dry and rosacea-prone skin that is prone to breakouts and irritation. With this essence, everything calms down and my skin becomes even, without any dryness or breakouts. Sometimes I even use it without a moisturizer and it provides excellent hydration and soothing effects.
I really liked the essence. The texture is watery, more like a toner. It works great for dry skin when used along with a moisturizer. The end result is smooth and even skin, and it helps fade pigmentation spots. It lasts a long time, so it's economical. I highly recommend it.
I have been using this product as a toner for about 4 months now. It is a perfect match for my dry skin, providing 100% satisfaction. It effectively smooths, nourishes, and reduces inflammation, while also keeping my skin hydrated. This is definitely the best product I have ever used. I highly recommend it.
Wow! I absolutely loved it. I use it as a toner in combination with the Purito Galacto Niacin 97 essence. As a result, my skin feels moisturized and the irritations have decreased. I'm thrilled! Thank you!!!
I am thrilled with this essence. It is lightweight and non-sticky, and it contains so many beneficial ingredients for skin recovery. I have been using it for 4 days instead of the toner from the same brand, and it wonderfully moisturizes and soothes my skin. I have noticed a reduction in constant minor redness. I believe this product will suit everyone, especially those with oily and dehydrated skin like mine.
Great essence, non-sticky consistency, absorbs quickly. After a week of use, my skin tone has become more even and redness from breakouts has diminished. A very worthy product, I will continue to explore this brand. Makeup, thank you for the opportunity to order from you, I love your store))))