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ماركة: Purito Seoul
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: تونر للوجه
خصائص المنتج: تصغير المسام, تقوية, تهدئة, ضد التهيج
الحجم: 200 ml
المكونات: أرجيني, اللانتوين, الهاماميليس, بانثينول, حمض الهيالورونيك, زنك, سنتيلا
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: حساسة
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
قد تسبب بعض تركيبات التونر المخصّبة بالزيوت الأساسية ردود فعل تحسسية للبشرة الحساسة، مما يؤدي إلى تهيجات واحمرار وألم وحكة. لتحسين مظهر بشرتك وإعادة اللمعان للبشرة شديدة الحساسية، يجب عليك تجربة تونر Purito Centella Unscented. يعمل هذا المنتج على تنعيم وشفاء حتى أكثر أنواع البشرة حساسية. يُوفر الاستخدام المنتظم لتونر Centella الراحة والترطيب العميق والتغذية وتشبع خلايا البشرة بالأكسجين.
فوائد تونر Purito Centella Unscented:
- يرطب ويغذي البشرة شديدة الحساسية بشكل مكثف؛
- يعالج المناطق الخشنة المتأثرة بالعوامل البيئية؛
- يهدئ ويعيد الحيوية للبشرة؛
- مستخلص سنتيلا أسياتيكا يعزز الحاجز الواقي؛
- نبات الويتش هازل يشد المسام الواسعة؛
- يعزز من إنتاج الكولاجين؛
- يحسن مرونة وثبات البشرة؛
- الصوديوم هيالورونات يقلل من التأثيرات الضارة الخارجية؛
- يهدئ الاحمرار والالتهابات؛
- يخفف من ارتفاع ضغط الوريد؛
- يقوي الشعيرات الدموية ويحسن الدورة الدموية الدقيقة؛
- ينعم التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة؛
- يمنع جفاف البشرة بفضل حمض الهيالورونيك؛
- يحافظ على التوازن المثالي بين الماء والدهون؛
- يعزز من عملية الأيض في الخلايا؛
- يملأ الأنسجة بالأكسجين؛
- يزيل الانتفاخات؛
- مستخلص الرجلة يوفر تأثير مضاد للأكسدة؛
- يقدم تركيبة حمضية معتدلة بدرجة حموضة 5.5؛
- لا يحتوي على عطور أو زيوت أساسية أو مواد مسببة للحساسية.-
ضعيه على الوجه والرقبة ومنطقة الصدر بعد تنظيفها باستخدام حركات تربيت خفيفة.
Purito Centella Unscented Toner - تونر مع كينتيللا للبشرة شديدة الحساسية
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Not a bad toner, it has a great thick consistency that lasts for a long time. It moisturizes and soothes well.
This product works wonders in toning the skin, and it gets absorbed quickly. It suited me perfectly.
I have been using this toner for 4 months now and I can confidently say that it is perfect if you have a compromised protective barrier. It lasts a long time! In 4 months, I have only used half a bottle. It does its job exceptionally well, I highly recommend it!
I bought the tonic from a different place but decided to leave a review here, as I also read all the comments here.
I really liked the tonic, it's thick, so a little goes a long way. It moisturizes well, doesn't leave any stickiness, and even reduces minor redness. Therefore, I recommend it to anyone who wants to try it.
I have purchased this toner multiple times and I really like it! It suits me well when my skin is oily. However, this time it took a very long time to arrive (I ordered on July 19th and received it on August 2nd), even though the website mentioned 3-5 working days. When I finally got the product, I was a bit worried because the bottle was completely different from what I was used to. I checked the official website and it turns out that the Koreans changed the design, so don't worry (instead of a matte bottle, you will receive a glossy one).
I didn't expect a "wow" effect since it's just a toner that is supposed to hydrate the skin. However, this toner did its job perfectly. Before using it, my skin would feel tight and dry after washing my face, but now that's not the case. It's easy to apply and a little goes a long way, no need for cotton pads anymore.
The toner was a perfect fit for my combination acne-prone skin, providing excellent moisture and soothing effects. Its thick consistency spreads smoothly and evenly. It is also quite economical, especially when used without cotton pads. I am satisfied with this purchase and will buy it again. In comparison, I have used toners from atopalm and manyo, which were decent. However, Purito was better at calming the skin, as redness disappeared immediately.
The toner is good. I have been using it for only a week, but there are noticeable results. I have sensitive combination skin with redness in different areas. The toner suits me, it even helps to reduce redness and moisturizes well. I use it together with the sensitive skin cream from Bioderma, and the results are visible.
This is an ordinary basic toner that does not provide intense moisturization but also does not leave the skin feeling tight. I previously purchased the same one in a green packaging, and I liked it more. However, for some reason, I can slightly detect either a hint of alcohol scent or just a chemical aroma in this one.
I bought the toner from another website, but decided to leave a review here. The MAC toner has a thick consistency and a neutral scent. I personally cannot detect any smell of alcohol, as mentioned in some reviews... Overall, the toner effectively moisturizes without leaving any sticky residue.
I didn't understand the toner at all. I bought the travel version and it doesn't provide any moisturization. Maybe it slightly soothes, but it tightens the skin a lot and makes it very sticky. I definitely won't buy the full-sized product.
Great moisturization, noticeable results right away.
The toner did not work for me. After using it, my skin turned red and became itchy.
The toner is very comfortable, quickly absorbed, and moisturizes well. I highly recommend it.
I really liked it, I am currently treating my skin with Effezel, and this tonic is very soothing and even slightly moisturizing.
I didn't notice anything special about this regular, thick toner.
I really like it.
This product is highly cost-effective to use. It provides freshness to the skin and soothes it.
I really liked this toner. I bought it for winter to soothe and moisturize my combination skin, which is dry on the cheeks and sensitive. I love its thick texture, it's easy to apply with hands, and it feels comfortable on the skin.
The product has no scent and effectively soothes the facial skin. I apply it in the morning and evening. I am satisfied.
This tonic is the best, it suited me very well.
I liked it. It's not sticky. The best one I've ever had. I don't know how to explain it. It just feels comfortable with it. It moisturizes, didn't get rid of my rosacea, but I haven't used it for long, so I don't know. Maybe I'll say a few words about it later. Overall, I like the brand. I would recommend it as a simple basic toner. I also have their brown serum. I liked it too. It's not sticky, basic, and moisturizing. It doesn't work miracles, but I like it.
I am 35 years old with dry skin on my cheeks and normal skin elsewhere. I bought this product because of my sensitive skin with rosacea. It is truly a good toner for a pleasant price and quantity. I have been using it for 6 months and it lasts a long time.
My skincare routine includes cleansing, toning, serums, and moisturizers. I also use night masks 1-2 times a week. I use brands like Perricone, Hydropeptide, and Clinique. I don't wear makeup, only SPF 30 in winter and SPF 50 in summer.
My esthetician recommended something with centella, and while the serum from this brand didn't work for me, the toner truly surprised me from the first use. When I applied it, the amount needed was just a few drops, so I thought it would take a long time to absorb, but it did so quickly. And my skin felt different. Initially, I used it without any creams, just cleansed and toned. Within a week, I had very pleasant sensations. It doesn't have a strong scent, just a light one that doesn't linger.
I have fallen in love with it. I will continue to purchase it. Instead of expensive high-end products or cheap ones from the mass market, it's better to choose this one. The price for 200 ml is not as high as 1000 UAH for expensive brands or 100 UAH in the supermarket. It's a middle-ground product that actually works.
Economical, easily distributed. Moisturizes wonderfully. Odorless. No reactions. Absorbs quickly.
I really like this product. It suits my sensitive skin perfectly. Everything I've used before only caused discomfort, but this toner is the first one that I actually want to apply every day.
This is my favorite toner. It may not have a scent, but it is used for moisturizing and calming the skin, not for its fragrance. I tried removing it from my skincare routine, but my skin seemed to ask for it back. With this toner, my face feels well-cared for, moisturized, and refreshed. Those with sensitive skin will especially love it because it is not noticeable on the face, but provides numerous benefits.
Odorless toner. That's it.
It's amazing! )) It is very pleasant to apply it with hands, thicker than usual water, and you can layer it. It soothes and moisturizes well, absorbs quickly, without leaving greasiness or stickiness. It is perfect for oily skin. The composition is safe, pH neutral, and the bottle looks very beautiful, and the packaging is the most eco-friendly.
The toner has a very pleasant texture. After washing my face, I apply three drops on my fingers and distribute it evenly on my face. It absorbs well. It feels as if dewdrops are on my face, and my skin feels hydrated. It is very economical.