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ماركة: Etiaxil
السلسلة: antiperspirant
نوع المنتج: مزيل العرق
خصائص المنتج: حماية من التعرق
نوع البشرة: عادي
شكل مزيل العرق: كروي
منطقة التطبيق: للجسم
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: ليلي
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: الدنمارك
صنع في: الدنمارك
علاج مضاد للتعرق للبشرة العادية تحت الإبط من Etiaxil هو حل فعال للغاية لتنظيم التعرق، مصمم خصيصًا للبشرة العادية. بفضل تركيبته الفريدة، يقوم هذا المنتج بحجب نشاط الغدد العرقية لفترة طويلة، مما يضمن شعورًا بالانتعاش والجفاف لمدة تصل إلى 5 أيام. يعمل على مستوى فسيولوجي دون ترك آثار على الملابس أو البشرة. يُغنى هذا المضاد للتعرق بمكونات تقلل من خطر التهيج، مما يحافظ على الراحة حتى مع الاستخدام المطول. إنه الحل المثالي لأولئك الذين يسعون للثقة في أي موقف.
مميزات علاج مضاد للتعرق للبشرة العادية تحت الإبط من Etiaxil:
- حماية طويلة الأمد ضد التعرق (حتى 5 أيام)؛
- تركيبة خاصة للبشرة العادية تقلل من خطر التهيج؛
- مناسب لأي نشاط، بما في ذلك الرياضة والمواقف المجهدة؛
- خالٍ من العطور، مما يسمح باستخدامه مع العطور؛
- استخدام اقتصادي - يُستخدم مرة أو مرتين في الأسبوع؛
- لا يترك آثارًا على الملابس أو البشرة.-
للاستخدام الخارجي فقط. يُستخدم حصريًا في الليل. لا تستخدم إتيكسيل في الصباح أو أثناء النهار. قبل تطبيق المنتج، اغسل منطقة تحت الإبطين بالماء والصابون، ثم جففها جيدًا. يمكنك أيضًا استخدام مجفف الشعر لضمان أن الجلد جاف تمامًا. ضع كمية صغيرة من المنتج في وسط منطقة الإبط النظيفة والجافة وغير المتهيجة بحركات صعود وهبوط باستخدام الرول، لتشكيل طبقة رقيقة ومتساوية. اترك المنتج ليجف لمدة 3-4 دقائق أو استخدم مجفف الشعر. بعد تطبيق إتيكسيل، تجنب الأنشطة التي قد تسبب التعرق المفرط. حافظ على المناطق المعالجة جافة وتجنب ملامسة الماء حتى الصباح. في الصباح، اغسل منطقة تحت الإبطين بالماء والصابون. إذا كنت تعاني من التعرق الشديد، كرر هذه العملية لمدة 2-3 أمسيات متتالية لتحقيق الجفاف الأمثل.
Etiaxil Strong Antiperspirant Roll-on - مزيل عرق للبشرة العادية
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I made the mistake of applying it after shaving and got burned. I won't be experimenting like that again. There is a slight discomfort after application, but it's bearable. It lasts for a week with one use. I hesitated about buying it, but it's worth every penny. I'll definitely get it again. I give it a 4 out of 5 for the itchiness after applying it at night, but other than that, it works perfectly.
I applied it after shaving, and it was a big mistake because I got a burn. I won't experiment like that anymore. After applying it, there is a tingling sensation, and that's the only discomfort. It lasts for one week. I hesitated whether to buy it or not, but it's worth every penny, so I will buy it again. I give it a 4 out of 5 for the itching sensation after applying it at night, but it works perfectly otherwise.
Great product, it really helps. The first few times I used it, it was burning and itchy, but now everything is fine. Now I can wear tight-fitting shirts!
This is a great product that really helps. The first few times I used it, it burned and itched, but now everything is fine. Now I can wear tight-fitting shirts!
My favorite deodorant, I use it once every two weeks and alternate with the regular Rexona deodorant. It effectively blocks sweat secretion.
I have sensitive skin, and this product worked well for me. I followed the instructions and I am satisfied with the results. After using it, I experienced a slight itchiness, but it quickly went away and the results were worth it. I can't believe that even after going to the gym, I don't have any odor or perspiration, despite being prone to sweating. This is still true a week after the procedure. I highly recommend it.
It didn't work for me. It burns on the skin. It stings. And it's not after shaving. My skin is not overly sensitive.
I didn't experience any discomfort and the effect lasts for a week. I still recommend giving it a try. I was hesitant for a while, but now I don't regret it at all!
I ordered it and wasn't expecting much, but it actually works! It suits me well, and I use it 1-2 times a week. It's really better not to apply it after shaving, wait a couple of days. It can cause irritation if you apply too much product. I think it will last a long time. I will definitely order it again.
I haven't had any strong irritation (I don't have sensitive skin) and now it's been 12 days without sweating... I'm shocked.
It really works! I bought it, but I never imagined it could be like this. I am very satisfied!
I definitely recommend it!! For those who, like me, suffer from excessive sweating, this is a real find! I have been using it for a month now, and after the first few uses, there was a slight burning sensation, but not too intense. I use it at night, just not after shaving!! In the morning, I wash it off, and for up to 5 days, there is absolutely no sweat secretion!! It really works!!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I highly recommend it! I am thrilled!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I highly recommend it! I'm amazed!
I am satisfied. The antiperspirant works ❤️. I recommend it to everyone who suffers from hyperhidrosis. Use it strictly according to the instructions!
Perhaps it helped someone, but the first product caused an allergic reaction. It was a nightmare, leaving a chemical burn on the skin. I do not recommend it to people prone to allergies.
Great deodorant, I've been using it for a year and I have no regrets! Thank you Makeup for the fast delivery!
I have purchased this product before and it is absolutely amazing. I highly recommend it. The most important thing is to follow the instructions for use!
I am amazed by how well it works, as I had problems with excessive sweating. But this deodorant works like magic! It lasts for 3-4 days, but it's not recommended to use it right after shaving.
This product is amazing, even after an intense workout, my underarms remain dry. It does its job perfectly! To say that I'm impressed is an understatement, it's superb!
I have been using this product since summer. It is very cool and lasts for 1-1.5 weeks. However, recently, for some reason, I have occasionally been experiencing itchiness in the underarm area. Maybe someone else has had this experience too or can suggest why this is happening and what to do to avoid it?
I have been testing this product for about a month, and it is amazing! 👍 It should be applied before bed on very dry skin, and then you hardly feel it. It stings a little, but the result is definitely worth it! I only need to apply it once every one and a half weeks. I have tried another product called DryDry before, but it didn't help me, unlike this one, which is superb!
The man has been using it for over two weeks now, and so far everything is satisfactory. The product is not too irritating and easy to apply. It performs its function well. I can recommend it.
The quality is excellent, and I am satisfied. The effect of the product lasts for about 4-5 days. I bought a few for gifts, and everyone is thrilled. Thank you.
I do not recommend it. The effect does not last long, maximum of 2 days. It does not withstand swimming in the pool, it washes off. I use it several times a week and it doesn't satisfy me. Definitely not suitable for sensitive skin! It burns every time after application, making it impossible to fall asleep. I follow all the instructions, so you don't even need to mention it. Even after 2 days, it burns like fire after shaving. If you scratch even a little, it all comes off and stops working... In short, no-no-no.
Very cool! I have completely forgotten about coughing and unpleasant underarm odor! I highly recommend it!
(Note: The original text "Огонь" is a slang term in Russian that is commonly used to express enthusiasm or excitement about something. It can be loosely translated as "fire" or "awesome" in English.)
Very cool. It actually works. I highly recommend it.
The antiperspirant is amazing! I use it once a week. Girls, for those who experience discomfort, here's a life hack: wash your armpits and dry them with a hairdryer, then apply the antiperspirant and also dry it with a hairdryer! There will be no burning sensation, and it doesn't affect its effectiveness!
The spray works amazingly well.
This anti-perspirant is very effective. After pregnancy, excessive sweating appeared and only this product helped to get rid of the problem. I have been using it every 4 days. Do not apply the product on damaged or moist skin, as it may cause irritation, itching, and burning. For the same reason, it is recommended to wait 48 hours after hair removal before applying the anti-perspirant. Do not apply a thick layer.
The oven is terrible, I followed all the instructions, but it doesn't help. I endured it for an hour, hoping it would stop, but instead, the burning sensation increased even more. It feels like it's eating away at my skin. This product is absolutely awful!
Wow! Could it really be true?! I have a problem with excessive sweating all year round, but it's especially dreadful in the summer! Nothing helps, no matter what antiperspirants I've tried. Unfortunately, none of them worked. A friend recommended this long-lasting antiperspirant to me. I bought it and followed the instructions precisely. The result amazed me! With this product, I now have dry armpits every day and no unpleasant odor. I use it once every four days. It's like a miracle! However, I would like to know how harmful it is for the body. As for the burning sensation that some girls mention in their reviews: apply it to completely dry underarm skin, wait for the deodorant to dry, and then try to go to bed immediately. There won't be any burning sensation.
I liked the antiperspirant. It performs its task quite well. The only thing is that it really stings after application. The first few times, I had a hard time falling asleep, tossing and turning until midnight.
I really liked it! It will work if used according to the instructions.
It eliminates sweating for 4-5 days, allowing you to forget about using regular antiperspirant every day. The only thing is that you need to use it according to the instructions on dry, non-irritated skin. This is a real lifesaver for excessive sweating that appeared after giving birth to my child.
The best one I've ever used! I highly recommend it! Make sure to choose one that suits your skin type and follow the instructions.
I have purchased this product before. It is an excellent antiperspirant that fully accomplishes its task. The most important thing is to follow the instructions.
The first time it didn't sting, just a little tingling sensation, and everything was fine in the morning. The second time it also stung a little, but there was some irritation in the morning. Overall, the product is good, it doesn't make me sweat, but at the end of the day there was a smell of sweat. We'll see how it goes from here. And most importantly, follow the instructions.
Lives up to expectations, similar to DryDry. If you follow the instructions, there are no unpleasant sensations.
I used to always use Dry Dry, but I decided to try Etiaxil for the first time. I followed the instructions and didn't experience any irritation or burning. I am very satisfied with the results. It works from the first use and lasts for two weeks. I recommend using it. It is just as good as Dry Dry.
The only antiperspirant that eliminates sweat. I had a problem with sweating, but now I've forgotten about it. No smell, no sweat. It lasts for 3-4 days, and the jar lasts for about 4 months. If you apply too much, it can cause irritation and redness, but it goes away within half a day and you don't feel it. But if you have this problem, you can endure it a little. You need to follow the instructions.
Highly recommended! It completely fulfills its purpose, as long as you follow the instructions - it doesn't cause any side effects.
Follow the instructions! I deeply regret not buying it earlier. The effect is amazing, it lasts for 3-4 days. It's simply a lifesaver. There was only one time when I experienced redness and slight itching, but that was probably due to my slightly moist skin.
I applied it twice at night, following all the instructions, but it was something else. I couldn't sleep, it burned so strongly. In the morning, my skin felt like it was burnt. I really don't understand how it works, whether I have to endure such torture just to avoid the smell.
I have been using this product for over a year, and to be honest, I can't even remember what it's like to have wet underarms anymore. The effect lasts up to four days, so I can go about my day without worrying about sweaty armpits. There are absolutely no signs of perspiration, even during workouts. I can confidently wear clothes of any color without being concerned about getting wet stains under my armpits.
I followed the instructions, didn't shave my armpits for 2 days, but it still burns, both on the first day and on the second day. Everything is swollen, like a burn. I have no idea what to do at all. Well, this feeling is awful. Money wasted.
This product provides good protection against sweating. I use it every 5-6 days, and it is very economical to use. To achieve the desired effect, only a small amount of the product is needed. It is not necessary to apply it beyond the hairline, as the skin there is more sensitive and may cause discomfort.
I have enough for 6-7 days, then I repeat. The most important thing is to follow the instructions.
I rarely leave reviews, but this product is worth talking about because it is amazing! I bought it for my teenage child who sweats a lot and has an unpleasant odor. I tried everything, even bought DRY DRY from the pharmacy, but it didn't help at all. We tried antiperspirants with 72-hour protection, both solid and roll-on, and sprays, but nothing worked... Then our order of this wonderful antiperspirant arrived with our makeup order, and we immediately tried it, following the instructions. It's simply a miracle! My child hardly sweats, and if there is any sweat, there is no odor at all. I am amazed! And there is absolutely no negative reaction - no itching, burning, irritation, or burns! I highly recommend it to everyone who has this problem, give it a try!
It helps me for about a week. The only thing worth paying special attention to is strict adherence to the instructions. The skin must be completely dry and clean before application. Also, never apply antiperspirant to damaged or irritated skin, so do not use it earlier than 48 hours after shaving or depilation. In the morning, be sure to wash your armpits with soap and water. Do not reapply the product in the morning or during the day, its effect lasts even after showering for several days around the clock.
It works perfectly. The effect is noticeable.
This is an excellent antiperspirant. Its effect truly lasts for a long time. I really like it.