قناع باديكير "الكعب الناعم" Kocostar Foot Peeling Pack
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ماركة: Kocostar
السلسلة: foot care
نوع المنتج: قناع للأقدام
خصائص المنتج: استرخاء, تنظيف, ضد النتوءات
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
الكعوب الناعمة، والبشرة الرقيقة والمعتنى بها للقدمين دائماً ما تكون جذابة وصحية ورائعة. ولكن، التقرحات والتشققات في الكعبين لا تسبب فقط مظهراً غير جمالي، بل أيضاً تسبب شعوراً بالانزعاج والألم، مما يعيق التمتع بالحياة، وروعة المشي في الهواء الطلق، وجمال معالم المدن والبلدان أثناء السفر.
فوائد قناع العناية بالكعبين من كوكوستار:
- يزيل بفعالية التقرحات والجلد الميت وتشققات الكعبين؛
- يمنح بشرة القدمين والكعبين حالة مثالية؛
- يحتوي على مجموعة من المكونات المغذية والمرطبة والمنظفة ذات الأصل الطبيعي؛
- غني بمستخلصات الأعشاب الطبيعية التي تساعد في تخفيف التعب من الساقين أثناء العملية وتهدئة البشرة بعدها؛
- يأتي مع زوج من الجوارب المقاومة للماء، مما يجعل العملية أكثر سهولة وراحة وأماناً.-
1. افتح العبوة على طول الخط المتقطع وأخرج الجوارب الماسك. ضع الجوارب على قدميك النظيفة والجافة. (من المهم وضع قدمك داخل الجورب الداخلي في ماسك الجورب!).
2. قم بتثبيت مشابك الفيلكرو على الجوارب لتوفير الراحة أثناء العملية ولا تقم بإزالتها لمدة ساعة ونصف.
3. انزع الجوارب واشطف قدميك بالماء الدافئ. ستبدأ البشرة المتصلبة بالتقشر خلال 4-5 أيام.
Kocostar Foot Peeling Pack - قناع باديكير "الكعب الناعم"
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Disappointed! I used these socks when the brand first came to Ukraine, and back then the effect was amazing - my skin was shedding like a snake. But now, there is minimal effect - it's like I could just scratch with a pumice stone and not waste any money.
The effect is minimal.
The product does not work at all.
I do not recommend buying this mask for the summer. Starting from the 3rd to the 5th day, a complete skin renewal process will begin, and for approximately a week, you will have semi-peeled skin on your legs, even on the front side of your toes and feet. It looks terrible, and the skin flakes will be all over the apartment because it is impossible to collect them all at once. Unfortunately, you have to walk like this, and it's horrifying.
Effectiveness is about a 7-8 out of 10. The peeling starts around day 4. However, the skin doesn't renew as intensely as with other brands. It may be suitable for those who want a lighter and faster effect.
The mask is good, it rejuvenated my skin just as described. The fasteners on the socks are comfortable, but the polyethylene is too thin, making it impossible to walk in them.
I used the mask as directed. After using it, I had an unpleasant feeling as if the skin on my feet was very dry and tight. This feeling lasted for several days. On the 5th or 6th day, I noticed peeling and some areas of the skin cracking and peeling off. I soaked my feet in a foot bath and easily removed all the excess skin. After that, my skin really looks renewed and my heels feel soft. This mask is great, as long as you can hide your feet until the skin fully peels off, because during this period the skin looks dry and not very attractive. I will definitely repeat this mask. The effect is definitely there.
Good mask. It works as described before (by the 5th day, all the rough skin has come off and my heels are smooth). I recommend it. The mask has proven its worth.
Great mask. After a week, my skin started peeling off. To speed up the process, I steamed my feet, and in three evenings, my legs looked excellent. Will definitely buy again!)
I previously mentioned that the mask didn't have any effect because nothing happened after a week. However, on the 10th to 14th day, my skin started to peel off. There are visible results, and I liked it. Unfortunately, I cannot delete the review I left earlier.
The mask is effective! If you soak your feet in warm water for a little while, the dead skin easily peels off and can be removed. The results are very impressive!
This mask is useless, a waste of money. A week has passed and nothing is happening. Well, actually, my skin on the fingertips has slightly peeled off.
The skin started peeling around the fifth day and the intensity increased on the sixth day. This mask is not suitable for calluses and strong corns, but it works wonders for skin without such problems.
I followed the instructions and on the 6th day, the skin began to peel off. It reminded me of reptile shedding, with skin coming off everywhere. However, my feet are now amazing.
No effect after 6 days.
This foot mask is excellent! On the 6th day, my skin started peeling off. After a hot shower, my feet became softened and a layer of skin literally peeled off. There was no discomfort, it felt like I had just had a good pedicure.