قناع الأكسجين لتنظيف المسام Elizavecca Hell-Pore Bubble Blackboom Pore Pack
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ماركة: Elizavecca
السلسلة: hell-pore
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تنظيف, ضد النقات السوداء
الحجم: 150 ml
نوع قناع الوجه: قناع كريم
المكونات: الأكسجين, الكولاجين, اللانتوين, بابايا, فحم
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
قناع تنظيف المسام بالأكسجين من إليزافيكا يقدم أكثر من مجرد إحساس بالانتعاش والبرودة! هذا المنتج للعناية بالبشرة يتميز بمجموعة واسعة من الفوائد الإضافية بفضل محتواه العالي من مستخلصات النباتات. يعمل قناع هيل-بور بابل بلاكبوم على تغذية البشرة وترطيبها وتنعيمها وتجديدها، مما يجعله مناسبًا لجميع أنواع البشرة. يساعد هذا المنتج التجميلي في القضاء على الرؤوس السوداء وعلامات الجفاف والانتفاخ بينما يحسن بشكل واضح نسيج البشرة.
ميزات قناع هيل-بور بابل بلاكبوم من إليزافيكا:
- تتحول تركيبته السوداء الكثيفة إلى رغوة غنية عند ملامستها للبشرة؛
- يعزز التنظيف الفعال والآمن؛
- يتعامل مع الأوساخ المستعصية دون التسبب في الجفاف أو التهيج؛
- ينظم إنتاج الزهم، يقلل من الدهون الزائدة، ويمنح الوجه مظهراً غير لامع؛
- يعيد للبشرة مظهراً صحياً ومرتاحاً مع إشراق ملحوظ؛
- يذيب السدادات الدهنية والرؤوس السوداء ومحتويات المسام المسدودة؛
- يسرع من شد المسام، مما يقلل من ظهورها؛
- يوحد لون البشرة ويملس نسيج البشرة بشكل مرئي؛
- يلين بلطف المناطق الخشنة؛
- يعزز الصلابة والمرونة واللمعان الطبيعي؛
- ينعش ويحفز، مما يخلق إحساساً بالتبريد.-
ضعي المنتج على وجه نظيف، مع تجنب منطقة محيط العينين والشفاه. اتركيه لمدة 5 دقائق، ثم بللي البشرة ودلكيها حتى تظهر الرغوة. اشطفيه بالماء الفاتر.
Elizavecca Hell-Pore Bubble Blackboom Pore Pack - قناع الأكسجين لتنظيف المسام
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This is a great mask for combination mature skin. It effectively cleanses pores and makes the skin more elastic and smooth. It works wonderfully in this regimen: steam your face for 10 minutes (I personally use chamomile infusion), then apply this mask for 5 minutes, followed by a serum with hyaluronic acid and, if you have time, an alginate mask. You will be satisfied with the results! I recommend giving it a try.
The mask is amazing, it works like a peel - deeply cleanses, mattifies, brightens the face with regular use, and dries it out. I left it on for 10-20 minutes. So far, I haven't found anything better than this. It rinses off easily with a sponge. It is also very economical to use. Don't look for bubbles, it simply becomes more foamy when in contact with water.
The mask is fantastic, I really love it. This is already my third time ordering it.
This product is specifically drying, so you will need a good, rich cream on top of it. There are no bumps at all, and you can apply it in a thin, translucent layer, as it will still give the desired effect even after adding water.
This product worked well for me as it effectively dried out breakouts and reduced inflammation. It easily rinses off with warm water, and I appreciated how little product I needed to use.
The mask seems cool, but it's not suitable for dry and prone to dryness skin as it tightens and dries the skin. It has a nice scent, but an inconvenient texture.
This mask is really awesome! It immediately cleared out my blackheads. I followed all the instructions for use.
I bought it a long time ago. This mask is really nothing to rave about. It smells nice, which is the only positive thing about it, but it doesn't provide any noticeable effects whatsoever.
This is an excellent mask that effectively cleanses the skin. After using it, I noticed that my skin becomes noticeably less oily for a few days.
The mask is not bubbly, but the idea is that it should be applied to the skin, left on for a while, and then lathered well with water using hands. This foam actively dissolves sebaceous threads and exfoliates the skin. It's a 2-in-1 peeling mask, and the skin afterwards feels squeaky clean and requires intense moisturization, but the effect is totally worth it.
The mask is not bubbling and it is difficult to rinse off. It is not effective.
The mask is amazing! It has a pleasant scent and effectively reduces blackheads. After using it, my skin feels clean and smooth to the touch.
Not bad.
Beautiful packaging with cool designs on it, and it has a decent smell. However, that's pretty much it. After rinsing, my face feels tight and uncomfortable, but it doesn't really clear blackheads at all. The same Avon product, which is half the price, does a better job at clearing blackheads. The claimed foam is barely there when you rinse it off. Plus, it's quite difficult to wash off the mask completely. In the photo, you can see my nose immediately after "cleansing" (it looks the same as before).
The mask cleanses quite well without over-drying the skin.
This is an average mask that effectively cleanses the skin, you can feel it working. It temporarily minimizes pores after use, but unfortunately, the effect doesn't last long. However, I don't feel inclined to use it frequently because it is quite harsh. That's why I am deducting one star.
I have used it twice, and the effect is noticeable - my pores are clean.
I didn't like it. It doesn't solve anything with blackheads, and overall it doesn't cleanse very well. There are alternatives that are better.
The mask was not as impressive as another mask from the same brand. It feels very gentle on the skin.
I am writing a review after fully using this mask, and I confidently do NOT RECOMMEND it! The only positive thing about it is that it cleanses your skin thoroughly. That's it. All the other claimed properties did not work for me, at least.
The 3-in-1 mask, in my opinion, doesn't seem like a mask at all. It's more like a black foam that you apply to dry skin, leave on for 5 minutes, then massage and it turns into foam, that's it! I didn't notice any effects from it. It's better to go for a clay mask instead!
This is a great mask, although it may be a bit aggressive. After using it, my face feels clean, my skin looks even and radiant. Definitely a yes!
I could still smell the scent of household soap on my face until morning. After cleansing, my face felt clean and tightened, so I moisturized it with a serum. I will see how it performs with regular use, but for now, it feels like I just washed my face with household soap!
The effect of the mask is great, my skin noticeably brightened and blackheads have significantly reduced! And the most important thing for me is that there is no dryness or discomfort (my skin is normal, prone to dryness). It also foams wonderfully when in contact with water.
I have only used it once so far. It cleansed my face perfectly and reduced blackheads (although I understand that they won't disappear all at once). Before applying the mask with the gel, I washed my face and used a gentle scrub.
I have one question: how often should it be used? Can you please advise?
I didn't see any effect from this mask. It is an absolute taboo for sensitive and irritated skin. The Etude House foam cleanser for removing BB cream is better at cleaning pores without damaging the skin. Unfortunately, this product is not for me.
I don't see the expected results from this mask - pore cleansing. It's just like I washed my face with soap, even the feeling afterwards is similar. I'm disappointed... I expected more.
Super mask! It truly removes blackheads.
I was a little worried the first time about how the mask would work. But everything turned out fine and I am satisfied with the result. A clean face. Super.
Good pore-cleansing mask. The blackheads are gone. It has a pleasant texture and a subtle scent.