زيت مجدد الشعر Kosswell Professional Macadamia Oil
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ماركة: Kosswell Professional
السلسلة: macadamia
نوع المنتج: زيت للشعر
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تغذية
الحجم: 100 ml
المكونات: القنب, المكاديميا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
زيت كوسويل بروفيشنال ماكاديميا يوفر ترميمًا عميقًا للشعر من الجذور حتى الأطراف. بفضل تركيبته الفعّالة التي تحتوي على زيت المكاديميا الأسترالي وزيت الأرجان المفيدين، يعيد هذا المنتج للشعر قوته الطبيعية وحيويته ولمعانه. عند تطبيقه على الشعر المبلل، يزيد من نعومته وحريريته، وعند استخدامه على الشعر الجاف، يقلل الزيت من التجعد ويغلق الأطراف المتقصفة.
فوائد زيت كوسويل بروفيشنال ماكاديميا:
- يتميز بقوام سائل وخفيف الوزن؛
- يغذي الشعر بالبروتينات والفيتامينات والأحماض الدهنية غير المشبعة ومضادات الأكسدة؛
- لا يثقل الشعر ولا يجعله يتشابك ولا يترك بقايا لزجة؛
- يملأ المناطق المتضررة في بنية الشعر؛
- يعزز لمعان الشعر الباهت والمصبوغ؛
- يعيد تجديد الشعر المسامي والجاف والهش؛
- ينعم ويزيد من مرونته؛
- يسهل عملية تصفيف الشعر.-
يوضع على الشعر المبلل أو الجاف، مع تجنب الجذور.
The oil is good, 5 drops are enough for long hair to comb them after washing. As I see it, there is no other effect to expect from such oils. I haven't observed any other effect from any other oil either. The most important thing is that it doesn't dry out the hair. In addition to this, there is also a mask and shampoo from the same brand. Additionally, I also use castor oil and coconut oil.
It is perfect for rehabilitating dry ends.
You only need a very small amount and it lasts a long time. It's great that there are no unnecessary dispensers and it's easy to pour back any excess <3
I will definitely buy more.
I have been using this product for about a month, but I haven't noticed any amazing effects yet. I use it in combination with the shampoo and sealing mask from the same brand, as my hair suffers from daily washing, blow-drying, and straightening. The oil itself is just like any other oil, although it would be more convenient if it came in a bottle with a dispenser. Since it doesn't, I have to be careful not to use too much. Just a couple of drops are enough for my shoulder-length hair. If I overdo it, my hair ends up feeling greasy by the second half of the day. To make it easier to use, I had to transfer it to a different bottle. It is very economical, and with daily use, it will last for at least a year. I hope to see cumulative effects over time, but for now, nothing supernatural.
The oil is simply amazing! It is truly magical! My hair is easily detangled, has a healthy shine, and a barely noticeable pleasant scent. I have been using it for only two weeks, and there are already results. I am very satisfied. I have never seen such an effect from any hair care product before: not from oils, masks, conditioners, or leave-in treatments. I hesitated for a long time before ordering it because the price is not small, but I took the risk, and I was not mistaken. From now on, I will only purchase this oil, as I have fallen deeply in love with it.