سدادات قطنية عضوية مع أداة توزيع، 16 قطعة Masmi Regular
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- كيفية الاستخدام
بدون قيود
ماركة: Masmi
السلسلة: natural cotton
نوع المنتج: التامبونات
خصائص المنتج: النظافة
الحجم: 16 عنصر.
الامتصاص: قطرتان
ТипТампонов: مع أداة تطبيق
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: عضوي
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
السدادات القطنية العضوية العادية مع الأداة من العلامة التجارية الإسبانية Masmi هي منتجات صحية عالية الجودة تتميز بخصائص امتصاص جيدة وتوفر تأثيراً مضاداً للبكتيريا. هذه الملحقات الصغيرة تتبع منحنيات الفرج بشكل مثالي، ويسهل إزالتها ولا تسبب أي إزعاج أثناء الاستخدام. مع سدادات Masmi، يمكنك الذهاب إلى المسبح، والاسترخاء في الحمام، وعيش حياة كاملة بغض النظر عن يوم دورتك الشهرية.
فوائد سدادات Masmi العادية:
- مصنوعة من القطن الطبيعي 100%؛
- تمتص الإفرازات الكثيفة بفعالية؛
- تضمن إدخالاً سهلاً وخالٍ من الألم؛
- تتميز برأس مستدير وسطح ناعم؛
- مزودة بأداة تطبيق عملية؛
- تتحلل دون أي بقايا أو ضرر للطبيعة؛
- مضادة للحساسية.-
باستخدام طرف السدادة القطنية، افتحي ثنيات الجلد على المهبل وأدخلي الأسطوانة بالكامل إلى الداخل، موجهة نحو الخلف.
I bought this product for the second time because I really liked it. The cardboard applicator is smooth and works well. I actually purchased it to reduce the amount of plastic waste. The size fits perfectly.
The best!
I didn't notice that somehow the cardboard was hurting me. Everything seemed to be okay. On the contrary, I actually prefer when the applicator is NOT plastic (like it used to be with Tampax). When it's plastic, it's much easier to insert. But I have no complaints about the cardboard. And I don't want to add additional plastic to all the waste that we already dispose of. Cardboard is not plastic - it's more environmentally friendly in terms of waste. It absorbs very well. It's also convenient to remove. It absorbs completely with its entire surface. I like them more than Tampax. But Tampax is mass-market. And these tampons are organic. The ingredients are different, much better. Think about it. This product has direct contact with the mucous membrane. So it's much better if it doesn't contain chemicals used to make regular mass-market tampons.
Wasted money, the casing is very soft, and it is impossible to use the applicator as intended.
I did not like them. They do not hold up well at all (they do not expand when wet, but rather unfold into a thin little piece of fabric). I used them for the last day just so I wouldn't have to throw them away.
The tampons themselves work perfectly fine with their intended function. However, the applicator - yes, its edges are a real threat, very rigid and scratch the mucous membrane. It's better to use tampons without an applicator at all than to experience something like this.
I specifically didn't want to leave a review so that no one would buy it.
I only use tampons with applicators (mostly Kotex). I bought these ones because they are made from organic cotton. HOWEVER, their applicator is made of cardboard, which has sharp edges and hurts and cuts the vaginal mucosa upon insertion. It is painful. Yes, a plastic applicator is not environmentally friendly, but it is gently and painlessly inserted.