جل النظافة الحميمة "ألوفيرا والعرقسوس" Yope
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ماركة: Yope
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: جل النظافة الشخصية
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تنظيف, تهدئة
الحجم: 300 ml
المكونات: الألوة فيرا, بانثينول, حمض الأمينو, حمض اللبن
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
جل العناية الشخصية "الألوة وعرق السوس" من يوبي مصمم خصيصًا للتنظيف اليومي للمنطقة الحساسة. يحافظ على توازن درجة الحموضة المثالي ويدعم الميكروفلورا الطبيعية. يحتوي المنتج على عصير الألوة فيرا، مستخلص عرق السوس، ماء الياسمين، البانثينول والألانتوين التي تنظف البشرة الحساسة بلطف من الأوساخ المختلفة، مما يترك شعورًا بالانتعاش والراحة.
فوائد جل العناية الشخصية "الألوة وعرق السوس" من يوبي:
- يحتوي على 99% من المكونات الطبيعية؛
- يتميز بوجود موزع مريح يضمن استخدام المنتج بكفاءة؛
- يعمل على تهدئة وترطيب البشرة؛
- لا يسبب الجفاف أو ردود الفعل التحسسية أو التهيج؛
- يتمتع بتركيبة مختبرة من قبل أطباء الجلدية خالية من السيليكون والبارابين، كبريتات لوريل الصوديوم وغيرها من المكونات الضارة.-
قم بعصر كمية صغيرة على اليد أو الإسفنجة، وامزجها بكمية قليلة من الماء، ثم قم بتطبيقها بلطف على الغشاء المخاطي واشطفها جيدًا.
Yope - جل النظافة الحميمة "ألوفيرا والعرقسوس"
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Good gel, pleasant and subtle scent. Lasts a long time, this is already my third time buying it. Compared to other gels, it doesn't leave any unpleasant sensations or make you feel like you've washed with laundry soap. On the contrary, it gives a sense of comfort, if you can put it that way. It seems to have a positive effect on the mucous membrane microbiome, eliminates irritation, and doesn't leave a feeling of dryness. Highly recommended, especially since a couple of different gels didn't work for me and I just used baby soap instead.
This is an ordinary neutral gel suitable for daily use. It has a pleasant fragrance.
After reading many positive reviews, I also decided to order this gel. Unfortunately, it did not work for me. The gel caused dryness and itching.
This gel is really great! The scent is pleasant, light, and not overpowering. It didn't cause any irritation or itching. I will definitely order it again :)
I really liked this product!
I have tried various intimate gels, but they all somehow left an unpleasant sensation of dryness or irritation. So, I would just go back to using baby soap. After reading reviews about this gel, I decided to take a risk. I didn't regret it. It's really great. It has a very subtle and pleasant smell, rinses off well, and doesn't give the feeling that you need to scrub hard to remove the gel. After using it, I'm left with a pleasant feeling of cleanliness rather than irritation. The skin (I'm referring to the mucous membranes) feels calm. I have hard water, so I have to carefully select skincare products. This is a fantastic purchase. I hope it will work for all girls just as it did for me.
Super intimate gel, I tried it in Poland and have been buying it in Ukraine ever since. The best part is that it's a vegan series, pleasant to use, and can be used by children as well.
It has a sweet scent and is transparent. It leaves a lingering feeling as if it hasn't completely washed off.
It has a pleasant scent and performs its functions very well. There is no irritation afterwards.
Perfect!!! Does not cause itching or irritation, very gentle. I have been using it not for the first time, and I would not replace it with anything.
I have been searching for this particular intimate product for a long time, and I really like it! This is my first time ordering it, and it didn't cause any unpleasant sensations.
The best product I have ever had in this category! I bought this gel in Poland. It has a dense, transparent gel-like texture, a natural composition, soothes irritated skin, gives a feeling of freshness and comfort, has a very light and non-intrusive scent, and a convenient dispenser. I discovered this gel as a makeup remover for my eyes, it doesn't sting if it accidentally gets into my eyes, and it perfectly removes eyeshadows and mascara on the first try. I have never written reviews before, but this gel has won me over and I decided to raise its rating!!! I highly recommend it to everyone!
I really liked it, I have ordered it not for the first time. It has a pleasant scent and did not cause any irritation.
My favorite product! It has a pleasant smell and a decent composition, so I constantly repurchase it!
This is an excellent gel for intimate hygiene. It provides more than just satisfaction. Thank you.